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Everything posted by igraf

  1. May 24th departure from Seattle in my example. igraf
  2. I am looking at 2024 Celebrity Alaskan cruises and Juneau is often not mentioned as a stop in the quick summary. Looking at the more detailed itinerary shows that Juneau is indeed a stop. Any reason for this omission? Example below, where Juneau is an actual stop on the same day as the Endicott Arm cruising. igraf Alaska Dawes Glacier CELEBRITY EDGE Roundtrip From:Seattle, Washington Visiting: Seattle, Washington Ketchikan, Alaska Endicott Arm Skagway, Alaska Victoria, British Columbia Seattle, Washington
  3. This has been our experience as well. My wife and I are much more active on a ship than at home or at the office. And we also usually take the stairs on a ship. igraf
  4. We used Flight Ease once to arrive at the ship at night. We did not request this; it just happened the that the flight was scheduled. I think that the plane actually landed at 6:30pm. We were so late that the boarding process occurred on the ship as the terminal was closed. It was a strange experience, but completely with HAL's blessing. Obviously there is something when booking through Flight Ease. igraf
  5. HAL may see this situation differently as the problem was caused by the deliberate action of a passenger. Do people flush down towels at home? igraf
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