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Posts posted by atomictaco

  1. On a side note, do most of you pack your cameras and camcorders in your checked in luggage, or do carry it on with you on the plane?


    I always carry my camera, cell phone charger, and other electronics in my carry on. I do this on the airplane as well. The cruise ship looks for electronics as they present a potential fire hazard. If they are in your checked baggage then there is a good chance it will be searched. My GF's was searched on our previous cruise due to a cell phone charger. It didn't arrive at our room until after 9pm. My suitcase was there by about 2.


    Sent from my XT901 using Tapatalk 2

  2. Extra tipping money! Many don't tip on board the ship since gratuities are automatically added to your account. I always take a pack of 1's to tip bartenders and such. I usually tip my room steward at the beginning, they typically provide excellent service but a few extra dollars tend to get you special service such as watching your laundry in the "self serve laundry" while you grab a bite to eat. If you happen to get a bottle of rum aboard then a $20 initial tip can help make sure you have an extra ice bucket and some cokes waiting for you.


    A couple of dollars cash tip to your bartender goes a long way. On our last cruise our bartender recognized us as we walked in and made sure we were the next served as soon as he finished serving the customers he was dealing with. By the 3rd day we had him reserving us seats in the sports bar.


    Also look for room stewards near your room that are from ports you may be visiting. We had a steward that served the block of rooms next to ours who was from Honduras, which was one of our stops. He gave us some good advice on what to eat while in port and some other suggestions. Although he was not our steward, he gave us excellent advice which deserved a tip.


    A few dollars tipping goes a lot further on a cruise than it does here in the USA in my experience.

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