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Posts posted by Calpespain

  1. On 9/4/2022 at 4:13 PM, LittleFish1976 said:


    If your friend paid by credit card, I believe it is possible to lodge a complaint with the credit card company for 'goods not received' and request they cancel the payment transaction your friend made (for the outstanding amount Royal Carribean owe her).


    Contacting companies like this who refuse to process legitimate refunds, via social media can get remarkably swift results in my experience (twitter etc). Seems they hate the bad publicity!


    She´s a novice and she paid by Bank Transfer and a debit card so he bank have said theyc annot help her. Emailing the higher up the food chain at RC is the only way here. 


  2. On 9/4/2022 at 4:13 PM, LittleFish1976 said:


    If your friend paid by credit card, I believe it is possible to lodge a complaint with the credit card company for 'goods not received' and request they cancel the payment transaction your friend made (for the outstanding amount Royal Carribean owe her).


    Contacting companies like this who refuse to process legitimate refunds, via social media can get remarkably swift results in my experience (twitter etc). Seems they hate the bad publicity!


    Thanks for your help. She´s tried telephoning and emails but becasue she paid in installemt sof varing amounts this is how they are paying her back. I´ve seen the emails and RC are simply not responding ina professional or timely manner. Its a mess and its difficult to get hold of anyone who is responsible at RC. They use cheap labour in several countries paying extreemly low wages. 

  3. On 9/3/2022 at 10:41 AM, arxcards said:

    The post suggests she has contacted them via email and 1800 number.


    I have a feeling that something is missing as to why the refund was not in full, but only part. A refund wouldn't be done in instalments.

    Does this include booking of shore tours - dining packages - drink packages, as this would be refunded separately from the cruise fare?

    Is this cancelling the whole cabin, or just one passenger from a booking?

    Is this based on the cancellation policy and the number of days remaining till departure?

    Sadlythis lady was a first time crusier and was so excited to be on a crusie with her husband and 3 children, once she paid the deposit whenever she had money in her account she paid off in various amounts. She booked direct and not with a crusie agent, wrong move on her part. She now knows what she should have done. Becasue she paid in varing amoutn RC paid her back in similar amounts. But those amounts never arrived only 2 payments have arrived. RC are completly at fault here. She has spoken to and emails and received emils saying that all payment shave been paid but not provided ehr with proof. Its a mess. I think she needs a good lawyer to recover her $8,000. 

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  4. Hi everyone, A friend who is not on this forum has paid and has received a cancellation invoice from Royal Caribbean for a cancelled cruise which was paid in full, early by mistake and now has had to cancel. They have agreed to cancel it and refund the money she has invoices to prove yet the have only paid back so far in 3 weeks less, than half, although they say they have paid it all. Under the 1800 number she cannot talk to anyone with any common sense. She has email payments but they are just as stupid. She has written and I have seen it, which is very logical and straight forward letter asking for proof of payments and dates paid and to which account. Its about $8,000 in total received just over 3k so far. Booked direct not though an agent...wrong move. So looking for an email of telephone number of Gavin Smith the Australian MD for RC or any email address which reaches an Australian team of RC. This is a mess of RC making and needs to get a responsible person involved to sort this for this lady. Thank you for any help on emails or direct telephone numbers. 

  5. I have a forward cruise credit given for $900 US dollars for a cruise I booked but could not take due to COVID restrictions and was given this credit whilst I was located overseas in Hawaii. I have now returned to Australia and the agency here cannot access the credit as its in US dollars. RC in the US are not helping me convert the credit to AU$. The agency here has contacted RC here but still the credit has not been applied to a cruise that I have booked. Initially RC said, you first must book a cruise and pay the deposit then we will allow a conversion to AU$ for the FCC. Now RC are saying your FCC is not possible to convert, I find that strange as Celebrity did it for exactly the same reasons.  I´m being given the run around by these telephone operators from RC and the cruise agency rightly so in my opinion as they lose their commission on the FCC part as the FCC is taken off the cruise price. hence the agency is not helping me resolve this, I am elite member but this mean nothing to the telephone helpers who are based offshore somewhere. Anyone have an email address of a manager/director as RC do not reply to my emails sent via the contact pages both here in Oz and those available through the US. Any to recover my $900US FCC thanks in advance. 

  6. Sky Princess Memory Foam Mattresses: After sailing with Princess for more than 20 years, I considered Princess to be one of the best in the Carnival Corporation, I sailed with them long before they were part of Carnival. That said, they have decided as a group to change over to installing memory foam mattresses in all of their ships. Memory foam beds are great for some people and others their worst nightmare. I fit into the latter, as Memory foam stores body heat and does not disperse it, so you sleep warmer, this suits some people but not others. If you suffer with body heat, then you are going to sweat or feel hot then cold as the body tries to regulate your sleeping temperature. As you sleep your body temperature drops slightly, nature’s way to keep you asleep longer but the manufactures of memory foam say, that with its product, the memory foam releases that heat back to you and consequently you will sleep deeper. However, 1 in 13 people cannot sleep well on memory foam and will not be able to sleep well at all and, indeed, will sweat and become over heated, as I do. Not only that, Princess now add a 2 inch polyester mattress topper to all of their beds, thus polyester, is another manmade product which does not disperse body heat but stores it too, so the combination for some, like me, will cause your body to overheat and not allow you to sleep as you should. Therefore, be aware that on Princess Cruise ships you will have no alternative other than to suffer excessive body heat retention if memory foam is not suitable for you. They have no alternative to offer you and, as was my case I had to turn the matters over and sleep on the underside of the mattress, which is extremely hard, as it´s the base and not a sleeping surface. So on my 14 night Christmas and New Year’s cruise, I didn’t sleep well and throughout the cruise was constantly tired and irritable. This ruined my cruise and the crew could offer me no solution or remedy as they say, we are not able to help you with your problem, as most people love our new beds. After a ruined cruise for me, Princess will not offer me any compensation for not providing me with a mattress that I could sleep on. They say, that their new mattresses have glowing reviews from their passengers and I am the only person to ever complain about heat of these memory foam mattresses. So, as said, after 20 plus years of sailing with Princess, I am no longer able to cruise with them. Nor would they entertain any refund for the cruise, although they admit they know I never slept well and could not rest fully at night but, that´s your medical problem and not our fault. So whilst we sympathize with you, we feel we have filled our obligation to you in providing you with an luxury bed. Any suggestions of how to seek redress or indeed obtain satisfaction to my complaint of bed being too hot or, if you found these new beds too hot and they affected you, I´d love to hear your experiences. Princess offered me a luxury hamper, by way of an apology but said, that was it and, they were only doing this as they knew I couldn´t now travel with Princess as all of their ship will be changing over to these memory foam mattresses, this was their parting gift to me. Having taken over 85 cruises in the last 20 years, I am now limited to the companies that can I am able to use to cruise with.

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  7. No Wonder the world sees the comments made by many living in the UK as “RIP OFF BRITAIN” as being a correct statement.


    It is time for ALL CRUISE LINES to amend their one sided unfair booking conditions on cancellation charges and comply with the directive givenby the Competition and Market Authority in 2016 to all cruise lines, that they are to allow refunds of deposits without cancellation charges if given enough notice. Cruise lines accepting bookings out of the UK have different cancellation charges to those if booked out of the USA or Australia, both allow cancellation without loss of deposits if enough notice is given. 90 Days in the US and 160 Days in Australia. Sometimes for whatever reason you may have to cancel for a reason which is un-insurable or, you may have changed your mind if for example you had recently travelled on a line and found that their level of service and food quality is now so low this would impact your enjoyment of the already booked future holiday.


    The Competition and Market Authority say “The business isgenerally only entitled to keep or receive an amount sufficient to cover theiractual losses that directly result from cancellation”. The business must also“take reasonable steps to reduce their losses”. If legally challenged, firmswould need to be able to prove the loss that they have suffered in order tojustify a “100pc cancellation fee”. Firms that refuse to refund payments forcruises and other travel arrangements which have to be cancelled could bebreaking the law, the Competition and Markets Authority warned. It said thatwhere firms’ T&C ruled out any possibility of refunds, they were likely tobe in breach of the Consumer Rights Act. You have no choice you must accept theirT&C and if those are not equal to both parties then the seller is in breachof the Consumer Protection Law, clearly the cruise lines are holding up twofingers to the UK’s Consumer Protection laws and the Competition and MarketAuthority.


    It’s time to bring pressure on the UK travel industry as awhole to treat all customers equally, worldwide, when booking the same cruiseirrespective of where you live or actually book. Some Cruise lines particularlythose under the Carnival Corporation have imposed conditions upon travel agentsnot to take bookings for residents not living in their country of operationwhere travel agent is located, preventing you from obtaining a more generouscondition of cancellation by booking through an offshore agency.


    In the UK in particular, Cruise Lines encourage you toforward book your cruise well in advance, knowing these facts, that if you areover 70 years old 7% of all those bookings will become cancelled, over 80 andit rises to 17% and over 85 years old one or other of the couple booked stand a21% of dying before they are able to take the cruise. Cynics would say that thecruise lines know these figures and are happy to calculate them into their bottomline for shareholders and owners.


    Lets have fair conditions for all and lets not be know as “RIPOFF BRITAIN” any longer.

  8. And to address one small point from the OP, no, they do not have to pay for room and board. That is against international law, and UK law (since they are signatory to the Manila Labor Convention), and any crew member who feels his rights under the MLC are being violated can report to any agency in the UK government who will then point them to the proper agency (Maritime and Coast Guard Agency) who have the right to detain the ship until the allegation is investigated and resolved.


    Great to know and thank you for the info.clear.png?emoji-grin-1677

  9. What’s going on with P&O tips/Gratuities? After being away from P&O UK (been living in Australasia for 12 years) Just returned froma Britannia Christmas cruise. Asked the cabin steward how many cabins he cleans, response NOT allowed to discuss this with any passenger. What why? Not allowed to discuss anything about gratuities or work load. Do you receive all of the gratuities (your share) of the tips taken from my on-board account?Cannot say, was the reply. Asked others staff about this and all were sworn to secrecy, although some did indicate that the company did not share tips equally or fairly. I’m shocked to find this as we always previously in the days of the envelopes and guidance note left in stateroom about tipping gave the tip + some. It seems that they now have to pay for board and lodgings, is this correct? Why has P&O terrified the cabin stewards and waiters not to disclose how they receive their tips if paid for on the ships accounting system? I believe in tipping the waiters and all staff that serve me on a cruise ship but for P&O to terrify the staff not to disclose what their portion is or indeed if they receive any at all, is beyond belief. The bar staff informed me that they receive only 7% of the 15% added to my drinks bill. Have you noticed that P&O now do not disclose the 15% added to any bar bill, just the price you pay, they now hide this 15% in the price.Which is fair enough but if the bar staff are only now receiving 7% and P&O is keeping the 8% is that fair? What’s going on at P&O.

  10. Good result for you in the end. Despite all the publicity re selling of Adonia, My T/A here still has not notified me of cancellation of my booked cruises D812/D813 due to sale of Adonia. Does that mean P&O has not yet notified overseas t/a's? The T/A is one of the largest cruise t/a's in Australia with a sister company in UK. :evilsmile:


    This has been a debacle.:loudcry: The fact that P&O announced the sale on FB prior to notifying all agents and customers is unforgivable.:evilsmile:


    I wonder what will happen if I hit P&O for $12,000 which is the cost of two business class return airfares, SYD - LHR - SYD on Cathay Pacific which I have paid for, plus a few hotels and car hire in UK?


    Having just recently left OZ after 12 years to live in Spain, being a retiree Australia would not allow us to become a PR although we are and were totally self funded (another story). I do see and sympathise with you not being informed. I think P&O Australia look after the Australian bookings of P&O international. I think they would have been informed as our and other UK agents were with a standard letter of the sale of Andonia. I also think that it could just be that handling agents of P&O UK in Oz are a little dilatory, I do now though my UK agent that the staff at P&O UK have been overwhelmed by customers phoning direct to re-book and agents calling to re-book or enquire and that the wait times were 2 hours.


    I also think that whilst in my case I have been adequately sorted I did have to outline my own situation clearly to them before they would offer me a complete refund without penalty. As it went on, because I wanted to spend a longer time in the warmth this year after our first winter back in the northern hemisphere shook our bones we have been able to re-book on a different ship in the Caribbean and received the £200 extra credit for re-booking and a 10% overall deduction for booking back to back, so overall, plus because, we are now booking on present offers we received a much high OBC, substantially so. For us it has worked out well but I can imagine how you feel but to their credit P&O are generally fair.


    Having been a cruiser for over 25 years I have travelledwith most and have had issues with most and again, to be fair, they have allalways sorted me out with either a great future credit deal or as in one case Iwalked of the ship carrying $7,000 Aussie dollars when my suite wasunsatisfactory, that was Holland & America. I also turned up for a cruiseon Princess in Singapore when the ship came out of refurb and the cruise was cancelled as passengers were booking in at the terminal. Again I used my own resourcesto fly straight back to Oz on a flight within hours and whilst most passengers were still stuck in Singapore waiting for Princess to help them travel backhome, we were already home. Again Princess which are part of Carnival as areP&O paid our claim in full and gave us a full cruise future credit to thevalue of that cruise and refunded the whole cruise money. What a deal!



    RCI are the same we have had similar issues with them but they have always accommodated us to our benefit. So don’t give up be charming towards them in dealing and they will reward you, that’s what ships and their service agents do, look after their guest better than any other type of holiday company. Good luck but I’m sure you’re already in safe hands through your agent,unless it’s Flight Centre, sorry my experience with them is not a good one,ever.

  11. Since posting this P&O have now agreed to allow cancellation of both parts of my cruise. Doing the calculations of keeping the first cruise as booked and then doing a back to back on the same ship Azura the costs to me is an extra £800 but now they are offering a OBC of £700 and a £200 discount allowance by booking another cruise,so I guess it works out almost the same as my original booking by P&O now giving an OBC of £700 whereas previously my Adonia booking only generated an OBC of £85. But the stops on the second half on the B-B are almost identical to the first. At least now I have the options of cancelling both parts and either re-booking with P&O or going back to the drawing board. :confused:

  12. Seeking advice. P&O have sold Adonia which will be goneto Azamara from March 2018. We have booked a back to back Christmas and NewYear on Azura & Adonia. P&O cancel our cruise and yet refuse to give usal of our deposits back as they P&O booked each cruise separately ondifferent booking references, although we were given a discount for booking aback to back albeit on two different ships. P&O say, you have two separate bookings,I say, yes but I booked them at the same time you at P&O accepted the bookingas a back to back, so I should be entitled to all of my deposits back absolutely. What’s your opinions?

  13. Seeking advice. P&O have sold Adonia which will be gone to Azamara from March 2018. We have booked a back to back Christmas and NewYear on Azura & Adonia for Dec 18 to Jan 19. P&O cancel our cruise and yet refuse to give me all of our deposits back as they, P&O booked each cruise separately on different booking references, although we were given a discount for booking aback to back albeit on two different ships. P&O say, you have two separate bookings,I say, yes but I booked them at the same time you at P&O accepted the booking as a back to back, so I should be entitled to all of my deposits back absolutely. To make it clear, they will refund Adonia deposit but not that of Azura, I think they are being unfair. What’s your opinions? Or advice of who to contact at P&O to get this sorted as the 08 number is not cheap with a 2 hours wait once answered.

  14. Sorry to keep banging on about this event, believe me I don’t take a whole lot of enjoyment from the affair, but I strongly feel a need to air my real concerns in regards to the need for a fair and equable out come for everyone, including the cruise company.


    Until Princess Cruises finishers processing all the claims for compensation we really shouldn't prejudge them, but from some of the comments being made in this forum, by fellow passengers in regards to their statements of information that Princess won’t be compensating passengers for travelling to and pre-cruise accommodation in Singapore prior to the cancellation, unless purchased as part of a package for the cruise through Princess worries me greatly.


    I’ve clearly stated already in my earlier postings that the expense of travelling to Singapore, and any pre-cruise accommodation is by any measure part of the financial lose suffered by all passengers. Not only that of passengers who may of purchased a said package deal through Princess Cruises.


    Be it that you travelled by economy, business or first class, be it that you stayed one, two or three nights in a budget or top of the line hotel pre-cruise, the loss is real and down to the cancellation of the cruise. The cancellation which lies solely at the feet of Princess Cruises. I do how ever hold out faith that Princess will behave in a responsible manner, be a good corporate citizen and do the right thing and not try the David and goliath approach, me big you small.


    I believe that this cruise due to the ship being based in Australia would come under Australian consumer laws, and as such any dispute can be adjudicated on by the Department of Fair Trading. Then there is the option of a class action and the bad publicity that such an action would attract. But we are getting ahead of our self, lets wait and see what offers of compensation Princess Cruises make in this matter. Still please keep posting your options and any news or advice you may have in these matters.


    I have my expenses cheque which arrived minutes ago and for me, I have to say that taking everything into account, and although they knocked me back without explanation (275A$) they have paid me everything else including the outward and inbound flights and possibly for my 1 night stay in Singapore. I did claim for everything and that included my food after cancellation until I arrive home. Plus taxi fares in Singapore so they certainly paid some of them but when its only $275 I think they have acted in a fair and considered way. Plus the full fare refund, which will arrive no doubt in due course and of course the full fare credit refund. So all in all, that has to be a generous gesture by the management to try and satisfy all passengers that were affected by the cancellation of the cruise S325. I say well done Princess you should be proud of what you have done in this instance. Thank you!:D

  15. I agree GHDPeter and I asked the same question at the time, the answer I got was yes there is passenger manifest and that was all he said. Typical of the behaviour at the time by the staff on hand, confused and un-organised. At the time I let it go thinking that as some of the passengers had been boarded it was more expedient to do a on the spot list.


    I have since become aware that they did not kick all the passengers back off the ship loaded in the afternoon, only some. So I guess it was a little hard for them to know exactly where everyone was at any one time, just glad it wasn’t a sinking ship, no way they could of handle a crisis like that.


    My real concern now is will Princess act responsibly and with honour and make good all the financial losses suffered by the passenger’s such as the cost of travelling to Singapore and accommodation while waiting for the cruise. Due to airline seating availability we had to be in Singapore for 3 days prior to the sailing date. No way we would of gone to Singapore, as nice as it is except for this cruise. Oh well fingers crossed, we can always start a class action against them if they try and dodge their responsibility, hands up those interested !!



    I am back and have put in my claim, however I can tell you that Princess have confirm that they will not pay for any costs in getting to Singapore unless you booked your flights through them. I think there is more to this cancellation than what we have been led to believe and that we all who made our own arrangements to get to the port will be out of pocket and as it goes for me that's $6,000 and as the cruise was only $6,000 the compensation does not cover my outward loss of 2 x business class seats BNE - SIN. So i'd be interested in being part of an action group to get all of our costs reimbersed and not costs POST cruise cancellation.

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