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Posts posted by kimmer1

  1. sat B cereal w/ milk

    sat L 1 peanut butter bread, water

    sat D small bowl potato soup, 1/2 hamburger sandwich, 1 can of diet pepsi


    sun B 2 eggs, toast, 4 oz. milk

    sun L nothing just water

    snack chex mix

    sun D 4 slices of pizza, baked doritoes, 8 oz sierra mist, 1/2 slice birthday cake (sisters b-day)


    mon B 1/2 a omelette (all meat) toast, coffee

    mon L fiber one bar

    mon D chicken pot pie, water, klondike bar


    tues B 2 eggs, toast, coffee

    tues L fiber bar & yogurt

    tues D hamburger on grill, lettuce tomato, light mayo, cottage cheese


    wed B jimmy dean light breakfast bowl, 4 oz. milk

    wed L 2 pieces of pizza, mini kit-kat bar, water

    wed D 2 ribs, small baked potato, asparagus, cottage cheese with tomoatoes, water

    snack baked dorito snack bag


    thurs B jimmy dean light breakfast bowl, 4 oz. milk

    thurs L 2 pieces of pizza, mini kit-kat bar, water

    thurs D took leftover 4 oz steak cut up and put in between totillas with cheese, water


    This is my weeks worth of meal -not bad but still need some improvement. Next week cruise, going to try my best but the alcohol content might due me in LOL.


    I will be off here for a couple of weeks.

  2. Brooke- sorry we can't get you better, the ear problem is a hard one I had that 2 years ago and after 4x of going to the doctor he advised me to see a specialist in which they ran numerous tests and that is when they found out I had Meneire's Disease, Like a equilibrium problem only I have extensive water in the canal in of the inner ear. Gave me a low dose water pill and knock on wood I've not had any problems since. Good Luck with the guy.


    Jess - it's your scale they should let yiou join in. Our City is also doing the biggest loser but it costs too much, so I did not join. I have found out there is only 2 people in the race as everyone thought like me too much money. we have to pay $25.00 up front then at every weigh-in $1.00 for every pound gained and at the end you have to pay the top 2 winners their percentage of weight. This could get costly.


    thurs B- 2 eggs, wheat toast, 4 oz orange juice

    thurs L - left over pork I put in a wheat bun voila sandwich

    thurs D - chicken, green peppers and onions in a tortilla, I stir fry all the ingredients in olive oil, can you tell I have onions and green peppers growing out my ears from teh garden not complaining because it is coming to the end.

    thurs snack small turtle sundae our local ice cream palace is closing today so I splurged today but I had a small and usually when I go I get an extra large sundae so I did well LOL :)

  3. tues L turkey & swiss cheese sandwich, handful chips, milk

    tue D chicken, green peppers & onions, sierra mist, garlic toast, salad


    wed snack bannana

    wed B mcmuffin, coffee

    wed L turkey, bagel, laughing cow cheese, water

    wed D tomatoes, cottage cheese, potatoe fried in olive oil, pork patty, strawberrys dipped in chocolate


    thurs snack peach yogurt & ice water

    thurs B

  4. sun B- McDonald's sandwich and coke to wake my A$$ up

    sun L- granola bar

    sun D- 4 chicken wings, they were so good. & water


    mon B- honey nut granola cereal

    mon L chicken noodle soup & bagel with laughing cow cheese, green tea

    mon D flour tortilla with chicken and grilled veggies, chips & salsa, margarita (small) yum


    tue B honey nut granola cereal & Blueberry poptart


    I think I need to eat more snacks but not hungry usually grab a glass of ice water and that makes me full and sometimes bloated. I'm trying to stay away from fast food but sometimes I cannot help myself.


    10 days to go I am on the home stretch for my Hawaiian Cruise. I cannot wait but about 4 weeks ago I met someone now I don't want to leave him behind as I will miss him terribly. I wish I could hide him in my suitcase LOL. Thanks to all that have been supportive of me!


    Kim - glad you had a nice cruise


    Brooke- you are doing great, we all have moments, so don't pull yourself down in the negativity. BE POSITIVE!


    Jess- I hate when skinny people try to help you out with weight issues. I have one of those too and she can eat anything she wants and still reamins to be the same size as we were in high school, they have no clue, even though I know they mean well.


    Annette- Hope all is going well with you


    Joanne & Rachel How are you guys doing


    I hope I have not missed anyone, at least I did not mean too

  5. fri B - 1/2 bowl honey oat -almond cereal, bannana

    fri L - one wheat bread w/ peanut butter

    fri D - 80 calorie soup chicken w/ vegetables


    sat B - 1/2 bowl cereal, bannana

    sat L - left over pasta

    sat D- mexican - vegetables & chicken with rice


    sun snack water & poptart

    sun B


    Thanks guys for letting me post my food log, it makes me accountable. I went grocery shopping and tried to just stick to heathy options. Bought my yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, and some lean meat portions for the week. Have cereal, oatmeal & eggs for breakfast options. My new favorite is the french onion laughing cow cheese on a 1/2 wheat bagel. Nice snack with grapes on the side.

  6. thurs B- one wheat bagel, one hard egg, 1 6 oz orange juice

    thurs L- one slice peanut butter on wheat, baked chips, ice water

    thurs snack peach yogert

    thurs D - grilled chicken, small baked potato, corn, fresh tomatoes, garlic toast

    thurs snack ice cream


    fri snack popcorn


    I'm trying to log my food journal on her to make me accountable. It seems I am off a day but I work 3rds so i do not count the next day until I wake up - thanks

  7. Welcome Joanne - I am also a dispatcher working 3rds for now. We work 8 hr shifts thank god I don't think I could do 12 all the time. For sickness and vacation we do 12 but that is here and there. Good suggestions. You'll get their in time. Good Luck on your diet journey!


    Brooke- Thanks for being jealous for me. I have had so much on my plate that I am just now deciding what outfits to pack. Sorry work is not going so well. You are amazing fitting in your exercise daily. I try but sometimes it justy does not happen.


    Annette- sorry about your friend's funeral. I think exercise is easier to do once kids go back to school easier to be on a schedule. Plus nothing really exciting happens in the winter months.


    Kim- Glad you and Tommy get to go on a cruise. Once you are back you will be able to take off your weight I'm sure. Might have to take Jax for a walk and give your sis a break. They say walking is the best exercise you can do for your body at any age.


    Too the others I have not mentioned-good luck in your journey


    Food Log

    tues B - one egg, one slice wheat toast w/ simply fruit apricot, orange juice

    tues L- one grilled cheese using wheat bread, 20 baked BBQ chips, green tea

    tues D- meatloaf, corn, cucumber salad, fresh tomatoes, 1/2 baked potato, green tea

    snack- 20 cheez -its


    wed B-80 calorie chicken soup, water

    wed L-bannana, 6 chicken nuggets,water

    wed D- 1 cup pasta, a tomato creamy sauce with chicken, green tea


    thurs snack - blueberry poptart w/ fiber

    thurs B-

  8. I have went down them, suggestion keep your mouth shut I got a mouth full of water at the end as I was laughing so much and the water is salt water from the ocean. If it is windy they will not run them. Hot tubs are more my thing but the slide was FUN! I am 250lbs and fit just fine.

  9. Hi everyone, Sorry MIA but too much happening this month. Going on a cruise in 16 days and well you guessed it my weight didn't come off like I wanted but that is the fact of life.


    So neededless to say I have been getting all my plans in order and others have been adding to my plate of things that need to be done before I go. So I had a couple of minutes to at least read the posts tonight.


    I am checking facebook daily and reading posts there. Hopefully after vacation I can get on a schedule and post regularly.


    Thanks for understanding :)

  10. Hello everyone seems as though everyone is doing well.


    I'm trying to get back on track.

    tues B - toast with simply fruit, 8 oz milk

    tue L- green beans from garden, lean hamb, red potatos, mushroom soup casserole had 1 cup, green tea

    tues D - fish, baked potato, tea


    wed B - toast w/ simply fruit, 8 oz milk

    wed L - peanut butter sandwich, cheese curls, tea

    wed D- wendys dollar menu hamburger, vanilla frosty


    thurs B - sausage, egg, sandwich, 8 oz milk

    thurs L - peanut butter sandwich, tea

    thurs D- pasta, homemade tomatoes, green peppers, chicken, tea, ice cream baby cone


    I think I'm doing ok, but need to buckle down more. But I love all the veggies coming from the garden and that will stop soon.

  11. Well I bought my new notebook, but nothing is in it yet. Hey one thing at a time LOL

    I've been on the internet to try and find some new healthy meals I can make ahead of time and take to work. Also need to get back to my healthy snacks I cAn dO tHiS!!


    Well I have not made it through all of the entries. So I will say Congratulations to everyone have a good week!


    Brooke-Thanks about the audit -that was stressfull but it is over so know I have been consentrating on my upcoming cruise and then I need to go back and read entries.


    I've been on facebook more than here, so I apologize if I am not up to speed yet.

    Routine to start soon.

  12. I was on here yesterday and posted it must have went to la la land.


    Brooke I agree I need to get back into a routine and jot things down like we used to. I've got out of the habit by being lazy and packing the pounds back on and feel miserable. I guess with the new school year beginning means I should start over too.


    Jess- sorry you are so miserable.


    Thanks girls for all the positives, just being lazy and figuring out my life. It has been so stressful lately.

  13. Wow new people join everyday, I feel I cannot keep up. We've been busy at work lately and tonight I have a breather so far.


    Good Luck to all - Hope this board helps motivate you.


    Annette - the spa day was awesome. Yes I am leaving for my cruise on Sept 25th to Hawaii. I have been planning this cruise for almost 2 years now. Cannot believe it is almost here.


    Brooke - love your 11 lb comment LOL -sometimes skinny people don't understand.

  14. Hello, Kimmers is fine to call me thats what my family calls me, hence the screen name LOL


    Have been eating out of the garden and enjoying every minute of it -fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, pumpkin blossoms, green beans, green peppers. Add a hamburger here and a chicken breast there.


    Have not been writing things down nor weighed in but I am getting more compliments. My Mom says I was trying or praying to hard to lose inches and weight that she says when you don't think about it is when the weight falls off. So since I've been lazy I haven't done either of those things and my clothes feel loose.


    Stress wise I am feeling better spent Monday at the Spa for 5 hours pampering myself, actually my sister gave me a gift certificate at Christmas, just now using. LOL :)


    I'm glad you're all doing well. Thanks Nylrap for your story. Those lapbands scare me.


    Well time to get back to work - -Have a great Day :)

  15. I feel so guilty about not being on here. But I have to agree with Brooke you probably do not want me on here as I have been going thru some issues and very negative lately!


    1st- I cannot get used to a schedule since being on 3rds. (July 1st) I am so L A Z Y! Sometimes I am hungry sometimes I have to force myself to eat.


    2nd- cannot get into exercising so I have not been to Curves in 3 weeks, I am so bad. But I have a swimming pool and have been using that along with riding bike and walking so when I force myself to get out of the house I do those things. But me and the couch have been best friends. I want out of this rut. I want my life back. LOL My mom had knee surgery so she has not gone to Curves and now the doctor will not release her to go back so she is quitting and my other workout partner wants to quit because of the hours she can only make it twice a week so I am thinking of quitting but if I do I have to come up with something for winter.


    3rd - was having some stress issues at work :( like Brooke it is all politics and working with other females LOL. I think we have it resovled but will find out next week.


    4th -because of all the above I have not been writing in my journal and chocolate has been my best friend. But I found a simple pie that is easy to make and not much calories.


    I've seen some of you on facebook and I've been posting daily on there. So my friends on here I again apologize for being MIA.


    Recipe ~ Heath Bar Pie

    1 9 oz cool whip light / or sugar free

    1 individual package of Swiss Miss Sugar Free Hot chocolate mix

    1 TBSP baking cocoa

    1 graham cracker crust

    3 Heath bars (or I use 1/2 bag Heath pieces located in bake isle)

    Mix all ingredients together and reserve 1/2 of the Heath. sprinkle on top chill for 12 hrs in refrigerator. I also made it with reese's cups. If you get the bigger Cool whip you can add more white on top then sprinkle the Heath. I've done it both ways. Enjoy~


    Thanks to all for listening

  16. Fri

    B: fried egg (in Olive Oil) sandwich on rye

    L: 1 cup Homemade chex mix

    D: pork chop, zuchini, squash, pumpkin blossoms, cucumber salad, dr pepper

    S: bannana yogert to full for dessert

    Tons of water today with heat index was 110 degrees Whoa!



    B: fried egg (in Olive Oil) on muffin



    Jess-sorry about your concert and no one to go with


    Brooke- I hate needles myself and the one test I had to get every 3 months was a two step process. There was one nurse i will not let touch me again after teh 3rd try I said she was DONE. Then her boss a handsome man came in and took it I did not feel a thing. I asked for him everytime until he got promotion and moved and then my insurance changed and have to go elsewhere but there I have been 3X and the girl ther is just as good. I have never passed out but felt like it a time or too. Once they would not let me leave and drive I had to call a ride and it is 30 min from home. So know what you've been through.

  17. B: 2 small pieces of pizza (really my dinner)

    L: ham roll, doritos, water

    S: homemade chex mix, water

    D: chili soup, fritoes, cheese, crunch bar, sierra mist


    Annette-safe trip!

    Jess- food log not bad

    Brooke- reference on-line dating It's my job I see to much LOL

  18. wed breakfast-mcmuffin -ran out out smart ones

    wed lunch-ham roll up, 20 doritos, water

    wed dinner-meatloaf, sweet potato, green beans, cucumber salad, water -all out of the garden except meatloaf


    Jess-no matter how busy your life take some time for yourself or maybe have lunch by the lake -You deserve it!


    Annette- didn't know you were planning a Florida vacation, sounds great though. I hope your son get to meet BUZZ, just to see the expression on his face would be worth capturing. When we went we ate Chinese & Italian at Epot for cost saving meals.


    Brooke-I agree with Jess watch who you give your number too. Keep up the good work on your meals. I need to get more motivated as I am feeling like Annette ARGH!

  19. OMG! I Like go to the Lake on my days off and everybody is on. My post says the last I was on was Thurs. but I know I was on here on Fri. Sat was busy lining things up/ doing laundry. Sun/Mon/Tues - Lake


    Annette- I think my diet is easier on 3rds except for caffiene. I had myself drining all water or green tea but I need that pop to get me through the night. So it is either pop or coffee.


    Jess- Sorry to hear your having such a bad time. Glad you can vent on here, instead of eat.


    Cruising Again Kim- Thanks for your posts.


    Brooke-I give you credit on the dating site, just can't force myself to do that. Thanks for missing me :)


    I hope I didn't miss anyone. Sorry no food lists I thought a break was needed. And since I lose then gain the same back need to dod something different not sure what? Curves is making me mad but I think I need it for winter summer I can do other things for exercise. We'll see

  20. tues breakfast - two eggs, rye toast, water

    tues lunch - taco salad, green tea

    tues dinner - chicken leg, salad, fresh fruit, green tea


    wed breakfast - one egg, rye toast, milk

    wed lunch - fresh fruit, zucchini nut bread

    wed dinner - bean, potato, bacon soup, brownie, tea


    thurs breakfast - donut, couldn't resist my craving & coffee


    Brooke- glad to see some weight comng off


    New Kim- I hope your numbers come to 20 lbs. How long have you been at this? What was your starting weight? I can't seem to get past a certain number i think I lose the same 10 lbs and gain them LOL Can you give us some pointers.


    Hi Annette, Kim from FL & Jess :)

  21. sat breakfast- 2 eggs, rye toast, milk

    sat lunch-cheerios

    sat dinner- ihop chicken fajita omletand anckes of course, water


    sun breakfast- leftovers from ihop

    sun lunch - one taco, water

    sun dinner- turkey breast, green beans out of garden, broccoli rice casserole, pumkin blossoms, water ice cream


    mon breakfast 2 slices bacon, one egg, rye toast, coffee

    mon lunch-salad,water

    mon dinner-chicken and rice, water

    mon snack-tried the pretzel m& m's just 8 though


    Brooke- glad you had a nice time at the concert.


    Annette I left you a msg on facebook


    Kim-sound like your getting the hang of this site.

  22. thurs lunch- hamburger, water

    thurs dinner- taco salad, green tea, oops ice cream one scoop


    fri breakfast- waffles, egg, milk


    Brooke-understand about everyone eating a healthy meal. maybe start changing some things slowly and eventually everyone will be all eating healthfully.


    Annette- WOW you're so sweet to me too. I try to look at positives instead of all the negatives.


    jess-Keep up the good work!

  23. wed lunch-spaghetti, milk

    wed snack- veggie chips, water

    wed dinner- ribs, baked potato, fresh green beans, 1 scoop ice cream, green tea


    thurs breakfast- 2 eggs, toast



    Welcome Kim - Hope we can encourage you to get on your journey.


    Brooke- I live with my parents and seem the same way if I can prepare meals or buy smart ones maybe I would lose. i have tried it at home where I eat a smart one and parents eat something else. It worked for awhile then I felt if they can eat it I can too as my mom prepares meals on the heart/diabetic diet for my dad. I see where you are coming from.


    Jess- thats great you have been visiting family that is what i hate the most eating all by myself.

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