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Posts posted by pufnstuf

  1. We had the exact same thing happen to us when we went to Valley Church last Nov. But CC took down my post when I tried to warn people about this scam & a certain driver that will not be named. Do you remember your drivers name?


    We think our taxi driver's name was Uncle XXXXXX (can't recall), but will ask the other couple who was with us.


    Is it against rules to post a name here? Just curious why your post was pulled.

  2. Valley Church is a beautiful beach, very peaceful and not over crowded. The day we visited, Feb. 7th, ours was the only cruise ship in port.


    Many taxi drivers waiting, but the taxi supervisor was screening passengers and asked us where we wanted to go (Valley Church Beach). We asked the price and he quoted $6/pp each way (there were 4 of us). He assigned us to a driver who we followed to his vehicle several blocks away.


    The driver said he knew of a better beach, but we insisted on Valley Church. He finally agreed, but did not appear happy with our request. The ride took about 25 minutes and was well worth it. Perfect beach with about 50 people total. Chairs were $5/each and we didn't need an umbrella because there was ample shade from trees.


    We had arranged for the driver to pick us up at a prearranged time, and pay him when he brought us back to the ship. We figured $48 total, and added a $12 tip. When I gave him the $60 he became angry and told us the fare was $8/pp each way. I reminded him that the supervisor had quoted us $6.00, but he insisted the supervisor was wrong.


    In order to avoid an altercation in a foreign country over $4.00, I just gave him a $5.00 bill to end the discussion. We tried to find the supervisor on the pier, but there was no one from the taxi commission we could locate. If we had to do it over again, we would confirm prices with both the supervisor and the driver together.


    We were able to rent a jet ski at Valley Church - a couple of vendors would slowly pass by on their jet ski and ask if anyone would like to rent it. The price was $45 for 30 minutes.


    Have a great time!

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