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Posts posted by seagulls

  1. Hi there we live just outside Myrtle Beach and we like it just fine. One complaint we have is that it costs a fortune to fly to Fort Lauderdale. We do not have any discount airlines flying right now and so we pay through the nose. Another thing is that we cannot get to Fort Lauderdale without first flying to Altanta or some other place. Charleston does have some ships trouble is we like Celebrity.

  2. Sarah's Mom, I can understand how frustrated you must get. OK you TAs out there, stop booking perfectly able bodied people into these cabins in order to get bookings and more clients. As for all the rest of us, if we are assigned a cabin and we see that it is designed for the handicapped, refuse it. And don't worry it will remain empty because there are plenty of people who will fill it legally due to their limited mobility.

  3. Anyone who has cruised recently knows that there are many people cruising who need a wheel chair or cane etc. to get around. Therefore, anyone who books a cabin specifically equipped for the handicapped can expect to have to give it up and be assigned to another cabin at a time when probably the BEST cabins have been taken. If you don't need one don't book one and shame on the TA who allows it if they know that the person is able bodied.

  4. I certainly don't think you would look silly in a wedding dress but I think there are better choices. I could see you in a romantic long cream or pastel gown, perhaps off the shoulder or empire waisted or even an elegant silk evening suit. I am sure that you both will treasure your very special day so be sure to get some pictures for posterity.


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