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Posts posted by mx29

  1. Landlocked, If the cruise you are thinking of is the 25th I am going to try and book the same one. My guess is that will be similar to the labor day cruises in the past and the one I did had plenty of people around the 30 mark. It was the low end of the age bracket but there were several of us. I am 34 and usually have a pretty good time with the older crowd as well. I'm not much of a site see'er I like to lounge around all day, drink and hit the bars when in port and there were plenty of people to do that with. On vacation people to age regress some and let their party spirit out.

  2. I would like to weigh in here. I have been on a couple singles cruises with SC and loved them. The frst one was a NYE cruise and I did not know what to expect and was really surprised. It opens up a whole new world of travel, the people you meet on one of them are from all walks of life and in similiar situations. A majority of the people just love to travel and their friend back home are married with kids or otherwise detained. They have discovered this group and like myself have made lifetime friends from all over the world because of it.

    The individual that referred to them as rough looking, etc. sounds like an uninformed and judgmental, do not listen to those people, if you do , you won't every try anything new.

    As far as the new guy/company goes, I had him as a host but haven't cruised with his new company yet. I will probably sail with him for New Years this year if it works out that I can take a vacation then.


    On a side note, I am working on a travel paper for my non-fiction wrtiting class at KU and singles cruises is what I am covering.

  3. Tiger

    If you go with singlescruise.com they will set you up with a roommate so you don't have to pay double the price. As far as everyone wanting to hook up that is a myth. Most of the group is just there for a vacation and to have fun. A lot of them will already know each other, as they travel like that throughout the year. It is a great way to cruise for single peopl whose friends back home maybe married or just don't like to travel. I have been on a couple with them and loved it. I was hoping to go this NYE, but it looks like it probably won't work out.

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