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Passin Thru

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Posts posted by Passin Thru

  1. Katadyn makes a water filter bottle you can drink creek water and even Chinese spigot water out of. It has a filter (replaceable) in the center which filters, chlorine, germs and dirt. Have carried one for years and the only requirement is TSA makes you dump he water out. They will filter for at least 4 months and maybe a lot more, depends on the dirt content. Will attach by Caribiner to a backpack so you don't lose it. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FAW9Z18?psc=1

  2. Spent time on a ship. They vibrate and you may not hear much but if you're worried, take some earplugs.Go, have a good time and don't worry about noise. You are on vacation so if noise keeps you awake, eventually you'll get tired enough to fall asleep. I can now sleep through about anything except people sneaking around.

  3. Gratuities are paid out of your bill. You need to check the pursers office every day for the balance and to see if it is correct. You may add to tips for anyone who gives you stellar service if you wish (I would reccommend the total ammount ot be 20%) Thats 5% above what you automatically pay. You may also take away any ammount of gratuity you wish but remember Stewards are paid on contract, make lwess than minimum wage and work very hard to please everyone. We have always been generous everywhere we go and it comes back to you 2 X. You cant outgive GOD either!

  4. Didnt see the answer on here but: Yes, the receptacles are 110 Volt US type and 2 or 3 prong will fit as the round prong is a ground wire and I highly reccommend you have it so if something goes wrong with a cord, charger, tool, etc., it will ground back to the ship and not through your body 1st. 110 V hurts and could do you in.

  5. I love snotty, dark yellow runny eggs from our chickens because they scratch in the cow manure all day and pick the pieces of grain out of it.

    I hate avacadoes , slimy like baby excrement, cooked spinach, and most olives except the fresh ones stuffed in Italy. I'd be glad to eat them in front of the first poster , forgot his handle.

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