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sophia thomas

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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I am getting increasingly frustrated with Oceania customer support. They gave the cabin I booked in 2021 to someone else and moved us to a different cabin weeks before the cruise. Never advised us of the change, but I noted the different cabin number when we got the luggage tags, etc. Oceania said it was a computer glitch that cause this to happen. Gave us a $500 ship board credit for our trouble (took lots of calls, etc.) but still lost our extended balcony. $500 credit for a 18 day cruise is $27.78 a day. Doesn't seem like enough for this treatment. Wouldn't even cover one Big O Martini for my husband and I each day. And this for a Gold club member ......
  2. Could some send my email address to Jancruz1? Thanks so much! Bevygoethel@yahoo.com
  3. Hi! How do I get in touch with you? I would like to hear from you.
  4. Hello again. The reason you have not seen me actively involved on cruise critic is because I signed up years, actually decades ago and then didn’t use it. I looked at it this time, because of my current situation, and was surprised that I was still enrolled. I assure you, I am a real person. I had wanted to see if other guests had this happen (a reality check) and what they did to resolve it. Yes, my initial emotion was anger. But I have not contacted Oceania yet, and now I have gotten past anger and entered sadness. Viewing others posts and comments helped. I will draft a letter today to the executives. I apologize for the tone of my previous posts. I never intended to be hostile.
  5. Thank you so very much for your advice. I will follow your suggestions and I will post updates. And I see you really understand that the disappointment in Oceania is far greater than the balcony loss. I have been so happy cruising with Oceania over the years and I don’t want to leave them. I just want them to acknowledge how unacceptable their actions were and offer something realistic as an apology. Genuine apologies go a long way in healing relationships.
  6. In 2021 booked an extended balcony cabin on Vista. After I made my final payment, Oceania changed our cabin to one without an extended balcony. Never asked us, just did it. And can’t (or won’t) tell us why. They say they don’t know who made the last minute change, when it was made, or why? And when I asked for compensation, they offered $500 ship board credit for the two and a half week cruise. After 18 Oceania cruises, I think I am about done. Love the ships, the service, the food. But if this is how they treat guests who have cruised with them from their first year in business, why bother? So even if you book an extended balcony and look forward to it for 2 years, don’t count on getting it.
  7. We did book a specific cabin number. And paid in full before I learned of the change. That’s why I am so shocked by this treatment. My travel agent did contact Oceania every day for me and they kept saying they were investigating it. Then they finally came back with this pitiful response. I have even thought about sending a certified letter to a VP or someone in the organization.
  8. Interesting reading these comments about how Oceania handles stateroom assignment. In 2021 we booked a cruise on Vista for a concierge cabin with an extended balcony. All correspondence with Oceania reflected that cabin until we received our sailing information notebook. It showed a different cabin without an extended balcony. Since we never requested a change and we were never asked if we would give up the extended balcony, my travel agent and I asked Oceania why, when, and who made this change. After weeks of no response, Oceania said they have no answer to those questions, but offered a $500 ship board credit. I am appalled. We book in 2021 and they boot us out to accommodate someone who comes along at the last minute? And we lose the extended balcony on a 18 days cruise with only $500 compensation? Why don’t they give the new occupants the $500 credit and give us back the stateroom? This will be our 17th cruise with Oceania, plus we are booked for a November 2024 Penthouse. Unless someone higher up on the upcoming cruise gives us appropriate compensation, I will do enough cruises on this cruise line to get my free cruise and then walk away for good. I have sailed on no other cruise line since I first stepped foot on the Regatta the first year oceania started sailing. the worse thing is it seems no one at Oceania cares.
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