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Posts posted by octcruise10

  1. I have taken a friend with my daughter for the last 7 cruises (since my daughter has been 10 she is now 17) . We have never had a problem. There is so much to keep them busy there isn't enough time to argue. Who can be bratty when they are cruising? I do however bring a letter like someone else said just in case.Good luck and have fun!

  2. We will be in Cozumel on a Sunday, which eliminates Nachi Cocom and Mr. Sanchos. We will have a couple of college kids over 18, but under 21. We are looking at the Fury Catamaran excursion, which we have done before. It has to be booked through the cruise line and it lists 21 as the legal drinking age. Anyone know how closely they adhere to this?


    I should probably just email Fury, but thought someone here might a quick answer.


    And, if they strictly enforce it, any other ideas? Mostly looking for beach or catamaran time for a set fee, not pay as you go, that would let our under 21 kids have a few drinks.


    Thanks so much!


    I don't think they will have a problem at all as I have read many posts stating the drinking age in Mexico is 18 or as long as you are tall enough o reach the bar. LOL

  3. You'd think the booze would kill it. :)


    I am not sure what "tainted alcohol even is really but it wasn't good.


    Some posts were saying someone roofied them but my experience was different.....I think? We were on Nasau beach getting those little ( and I mean little approx 2-3 sips) coconuts with mixed drinks in them and there were 3 of us. 2 teens first time drinkers and myself. We all had the same amount of drinks and myself and my daughter were fine...we made all the way back to the ship feeling "good" but not out of it. All of a sudden we were violently ill. Lets just say it wasn't a pretty site in our cabin. We could never understand why only 2 of us got so sick. I know I can hold my liquor better than a teenager. Once I started reading about tainted alcohol in the Caribbean and Mexico is when I realized that is what it must have been. Who knows??...... but I do not wish that on anyone it was an awful experience.

  4. We have stayed at Cozumel Palace for a week before. It's nice, but very laid back. Nothing to do unless you want to lay out at the pool. There isn't a real beach. You have to go down some stairs to get into the water - it's very rocky. I liked it for a hotel, but we found ourselves waking up everyday and looking to see what ships were in port wishing we were on them. I still 100% recommend Mr Sanchos. If you are tired or want a nap, go back to the ship. Not a lot to do in the evenings anyway.



    Thank you for the feed back. I was just reading a post on here NC vs Mr Sanchos and they were saying about tainted alcohol being served at NC so I am leaning towards Mr Sanchos. I had an episode in Nasuasu on the beach last year where I was served tainted alcohol and was so sick I do not want to risk that again.

  5. Thank you all for all of the suggestions. I am going to do some more research and decide soon. I did look at Cozumel Palace, LandMark (monkey Bar) and was thinking of booking a room prior to posting but neither have a good beach. I just thought that since we will be in port from 10am until 8pm it might be good idea to have somewhere to change or take a cat nap. Cozumel Palace is all inclusive but Landmark is not and neither have a great beach. After all the posts it looks like Nachi or Mr Sanchos would be our best bet. I am interested also in the Isla Pasion as well but not sure about the boat ride there. Any more info on these places will be a great help. Thanks.

  6. If this is for your Pride cruise, you are not going to be able to do it in a balcony cabin. Believe me, sitting on my bed in a Pride balcony, I tried to figure out if it could be done, but the couch is too long, and I doubt they will remove the couch. EM



    Yes, it is for the Pride cruise but I feel like I read it on a post (wrigley80 I believe)a while back that someone actually had photos of it.....hmmmmm maybe the will pop up before my cruise.


    Thanks for the input.

  7. That may have been me, we've had to do it twice, once on Carnival's Elation and the other on HAL's something-dam.


    I'll briefly explain...


    My husband is a quadriplegic and uses an electric wheelchair. For our first cruise together we booked the Elation back in 1998 - the ship's 3rd sailing. We booked a fully accessible cabin, and when we got to the cabin, the layout was so poorly designed my H couldn't open or close the bathroom, or pass the beds. This would make for a verrrrry long week (especially the bathroom). He went down to the purser's desk and they sent the head of engineering to our cabin. My H showed the gentleman the issue(s) and he asked my H what a better layout would be. Within 15 minutes 2 ship workers in overalls and wearing tool belts were in our cabin and using electric screwdrivers (I assume they were drills) did some masterful handiwork. A few pieces of unneeded furniture were removed, beds were moved to a new configuration, and as there was nothing that could be done about the bathroom door...off it went! Two guys carrying it under their arms! (we still call that moment Lauel and Hardy remove a bathroom door on a cruise ship) Luckily I'm not shy around my H or THAT could have made for a verrrrryyyy looonnnnggg week!


    The second on HAL, was similar, too much furniture and the beds in a configuration that allowed for zero turning of the wheelchair. Off he went to the purser's desk, engineers came up, zip, zip, zip, beds moved (now our feet faced the balcony door, which I loved!) extra furniture gone (bathroom door remained intact - whew!), and away we went!


    Now, I'm not sure how often the ships have to deal with this kind of thing but I will say we were never looked at cross-eyed. and the engineering team certainly went out of their way to make it right for us.




    Thank you for this information. We are in a regular cabin but my mom will have her scooter with her. I seem to remeber that they layed the room out in a L shape with the two twim beds. This allowed for alot of floor room in the center of the room. I hhope this is doable .


    Thanks again.

  8. we were on the Pride back in April, and I'd have to say that our dining experience was a lot like yours. Some nights we had long waits either to order our meal, or between the appetizers and main course. Then to make up for the lost time, it was not uncommon for our waiter to be giving us our dessert menu BEFORE we were finished out entree. I found that to be absurd. Out of curiosity, I watched our waiter one night and realized that he was responsible for a total of 8 tables which sat a total of 38 people. Granted, not all 38 where there every night, but that is way to many tables for one waiter to take care of. We ended up only eating in the dinning room 4 of the 8 nights we were on board. We will be going again in May and I'll see if service got any better.... but my hopes are not high.



    Our waiter was in charge of (6) 4 top tables and there were 3 of them. We mostly saw 2. They just seemed that they were not organized or flowing. One night we would have one of them giving us menus and then the other one would take the order and then they would switch. It was weird. On one of the nights when they danced in dining room we were still eating our main course and couldn't even see to eat or was cold by the time show was over. Another night we ordered our dessert and they came back 15 minutes later and said the kitchen was closed because the show was going to start and then it didn't start for another 15 minutes. When it was done we waited again to get the dessert. NEVER did they ask if we wanted coffee with dessert which I found to be odd! The whole dining experience was off for us. :confused::confused:

  9. Thank you for taking the time to write the review and share your experiences with us. I'm sorry you had so many disappointments on this cruise. I understand and can sympathize with wanting your "newbie" friend to experience all the good things that you remember your previous Pride cruises offering, and being disappointed when what you got this time was so much less than what you were used to.:( And I, too, would be upset about finding my cabin door propped open that long. Here's wishing your next cruise (if you decide to take it after all) is much better!:)


    Thank you. It is so fresh in my mind right now but I am sure in a few weeks of the grind, I will be ready to go again...lol

  10. Embarkation---Great. We had faster to fun and a 11am check in time. We did arrive earlier and waited in the parking line for about 45 minutes. We went through the check in process and was directed to a waiting area for Faster to Fun guests. We waited a bit longer than I expected here but I think it was because people were still coming off the ship late. This was our first time with Faster to the Fun but all in all I would definitely do it again.


    Got on board and could but could not go right to our rooms which was a little disappointing as we thought that was one of the perks to getting faster to fun. It seemed they were not letting anyone on the elevators to rooms until 12:30?


    Anyway we got a variety of food options( Guys, Blue Iguana, and buffet) and sat and relaxed until we could go to the room. We has a room with an extended balcony. It was not all that much bigger than the regular balcony and would probably not do it again.


    DINING---a little back story-my 4th time on the pride my 6th cruise over all. LOVE the PRide! This time i brought a FIRST time cruiser with me. Our ding experience was terrrible! I was very disappointed with this as we have ALWAYS had great service on the PRIDE. Our waiter (T) hardly spoke to us at all. He never learned our names and he ignored us if we saw him in other areas of the ship. WHAT??? This can't be..but yes it is true. He gave us our menus on the first night with out even introducing himself to us. The second night he introduced himself as T but never asked us our names. His Helper was Imade and Marcela (sp?) he was good but not great either and she was pleasant but seemed a bit out of sorts. I made learned our names and always addressed us accordingly but she never did.

    We had asked for Lemonade for drinks the first night and it was cloyingly sweet and asked for extra ice to water it down. We waited 1 hour to even order our meal and to receive bread or drinks. We continued to be disappointed for the rest of the cruise. Either waiting or having to keep asking for ice in our drinks or keep reminding them about bread on our table. This has never happened in all the cruise I have been on. They always learned our names and I always got to learn about them. It was sad really not to have my friend experience that. They also do not put napkins on your lap anymore or is this was just our table? Am I expecting too much or what?


    Cabin stewardess ---was ok. Again..to compare to other cruise she was not great. We had to keep asking for extra towels. We had 4 women in our cabin...two of them teenagers who need a towel for every part of their bodies to dry off with...haha not serious but two per shower. Since we only had 4 in our cabin we asked for 4 additional towels. We would have to keep asking for these the entire cruise.

    Here is what was pretty concerning---We came back to our cabin mid day and our cabin door was propped open. NO ONE INSIDE! NO ONE ON THE OUTSIDE OR ON EITHER SIDE!! We were in there for 5 minutes before she came back into the room just as I was calling Guest Services. I asked her why the door was open and she said she went to the closet to get an ice bucket for us. The closet is all the way down the hall from our room! Our room was left open with all of our things exposed for at least 5 minutes that we know of! Nothing missing thank goodness but still it was concerning. I did not report it because we felt bad but I told her that it was not acceptable and she should never leave a persons cabin exposed like that.


    Grand Turk--- Great--no issues

    Half Moon Cay--MY FAVORITE! We had Cabana 10 and it was awesome!


    Trivia and Shows ---GReat!



    I loved the energy of Swartz and some of the crew members..Melissa was awesome! YEEEAAASSSS!! Lol

    RED--low energy and very hard to understand.

    MJ --fun!


    Overall I would say we had a good time! Heck...we are on vacation and not working but it definitely could not compare to my other cruises on the same ship! AND NOT a VERY GOOD IMPRESSION FOR A FIRST TIME CRUISER!


    I have another cruise already booked on the same ship next October and I HAVE CONSIDERED CANCELLING ....WE SHALL SEE!

  11. When starting to read this..I thought OMG a terrorist or something to do with that.

    I don't feel this is a "Security Risk". Unfortunate,mistake on your part but not a security risk. I also don't think labeling it a sexual assault is a proper portrayal either. You should just delete this post and learn from your mistake.

    In my honest opinion. Sorry.:confused::confused:

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