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Posts posted by rosie12345

  1. First time cruisers and we are going to book the 12/19/10 sailing today. I read somewhere that the only dining option left is late dining - is that so bad? Will we miss shows? What about Portofino's & Chops - already booked up? Are all the popular/good excursions already booked? Please help so we know before we book :confused: Thank you!


    We just booked out first cruise for this November. Once you are booked you will have access to your RC personalized website. You then can book the speciality restaurants, excursions... Initially we were only able to get late dining... we did not like it because we just don't like to eat so late with our kids .. we told our TA and he was able to change it to early dining (how???). Others had told me just to keep checking with either your TA or RC.

    Anyway, I was told that there are shows before the late dining and then shows after the early dining..to accommodate everyone. We only just received access to the RC excursions (for our cruise in November)...so, you may not even be able yet to book yours. Just make sure to check your website for updates. I booked one tour with RC just to be on the safe side... we are also first timers... But many cruisers book with locals and have been very happy. And 2 days ago.. I was able to book one of the Speciality Restaurants without a problem (we are going over Thanksgiving and it looks like the ship is almost completely full).

    Good luck!

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