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Posts posted by MrsNobby

  1. 13 minutes ago, tring said:


    If you check back through previous posts by Molecrochip, he clearly has very good knowledge of Carnival Corporation and how things are going in the company.  Some of his posts do mention things that he suspects or are rumoured rather than be a source of fact, but they are all well thought out posts from a perspective of a good knowledge of what is true (some of which he has not been at liberty to share the full details of with us).  Regards comments by the rest of us, yes there is speculation, and a response to that by Molecrochip has very often given an idea of whether that has any chance of having any truth in it.  It is called a conversation.


    Hence, yes we all do take good heed of his posts and rightly so as well.  You have no need to be here or even read if you do not wish to.  In fact the details given were not as you have stated since their was no indication given of Azura being pencilled in to anywhere and also no indication of when the dry dock may take place, and the thought of use as a hospital ship was dismissed by Molecrochip, with good reasons given.  Hence you have mentioned three things, none of which were posted on the thread, but appear to be figments of your imagination.

    Still smiling. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, molecrochip said:

    Rather than just troll the thread, maybe you’d like to explain which bits your comments refer too.


    Likewise if you have alternative information then perhaps share it.


    Who's trolling? I'm still smiling. 


    Dry dock has been cancelled for months and North Shields has been pencilled in as a likely berth for a while. 


    As for needing a hospital ship up here we have a fair few first class hospitals of our own Thanks Very Much. 


  3. I am just reading this thread for the first time and all I can say is thanks for cheering me up.  I haven't giggled so much in ages. 


    Can I suggest that people get more reliable sources or check the facts carefully before posting. 


    Oh well why let the truth get in the way of a good thread. 


    Off to the real world now, still laughing. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, MrandMrsCoz said:

    We have a 9 year old who although not the kind of boy who would like to be in the club all the time, was looking firward to bring able to drop in if he needed some company of his own age.  Its a shame that it's first come, first served as this means the availability of kids club is determined by the time we are given for boarding on the first day as I assume this is when we can hand the forms in? It might be fairer if they split the club into morning/afternoon/evening sessions and let all the children who what to go, have at least a chance of attending some sessions during the trip rather than the ones who got there first being able to use the facility whenever they like. 


    Every child can register for the clubs and make use of them when they like regardless of boarding times. 


    If the club has reached its capacity for the session then no more children can go into the club until there is space.  The sessions are split into morning, afternoon and evening so just because one session has reached capacity it wont mean your son would not be able to use the club at all for the length of your cruise just that he would need to try again later that session or later that day. 

    It is usually sea days and evenings that are the most popular and therefore the busiest. 

  5. that's just what I was thinking who would want a main meal at that time.


    I'm on the Azura for Christmas and I've asked for and got the 5.30pm dinner, We are a family of 5 and my youngest is 8 years old so this is a great time for us as we can eat Christmas dinner together. Any later and my youngest would be too tired.


    At home we have Christmas Dinner at 2pm wish we could do this on the ship.

  6. The Roosevelt Hotel has beautiful lights and displays in the lobby and is worth a trip. The other fun thing is "Miracle on Fulton Street" where there is artificial snow, strolling costumed characters, local musical acts and just a lot of fun.



    This sounds like fun and will suit all my kids. Thanks

  7. Hi


    I will be visiting New Orleans on the cruise ship Azura 23rd December until mid afternoon 24th December and would like some suggestions on what to see and do.


    There will be myself and my daughter 19 (who has some learning difficulties so not your average 19 year old) and my two sons 17 years and 8 years. I was just wondering if there are any Christmas must sees or things to do.


    We have never been to New Orleans before so are open to all suggestions. The only things on my 17 year old's must do list is to visit a Voodoo shop.:rolleyes: and eat beignets :rolleyes:


    My kids are well travelled and are use to me making them experience the local culture so all suggestions are welcome.




  8. Knowing a little bit about theatre and knowing lots of pro's who would never audition for cruise ship work - the very thought! - the pecking order for work as a dancing/singing artiste goes something like this....


    1. West End

    2. Major UK tour - Wicked, We Will Rock you, etc

    3. Regional tour - Joseph, Blood Brothers etc

    4. Summer season/panto


    Then way down the bottom of the pecking order


    100. Cruise ship


    So does anyone else find it highly amusing that the singers and dancers walk round the ship when off duty like they have just won an Oscar? They strut around wanting you to know they are the cruise ship Headliners, often wearing their Headliners clothing but generally just making it obvious they are the "stars".


    To be honest these artistes have average at best vocals and are average dancers hence why the only work they could get is on a cruise ship, though they would have you believe they turned Cameron Mackintosh down for the role of Eponine in Les Mis!


    Passengers don't help as you see them gush and woo all over the Headliners as they leave the theatre telling them how wonderful they were. I can only presume most cruise passengers don't get to the theatre much on dry land.


    I'm not knocking the shows, the shows are the best you will get..... on a cruise ship, but that is not a very high bar at all, it just amuses me the way the performing peacocks strut around the ship.



    I haven't been on here for months but so glad I popped by tonight because you have made me cry with laughter at your very true comments.


    If you think they are peacocks when strutting around passenger decks you should see them in their PJ's at breakfast in the Wardroom when every one else is in uniform and has been at work for an hour or 2 already. Or maybe at dinner when again all the officers are required to wear the correct uniform but they seem to think wearing little more than underwear is acceptable and no they aren't in between shows and in costume.


    God love them all as much as they love themselves. :D:D:D

  9. Hi all,


    To cut a long story short - I am a fussy git when it comes to starters. I don’t particularly like cold food, don't like salmon, don't like the sauce in prawn cocktails, don't like vinegar and I don’t like soup.


    This appears to be a problem. I have looked at the example menus and most days there are no starters I'd eat as they are advertised.


    My question is - are they customisable? Could I say, for example, I'll have the prawn cocktail with out the sauce? Or - will I have to sit out the starters?




    Ash and Emma-Jane



    On the first night speak to your waiter or the Head waiter explain that you are not keen on sauces and ask if you can pre order your starters. They should then allow you to see the next nights menu before you leave the restaurant each night so that you can pre order your starter as you would like it, either without dressing or with the dressing on the side. They do this for people with special diets so it shouldn't be a problem.


    Not sure how this would work if you are on freedom dining but it works well if you are on set seating.


    Enjoy your cruise.

  10. I used to take my pushchair up for my little one right up until he was 4 then the staff would put him in it to watch the DVD at 8pm and he would fall asleep in there.


    Like yours he would not go to bed/sleep just anywhere but had not probs sitting in his pushchair to watch a DVD. Also the corridors are very long on the Azura so it was easier to push him than carry him.


    Enjoy your cruise.

  11. I agree that stair and lift allocation is important.


    One on my few gripes about Oceana concerns this very thing. From Aft cabins, the lifts and stairs only go to deck 7. To access the MDR and the Atrium, you either have to go down to deck 8, walk past cabins and through either Winners bar or the casino to access the 2 lifts and stairs down to decks 5 and 6 or get out on deck 7 and walk through the photo gallery and Magnums to the two atrium lifts or stairs. Not a problem (but an irritation perhaps) for able bodied people but for those with mobility issues it causes undue difficulty, especially having to manoeuvre wheelchairs in and out of two lifts.


    Britannia has to be right otherwise it could be a financial black hole for P&O. Hopefully the central lifts (6 of them) will be properly programmed to make them easily accessible from all decks so stairs become less of a necessity



    The aft lifts on Oceana only go as far as deck 7 because the main galley/stores/etc are on deck 5 and 6. I don't have any experience of using a wheel chair but have had to push my sons buggy around a few ships so think I have some idea of how frustrating it can be having to find suitable lifts.


    What I think a lot of people forget is that a ship isn't just designed for passengers it is also designed to house engines, sewer systems, fire systems, store rooms/refrigeration rooms, galleys (which ideally should be located next to a dining room) for passengers and crew, ventilation systems. crew accommodation, garbage rooms and incinerators and all the other things that are required to keep a floating hotel running.


    If you think some things are inconvenient in passenger areas trying finding your way around crew areas when the watertight doors are closed and every couple of hundred feet you have to walk up a set of stairs to the deck above then down the next set of stairs to your original deck because you are not allowed to open watertight doors whilst at sea.

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