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Posts posted by Pootersmom

  1. 48 minutes ago, Splinter said:

    Why does he need to sit facing backwards on the toilet?


    We had a travel shower/commode chair from Italy called the Cameleon which was great and easy to pack. No distributor in the USA though.


    Many people who travel a lot like the Nuprodx travel shower/commode chairs. They are not cheap, but they are very durable, and fold up small in a travel case.



    It’s actually more stable, and he uses the water in the bowl to help ....”induce movement“, and transferring laterally to the bowl is too dangerous.  He “launches” on and off with his arms, either forward or backward.

  2. That is correct Essiesmom.  He may be right that we will have to put cruising in our rear view mirror.   I just had hoped that maybe there were different commode designs somewhere out there on certain cruise lines, cruise ships or even stateroom types.  Our experience is limited but it was worth the try to inquire.

  3. My husband is a paraplegic.  We took a cruise for our honeymoon about six years ago and had a great time.  My husbands physical strength has deteriorated and he no longer believes he could manage the toilets found on cruise ships.  Normal commodes have a tank which positions the seat about a foot from the wall.  Cruise ship commodes have the seats project directly from the wall.  He mounts the commode facing toward the wall and without that 12 inches between the seat and the wall,  there is no place for his legs.  He has been a paraplegic for 37 years and facing away from the wall is not an option for him.  Has anybody ever faced this challenge and found a good solution for it?

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