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Posts posted by bmollon

  1. Thank you all for the quick responses. Celebrity's info just said they recommend it have 6 months validity. It did not state boarding will be denied if it doesn't. Also I'm assuming we'll clear Spanish immigration at our first port in Spain and I'll be compliant with the requested 6 month at that point.


    Here's my problem. We sail the end of April. I can send a expedited renewal request and should get the new passport in 3 weeks. But I hate to send a perfectly good passport away in the hopes that all will go as scheduled. I don't want to suddenly be without a passport. Fortunately I can visit a nearby (40 miles if that's nearby) passport office but only when we're within 14 days of departure. I'll then have it within 8 days. I at least will have some comfort in hand delivering my current passport. Also just the hassle and expense of expediting it when it still has 6 good months on it is annoying.


    And I've still got to file my income tax extension, pay bills through mid May, and pack, etc. I guess there's plenty of time for all that!


    Thanks again to all!



    Use http://www.cibtvisas.com/passports. They'll do the running around for you and stand in lines. All you need is to fedex the passport to them. Of course, all for a cost.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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