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Posts posted by Northerncheapo

  1. Any ideas as to why i cannot get my pictures to upload when trying to post my review? It tries, then says, "failed". I'm using the attachment (paper clip icon) to do so.


    TEST: Now, trying right click copy


    and paste option wont come up. GRRRRR!!!

  2. Thanks for the info! That sounds like alot of fun :)


    I'm curious tho...is a pollywog someone who hasn't crossed the equator by boat or does it matter? I'm wondering...I've flown across it (trip to Australia), so am I pollywog? :confused:



    More importantly...glad to hear that everyone is having such a great time AND that champagne was secured...whew!


    Looking forward to next report!



  3. Well, I could have written this exact 'dreading' feeling. I HATED mass type cruising and dreaded going both times. And, both times, when standing on the deck, looking at the shore line thinking to yourself, "I think I can swim that distance"...well, yah, certified hater of cruisers.


    (But then i went high end (Silversea) and it was a whole different ballgame, but I'm not here to discuss this because you're not going high end.)


    In a nut shell, you will likely hate the cruise and you will likely have your skin crawl with all the shenanigans and crowds. With that said...it is your in laws 50th anniversary. Do it for them. Don't think of it as a vacation for you, because it wont be. Put on your smiley face, suck it up and do what everyone wants you to. It's only 7 days and the joy that it will bring to your inlaws in their (advanced) years will be worth the sacrifice you make.


    Take the time on the ship to research your next LAND vacation (or another cruise, high end, which I promise you, will be a totally different experience), learn another language, enjoy time with your family. Just accept that it will be 7 days of 'not your cup of tea' but also know that you are making 2 people really really happy.


    I'd sign off saying, "have a good trip" but I know you wont. How can you...so I'll say, "good for you for making the 50th anniversary an event for them to remember". Enjoy your NEXT trip!



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