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Posts posted by antmintj

  1. Leaving tomorrow on Quantum & just went to print my DYNAMIC DINING reservations. Well, we had 7 of the 8 nights booked on-line many weeks ago. Then I had gone back on-line to book the last of the dinner reservations and discovered that one of the reservations I had previously booked had already disappeared! I called and spoke to a customer service rep because I had a hard time re-booking that reservation. "So sorry," they said and I had to settle for a different restaurant and time. Not only that, there were no reservations available for our remaining night at all! Fast forward to today and lo and behold as of this morning WE NOW ONLY HAVE 4 DINNER RESERVATIONS! I've heard this has happened to others, as this particular cruise has a very large, special group of people that are "observing" this cruise. Others on this cruise also had their reservations simply disappear. I know I can stand on the "non-reservation line" and hope to get into the restaurant of our choice or eat in the Windjammer, but I thought the point was to book early on-line. Not happy at all about this...RCI is less and less customer driven. Vacations are supposed to be stress-free! RCI... WAKE UP! You've already missed your chance to WOW me. DYNAMIC DYING RESERVATIONS = DIAPPEARING DINING RESERVATIONS...JUST DEPENDS ON WHAT GROUPS ARE ON BOARD!

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