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Posts posted by ssj2010

  1. "I just can't see why anyone would spend the money to fly a shelter pet from the islands when there were probably some sitting in a local kill shelter who lost their lives because they weren't adopted. :(



    People adopt our Potcakes for many of the same reason they adopt shelter dogs in the US. just one being. when you fall in love with an animal, it's that animal you want in your family for years to come.

    We are grateful to those who contact us after leaving the island to tell us we spurred them to adopt back home, from a shelter/ASPCA etc.


    Enjoy your cruise and time on our little island!

  2. Like any Caribbean Island we do have stray dogs, knows as "Potcakes" here on Grand Turk.

    The Grand Turk Chapter of TCSPCA actively works at keeping the numbers down with spay and neuter clinics and overseas and on-island adoption programs. We are always grateful for donations to assist us with these programs. We know it is not easy to carry cases of pet food on board your cruise ship so if you would like to make a financial donation we can send you the details of where/how to find us when you're here!

    We also have stray cats, not as many as you will see on some Caribbean Islands (or Greek Islands!) and we also work at finding homes and keeping their numbers down.

    Thank you for asking about our 4 legged friends, we have arranged several puppy adoptions this year, if anyone is interested in doing the same. Texas, NY, Washington DC, Boston, California to name just a few of the places our affectionate pooches have flown to. ("Caicos" in NY was adopted by a cruise ship passenger who fell in love with her while diving here and we arranged to have her couriered to Long Island a couple of weeks later!)


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