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Posts posted by tinylady

  1. I attempt to enter a comment at the end of the Uniworld, Scenic comparison, however it seemed to want me to sign into Facebook. I did not want to do this so I am posting it here.


    I saw on the forum the link to the comparison between Tauck and Uniworld and found it very interesting. Then I noticed the comparasion between Uniworld and Scenic. Of these three lines I have only been on one so cannot comment on the details of the information given. However, I would like to point out some discrepancies on the comments re Scenic.

    The first thing I noticed was your comment on the lack of Balconies on Scenic. The first comment I thought for sure must be a typo. As I read further I realised this was not the case. While we could quibble about the defination, I do feel your post is very misleading.

    When I did my research for our first river cruise, in 2012, scenic was, at that time, the only line I found that had " step outside" balconies and they were on the vast majority of cabins not only in the top suites. They were not part of the normal cabin and, at that time they were a major part of our decision. In 2014 we travelled again with Scenic, both were on their original ships, the concept had been improved to provide the option of turning the balcony into a sun room with the push of a button thereby making the balcony useable during inclement weather, still completely separate from the main cabin. If someone preferred to simply have the normal balcony they just had to not make use of this amazing feature. In either case, as with any balcony on any ship the doors that lead to the outdoor space can be left open if desired, although this may impact AC on some.

    Secondly, there is another example of inaccuracy. This one is with regard to the laundry.

    This year one bag of laundry per cruise will be done for all passengers. Even if we go back to previous year's your info is still inaccurate or at least incomplete. All passengers on the top deck and passengers in JR Balcony on the middle deck, can have two pieces of clothing, per person, pressed every day. This was the case on both of the cruises we have been and, with the addition of one bag of laundry, still exist for our third cruise which we will be departing on next week.

    I found your comparisons very interesting as all three of these lines are on our radar for future cruises. So my comments are not intended to be cheerleading, I nor am I an Aussie.

    However, like others, I do rely on info given being accurate and was disappointed to discover that, in the above instances, they were not entirely.


    M C (tinylady)

  2. I am reading this topic with interest. I won't be on a river cruise this year, unfortunately. However, I am booked for my third for 2016.

    What I find very interesting is the difference in positions re ship swapping. Given the options that are available once Mother Nature has done her bit, I would have to say, my feeling is that a ship swap, while not ideal,is by far a much less disruptive prospect than cancelled cruises, docked for days and having long bus rides to see the sights. I am sure that most lines will in different circumstances be forced to make one or all of these calls. I travel a long way to Europe so given the other options a ship swap would, definitely, be my preferred option. Again I'd like to say how interesting it is to read opposing viewpoints.


    On another note, I received an email from Truck stating that they were lowering their pricing due to the strength of the US$ to the Euro. Great news for some, however, I am in Canada and our dollar has tanked so no joy for me. I wonder how prices are for our Aussie friends if booking with Tauck.

    Here's hoping the rivers get back to normal soon, nobody wants a bus tour.

  3. Thank you so much for this amazing review and photos. We will be leaving on the 26th for a 14 day Amsterdam to Basel cruise with Scenic so I am doubly enjoying this.

    Looking at the memorial pics made me wonder if you had seen the TVO series Apocalypse which just ended this week. It was very thought provoking and,if you didn't see it, I would strongly recommend it should they re screen it. I also saw another show recently that dealt with the Treaty of Versailles in detail. It may have been on Cogeco on demand, sorry can't remember the name.

    Having originally come from the UK, I thought I had a pretty good knowledge of the First World War, however, both of these programs proved to me how little I actually knew.

    Once again thanks so much for your review,


  4. Hi, I'm in Canada and I was able to download the 2015 prerelease from the Australian site. I did it on both my IPad and computer, maybe give that a try. Also the prerelease always has less in it that the full one that comes out later. Plus the pricing would be in Australian dollars. Not sure if that makes it more or less expensive though.

    Hope that helps.

  5. Hi, I also am aware of this company. Friends of ours went with them a few years back and had a great time. However, when my husband and I were looking for a company last year we fairly quickly removed them from our list. This wasn't because we thought they offered a bad product, in fact they are an excellent company. However, they did not offer what we were looking for. Firstly, they do not have hotel beds, theirs are Pullman. No balconies, of any type. They put great store on the fact that they do not sail at night, ever. We would have not found this an advantage as the more day time sailing the less time in port. This probably suits their clientele, we crossed paths with them a couple of times during our cruise. The average age was quite a bit older than on our boat so less time in port, and walking, may have suited well. In addition, as already stated they are all inclusive, something we like, however, in their case it includes pick up at your door, I can call for a limo, and a tour guide who accompanies the guests on the flight. We were actually on the same flight. I feel that this complete hand holding is reflected in the price rather than boat amenities. I can't comment on excursion quality.

    Bottom line I determined that this is a very good company which would suit older possibly less mobile passengers who want someone with them from the moment they leave their home and who don't mind sleeping on a pull down bed.

    It all depends on what you want, which is why research is so important. Not many bad choices but important to get the right choice for you. We passed on JVD and went with Scenic, which we loved and will sail with again next year.


  6. I just got home and was delighted to find fourteen replies to my question. I would like to thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts. Thanks to all your advise I have been able to make up my mind and will go to CK and save Salzburg for when I will have more time,

    Thanks once again.

  7. Hi, we are leaving next Thursday for Scenic "gems of the Danube" with extensions in Prague and Budapest. I am a bit stuck on one of our choices and hope to get some advise on this board. We have a choice of a tour to Salzburg or Cesky Krumlov, both are included. I had originally decided to do Cesky Krumlov as I was concerned, perhaps foolishly, that the Salzburg trip would be a "sound of music" excursion. This would not interest me. Now I am reading on this board that Salzburg is "not to be missed" If anyone has done either of these trips I would really be grateful for any comments. There is a third option that is a tour of Passau combined with an afternoon cruising the European alps, should I be considering this?

    Thank you.

  8. Just noticed that I really need to proof read in a better manner, second time today I have noticed, after the fact, that autocorrect has put in the wrong version of words. I shall put it down to age, lol.


    I am a bit concerned about the food as we are on the same boat as Linda who had a bad experience. Maybe the "good" chef had some time off, we live in hope. In any case I don't think it will make or break my vacation.


    We have lived in Milton for 35 years and I must admit I sometimes miss the "small" town, and yes Whitby is about as far on the other side as you could get.


    Thank you again for all your posts, always interesting and equally balanced,


  9. Fran thanks for the reply. It is really nice to hear you enjoyed Scenic. The desert thing seems to be a common complaint. It may do me a favor as I won't be too tempted. It will be harder on my hubby as he is the one with the sweet tooth.


    I am actually from Milton, west of Toronto. It is quite a coincidence because I see that is also Judy's home town. To add to the coincidence her parents are from the same part of Ireland that my hubby and I left 35 years ago. It is such a small world.


    Thanks to both you ladies for all your tips.



  10. So sorry Judy, still trying to get the hang of the boards, silly mistake.


    If I get a good enough signal while I'm on trip I will post something to let you know how it is going. I am bringing my IPad.


    Ireland is a family visit trip, hubby will golf. I will be in Newcastle, hubby on the west coast. We came to Canada from N.Ireland 35years ago.


    Thanks for the good wishes, same to you.


  11. Thanks again, we will be away for 25 days so I will have to rewear. Plan on taking dresses for evening. I know you are going to say I am crazy but I'm not talking very dressed up. That's what I take when I go south, only one piece mostly pull on, so no need to figure out what goes with what. They are very lightweight, take up little space and do not wrinkle. As we have different destinations I will wear stuff again at each. My main problem looking at current temps is that, as you say capris would be good, it is hot now, however we end with 10 days in Ireland and it will be cool and most likely wet there so will need long. That means a lot of pants, any suggestions to solve that? I'm thinking a way to cut down on stuff would be to limit colors and shoes as a result, does that work.


    Hate to harp on it but you didn't respond to my question about liking Scenic, should I take that as a bad sign?

    thanks again,


  12. Thanks Fran I really hope it turns out to be that.

    Yes the backpacks are good and I can see them being useful. I may be one of those people as I just bought myself a nice spinner wheeled carryon, it is very small though and once it is put up in the overhead I will not need it until we are getting off. I bought it hoping that I will be able to put enough in it to do Prague and not have to open my main case. I have a little leather backpack, very small, really a purse, that I use on the plane. My husband says we have more luggage than a luggage store.lol.

  13. Oh wouldn't that be nice. It doesn't say they provide lunch so I assume we stop somewhere and sort it out ourselves.


    We only picked the docs up on Wednesday which was two weeks ahead of the trip, however, they came in about a week or so before that. The TA we deal with works part time and she wanted to check them out thoroughly, hence the delay.

    We got backpacks with laundry bags inside, plus a book. This was in a fairly large, zippered document carrier. The book is pretty good but heavy so I think we will read before we go but may not take it. I may pack my backpack in case I need to check my normal hand luggage on the way home.


    We leave on the 23rd and will be gone until Mid September as we are adding time in Budapest and then ten days in Ireland.


    Time to think about clothes, any tips?


  14. Hi I'm hoping that someone who has done the gems of the Danube and Prague with Scenic can tell me why my docs, which i just received, show nine hours for the transfer from Prague to Nuremberg? From my research it should take about three hours, four to five if you allow for a stop for lunch.

    Anyone got the answer,


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