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Posts posted by anastasia1

  1. [quote name='Kugel']Okay so we are going on the Oasis on 5/15 and my dog is the headliner show. Therefore we will be in the Royal Suite with bathrobes, and steak tartare for the dog. She will play the piano for anyone who wants to stop by. Since she is entertainment, the room is free. Party anyone!!!!

    This is without a doubt the funniest and best thread I have ever read.

    Thanks so much[/quote]

    What tunes will she play. I'll start you with ' How much is that doggy in the window'
  2. [quote name='chef_christoph']Luckily, my pony and I rarely use the elevators. That way we can work off all the extra calories by taking the stairs. I keep telling my pony not to request 4 main courses at dinner but he does anyways so trotting up the stairs and cantering to our aft cabins are how we get our extra exercise.[/quote]

    Aaah so he is steeplechaser rather than a flat racer.
  3. I hardly dare bring it up but PASSPORTS.

    I realize that it's a terrible affront that some countries insist on them rather than taking a high school yearbook photo and a cvs discount card as proof of who you are. I am aware that of course we should expect every immigration officer around the world to be able to tell from 50 feet that you are a citizen but you know how bureaucratic these foreigners can be.

    Do the animals need passports or does their pedigree certificate and vaccination log suffice?
  4. If the mouse and budgie are processed and wrapped they are probably ok as a food source- but taking unwrapped items will violate many food import requirements at ports. You will not be able to return to the USA with them if they did not originate there.

    Just dont try and sumuggle them onto an island wrapped in a napkin or disguised as a sandwich. Fill in all the forms and declare them.
  5. [quote name='kaseyoz']Hope he does not intend wearing budgie smugglers, oops he is not wearing anything, is that allowed?
    At least he has his rash top on to prevent him getting sunburnt shoulders.[/quote]

    Budgie?- I was already worried about the cat and the mouse not making it through the cruise if the animlas were left alone - but adding in a budgie- fatal.

    Aah but the budgies are being smuggled (is that to feed the cat?)
  6. Hmm but what type of cabin is best?

    The cat will enjoy sitting in the window people watching and the horse will love the parades so I was going to suggest promenade BUT the dog is a smoker and needs that balcony.

    Plus chef, dog, horse and cat plenty of choice but if you are going to insist on taking the mouse (I am guessing its an in law and so they are paying) then rooms for 5 are very limited.
  7. Do I have to pay full tips for my dog? I mean after all, he is just a puppy and won't be eating the regular Alpo in the MDR as we are special ordering his puppy Alpo. And he won't be making any messes at all, cause he will be in his doggy diapers and I will change them and dispose of them myself!



    I had imagined that both the dog and the horse would be very generous on that front and would be leaving the staff little extras all over the ship.


    If you only dine in windjammer and cook you own food and wash up the plates after every meal and clean the restaurant each morning then of course you wont need to pay any tips at all.

  8. So is mine - deal with it. :p:D;)



    Although my puppy is only 1 he is very advanced and mature for his age. I just know that he will be bored by the carefully planned age appropriate activities and I would like him to join the activities for teenagers. I am sure that the staff will immediately recognise that he is exceptionally advanced - will they let him play with the big kids?

  9. Yes make sure that your dog orders the Chops filet. You know that one that isn't USDA Prime but more like shoe leather according to the Carnival riders.;)



    If you wish your dog can have 3 entrees and 5 desserts- obviously not because they are greedy but because they will want to taste everything.


    They can of course then complain because the final one was a bit cold.

  10. I believe that I read somewhere that puppies are not allowed in either the pool or hot tub. Not even with doggie diapers. The minimum age for all pools would be 3 years. :p:D Maybe RCI could name one of their future ships Canine of the Seas.



    But my puppy is special-he is not like all of those other common one year olds who wear a nappy because they are not toilet trained- mine is toilet trained really- I just have him in nappies because........... he looks cute- so they must let him go in the pool- he really, really is toilet trained (and unique)

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