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Posts posted by lizandpea

  1. Hi,

    I know this thread has been dormant for a while but I was reading it while researching our upcoming trip (thank you for all of the great info!) and noticed that there was some discussion/questions about maximum group size as well as which St. Petersburg itinerary one might receive with the special multi-city packages (called "Baltic Pearls" packages) offered by SPB Tours.


    Because I was slightly confused (I manage to do that to myself quite often!) after hearing that some posters recalled having groups as large as 20 with SPB, I contacted SPB directly to get the bottom line, and they confirmed that (as stated on their website): they limit their groups to 16 pax in St. Petersburg. This holds true also for their package tours (a maximum of 16 pax in St. Petersburg), though there's a max 24 pax in Berlin and Tallinn and a maximum of 32 pax in Helsinki and Stockholm.


    Also, as to itinerary, both of SPB's package tours (called "deluxe" and "classic") follow the same itineraries in Berlin, Tallinn, Stockholm and Helsinki; however, in St. Petersburg, the Deluxe package is identical to the Deluxe tour itinerary, and the Classic package follows an itinerary similar to the Moderate tour.


    Just wanted to share this back on this thread (even though b/c of the time that's elapsed, it's not necessarily going to be relevant to the original discussions back in 2010 and 2011) and I hope this might clarify things for anyone else who might have been wondering about group size limits and itineraries.

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