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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We love shopping at small businesses - they need our support. I haven't made parfaits in ages, don't know if I've ever eaten maize, and you certainly don't have to remind me to go shopping! It's cool and dark out there this morning; we're sitting at -8C (17F) and we're expecting a "high" of +1 (33). Just listening to the radio the weather announcer who was saying that we're in an El Nino (don't know how to put the inflection on "o"), and we can expect a warmer than normal winter. Well it's starting already if that's the case, because usually by this time we have a lot of snow and really cold temperatures. While I do enjoy the fact that we don't have to plow through mounds of snow, I know that the absence of it is harmful to the land and ultimately, all of us. I made it up and down the ladder safely yesterday and replaced the old ... more like ancient ... timer that we had the outdoor lighting attached to. As soon as I set it and gave it a try, voila, we had lights! DH hates to throw things away, so he took the old one into the garage so he can see if there's anything inside he can use for something else. I know he's creative, but really?!? On another positive note, I went online to check the results of his CT scan and everything is fine. There are no abnormalities detected, and it does look like the blood thinner is the culprit causing his issues. Yay!! I enjoyed seeing the lovely photos people were posting here and on FB yesterday of their Thanksgiving gatherings. It's always good to see families and friends gathering around a table enjoying the food and comraderie. @Seasick Sailor I was watching sail-away yesterday hoping to catch a glimpse of you and Allen. Glad you made it along with your luggage; enjoy your time on the BHB! @StLouisCruisers and @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear you're both experiencing digestive issues; hopefully they'll be resolved soon. Not a lot happening here today, so I think I'll get our youngest grandson's birthday package put together and ready to mail. His birthday isn't until December 8th, but with Canada Post being Canada Post, I'm not going to leave it until the last minute or it will miss his special day. I'm going to give the drink and wine of the day a pass, as well as the vegan stuffed peppers. DH and I both have leftovers from dinner out with our friends last night - DH has half of his steak & baked potatoes and I've got half of my beef dip that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the hostages who have been and who will be released. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Thanks everybody, that's all I can do today - till next time!!
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Family health history is so important - I learned more about my birth family's health from my cousin when they visited last week. I don't have a unique talent, in fact, I don't think I have any real talents. Won't be celebrating D.B. Cooper. First of all, Happy Angel Birthday to Jose; I'm sorry we never got to meet you, as I'm sure we'd have really enjoyed the friendship. Bon Voyage to @Himself, @Seasick Sailor and sweet Allan, and @Niagarawine! Will we see any of you on the sail-away webcams? Happy Anniversary to @VictOriann and Pat. And Happy Turkey Hangover Day to all my American friends. We did go out to KFC yesterday at lunch and tried their "Festive Chicken Burger". Don't bother. Although it was quite large (enough for 2 to share), we didn't think it lived up to the hype. They used a garlic aioli and mushy (Stovetop) stuffing along with the cranberry sauce which made it quite smooshy (a technical culinary term). Not much on our agenda today - no real Black Friday shopping for us, although last night I did order a couple of pair of glasses from an online site. If I can get 2 pair of bi-focal glasses for under $100, even if they only last a half year, I'm way ahead of the game. Later this morning (once the sun rises), I have to take a hike up the ladder to where our outdoor light timer is to see what's wrong, as only some of our outdoor lighting is coming on. I think it might be that the timer DH used to replace the other old one is now on it's way out and we'll have to replace it with a new one. I think I'll pass on the drink of the day, would like the wine, and would probably like the salmon minus the turnips and chard. It's usually Friday night pizza night at our house, but friends are taking us out for dinner tonight. Last week we spent time helping them with their wills and other personal business, and they want to take us out for dinner as a thank you. I'm not sure what we'll be having, but it will be tasty and just fun to be with friends and good conversation. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially the hostages and those in the midst of wars. Cheers to everyone with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Time for a quick mid-afternoon check-in. I can almost smell the roasting turkeys and baking hams that are coming from my friends in the south. Cheers to all of you! And that Lily . . . what a doll!
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Daily family who celebrate; enjoy whatever the day has in store for you. I enjoy cranberries, fresh, cooked or dried, so I'll likely pop some dried ones into a salad today. I can't drink espresso - I'd be jittery for days! Love juke boxes, but they're few and far between these days. Remember the little ones that used to be in every booth? Thank you all for your care and concern for DH yesterday - your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. Neither of us is too concerned, as he's on a blood thinner Eliquis that could be the likely culprit causing his issues. He used to also take a baby aspirin a day, but the two combined gave him nosebleeds, so that's been dropped from his drug regime. I'm going to go online later today to see the results; much better than having to wait for an appointment with the doctor next week. Well it's cold and dark out this morning; currently we're sitting at -19C (-2.2F), and looking out the back door, I can see the deck windows are all frosted over. The sun won't make it's way over the horizon for us until 8:40 (another hour), but I can see there's a clear sky and Venus is shining brightly in the southeastern sky. I'm sorry to see that @kazuis getting more bad weather . . . it seems every harsh system manages to catch the East coast! Stay safe and don't fall!!! Not a lot happening for us today, but I checked one of the online grocery flyers and see that frozen shrimp are on sale, so we'll head out later this morning and pick up a couple of packages to tuck away in the freezer. I'll likely bring some to Calgary with us at Christmas and make shrimp scampi linguine one evening for dinner. I think I'll settle in front of the TV this morning with a cup of regular coffee, some biscotti, my knitting, and watch Macy's Thanksgiving parade for a while - I love parades! I'm going to say I'd try the drink of the day, even though it's got bourbon. Pretty sure I'd like the wine, and I've had coconut curry before - it's quite tasty. We've got some leftovers from last night's dinner, so I think I'll just make some extra vegetables to go with the leftover pork roast and we can enjoy it at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the hostages who hopefully will be released soon, those in wars, and the 2 souls involved in the crash at the Rainbow Bridge. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. I can feel your excitement and am woo hooing along with you! You sound like how I feel every time we go on a cruise. Enjoy the pre cruise time; I’ll enjoy following your posts. Stay safe, have fun, drink wine!
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never had freckles until the past year or two . . . I'm calling them freckles, not age spots. I love cranberry relish and to me a turkey dinner isn't complete without it. We'll be going for a ride today. It's cold and dark right now -6C (21F), and only going up to -2 (28), so it's definitely time to put away the summer jackets if they aren't already in one of the back closets. We usually have a ton of snow by this time in November, but we've been spared - I always feel it makes things seem a little cozier with snow, not just harsh cold. We have to take a ride today as DH has to go for a CT scan on his lungs; he's been noticing some red when he coughs, and although it might just be the result of the blood thinner he's on, the doctor thought it was better to err on the side of caution and get it checked out. He's not normally up at this time of morning, but he got up to have some breakfast so he could take his morning medication, as he can't have anything to eat for at least 4 hours before the scan. @1ANGELCATHappy Birthday with many healthy and happy returns of the day! @Nickelpenny Bon Voyage!! @Quartzsite CruiserI'm happy to see you made it safely home despite the high winds and rough roads. Hopefully DH will feel better now that he's not being jostled around, and that your forehead heals as well. Other than DH's medical appointment there's not much happening here, so I've got a free day to take a look at what I need to purchase for Christmas gifts. We don't give to a lot of folks, just a few close family friends and usually they're consumables, which are easy to make. Just to be safe, while I was out the other day, I picked up another 2kg package of sugar so there would be enough for Christmas baking. I'll pass on the drink of the day, would prefer my chili to have ground beef in it, and would certainly like the wine. This afternoon I'll put a small pork roast in the oven and surround it with root vegetables so it'll make an easy one pot meal for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the hostages in Gaza, and for all the innocents involved in wars. To all who are travelling to be with friends and family for Thanksgiving, stay safe! Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I am pretty sure I'll be making a batch of gingerbread cookies when we go to Calgary for Christmas. We have the television on most of the time as well - I do like the background noise and both DH and I are news junkies. Having said that though, I reached a maximum level of newsness the other night and settled in to knit and watch a couple of mindless Hallmark movies instead. Odd socks day is also celebrated on March 21st honour those with Down Syndrome - we had a clerk in the court who taught us about that and it was fun seeing what people chose to wear with their judicial robes! @smitty34877what a sweet little dog - hope he recuperates quickly. @cruising sisterI do hope your surgery went well. @Quartzsite Cruiseryikes on your head, and I'm wondering how bad the roads must have been to give DH difficulty with his shunt . . . sounds like our roads up here! I was thinking of @Quartzsite Cruiser and her DH maneuvering their big motorhome around, as we had terrible winds yesterday. Across town there was an elderly person who was literally blown over and injured as they tried crossing the street to go to a grocery store. I can't imagine being in a big motorhome in that kind of wind, I'd have just parked it for the day. Not a lot happening today - DH has to get a haircut (mine is in a couple of weeks), and possibly going out for a bit of shopping. I'm sure we'd like the drink of the day (our DDIL's father gifted us with some Suntory whisky that we thoroughly enjoyed), would like the wine, and think the menu suggestion would be good without the butternut squash. Tonight we'll be having breaded chicken fingers in the air fryer accompanied by a fresh vegetable plate for an easy dinner at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't think I've ever had peanut butter fudge, but then I'm not a huge fan of fudge at the best of times. Just too much sweetness - perhaps if you cut it with something salty, it might make it more enjoyable for me. Remembering the transgendered people who have been victims of violence. Don't know any runners, but would hug one if I did. R.I.P. Rosalynn Carter; bless her soul for all the good she did here on this earth on her own and alongside her dear husband. We had a great afternoon/evening yesterday with my cousin (from my birth family). She and I were born 3 days apart in the same hospital . . . we figured my birth mother must have slipped out the side door of this small hospital when my Uncle brought my Aunt in to give birth, otherwise they would have seen each other and my birth would not have been a secret. It was so nice getting together, as we haven't seen one another for almost 2 years - it was good catching up on the family happenings. It's dark and cool right now, we're sitting at +4 (39F) and we're looking at high of +5 . . . not much of a stretch temperature wise, but at least it isn't 30 below. Yesterday our city held it's annual Santa Claus parade and because of the weather, there was an outstanding turnout of families to watch it. I remember taking our son to the parade a couple of times, having to bundle up in parkas, toques, scarves, mitts, big boots, and bringing a sleeping bag to wrap around us to keep warm. Not a lot on our agenda today, but definitely have to go out and get some distilled water for our CPAPs, as I used emptied the big jug last night. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, as well as the wine, but do look forward to seeing the recipes for today's menu suggestion. We'll be having leftovers from last night's dinner consisting of lemon garlic shrimp pasta and coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, those who are travelling for the Thanksgiving holiday, those who are in pain or ill. Cheers to all with celebrations going on. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. I don’t often have slacks or shorts with pockets, and got tired of accidentally dipping my lanyard into my plate, so a few years ago I started using a badge reel holder that clips onto the waistband or pocket (if there is one). I’ve never had an issue getting my card punched to attach it to the holder.
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Honouring all the men in our lives, young and old. In Canada we had National Adoption Day a short time ago, but I'm happy to celebrate it multiple times. Women entrepreneurs deserve a special day, as there are so many who have created businesses and designed things that make our lives so much better. 7:23AM and it's pitch black outside - if I didn't have a clock on my phone, I would have thought I'd gotten up about 6 hours too early. We do have a reasonable temperature of only 0 (32F), and our high is expected to be about +9 (48), which for November 19th is unseasonably warm. Never fear though, the thermometers will start heading down starting this coming week. As I was looking through my FB memories this morning I see that on this day in 2010, we had a temp of -33C with the wind chill. We have to be grateful for small mercies! Also on this day 1 year ago we were settling into our seats for the first leg home from a lovely trans-Atlantic on the Oosterdam where we had the pleasure of meeting and enjoying the company of @kazu and members of her family, @Seasick Sailor and her sweet DH, as well as so many more of our Daily family. Great memories of all of you. @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage! @marshhawkI do hope your breathing gets better with oxygen, and that Chuck's fall wasn't too serious! A few things in the mix today - a bit of tidying up and dusting, as we're having my cousin and her husband in for dinner tonight. They're in the process of building a new home in a small town about 15 minutes away and are staying at an Airbnb in another part of our city. They've been so busy we haven't had a chance to get together with them, so they'll come over for a relaxing few hours away from the hammers, saws, wires, etc. There's also the 110th Grey Cup Game (like your Superbowl) that will be televised, but since we changed our cable line-up, we no longer get the sport channels. I'm pretty sure we can live stream it on the laptop, but if not, I can always check the scores from time to time on my phone. We don't have a team in the game, so it really doesn't matter to us who wins this year. The quote of the day is quite true, I know I'd like the drink of the day, and the wine with "crunch" sounds interesting! I'd like the baked ziti and may make it another time, but tonight we're going to be serving lemon pasta with shrimp, Caesar salad, garlic bread, crudites, and peach pie a la mode for dessert at the dining table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the midst of wars not of their making. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Well folks, that's all I've got time for today. Thanks everyone, especially Dave & Lou, our camera people! See you all next time.
  13. At least you got to leave port before last call! Bon Voyage to you!
  14. I'm not sure how it works, but imagine how frustrated we are waiting for the ships to start sailing, how about the camera operators for PTZtv? Dedication beyond belief. Thanks to them.
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