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mimmer 2

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Posts posted by mimmer 2

  1. I think Vantage is going under. After reading many posts on this forum, it is obvious that there too many excuses to count for why flights are cancelled and ships aren’t sailing. I was told my ship was damaged.  Then there is a service outage due to construction next to their building. No response to calls, emails, no access to my portfolio. No contact from any Vantage personnel. They worked from home during Covid and conducted business and answered calls. They could be doing that now if it were true about the power outage. Next stop- Attorney General office!

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  2. I can’t get through to any of the 3 phone numbers I have for Vantage nor can I get on the website- “ 502 bad gateway” pops up. Call failed every time I call. Was supposed to leave on a cruise on April 16th- got a call on the 13th that cruise is cancelled due to damage on the ship and they just found out about it that morning. Said my portfolio stated the 5 options I could pick going forward. Full refund was one choice that I want due to this was the 4th time we had to reschedule. Was told I would get a call within 24-48 hrs to discuss my choice of options. 48 hrs later and no call. I called and the gentleman said “the team” was running behind and it was talking longer then expected to call everyone and I should hear from someone that same afternoon. 3 more days gone by and no call of course. Tried to contact them this morning as stated above and unable to. They are slick and know how to put you off.  I fear they are going bankrupt and it will be a long fight to get my money back! Please share any info if you have any on what steps to take next!

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