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Posts posted by Dawgfan6291

  1. Ah, we do play in 2013! I think it will be a good game - especially since Sammy Watkins will be a junior! I'd like Nuk to stick around until his senior year... wishful thinking.

    yeah pretty much all of our offense will be back but we will lose 10 guys for sure next year on defense (I am assuming the women beater :mad: gets to stay on the team), and Jarvis and Alec could both be top NFL picks. Y'all may get lucky at home, the next year in Athens though.....:rolleyes:


    I will however be pulling for you when y'all play Tech next year. (and I think Auburn too) :D

  2. As far as girl scout thing goes....actually I was a girl scout and presently so are my girls, we have the many "extra" cookie boxes in our cabinet to prove it. :)


    As far as the buddy system goes....I have 4 kids (3 who are teens) and our kids are never allowed to be alone by themselves on a cruiseship. Luckily, our 2 older girls are close enough in age where the buddy system is easy for them. In the incident I referred to, my 14 year old kept telling her older sister to "hold on" causing them to be late. I held the younger one accountable. I didn't punish the older one because she knew better than to leave her younger sister alone just so she could meet a curfew.


    As far as the age thing goes, I am fully aware that I can not protect my girls or son all of the time, but I give them the best tools I can to prevent this from ever hopefully happening as should every other parent. Allowing them to stay out past 1am in my opinion is just wrong! :rolleyes:


    Just because it "can" happen at any time, doesn't mean you shouldn't practice some good common sense! The entire point of this thread was if the curfew is enforced. It is still my opinion that teens under 18 should not be allowed to roam a ship by themselves after 1am. It is our job as parents to be good parents not cool ones!


    I totally understand, My sister is 7 years older than me, but thankfully i have a cousin who is only 2 years older than me and we are really close.


    and I agree with you, it is the rule and it should be fallowed(but you shouldn't toss the kids out at 1:01am overboard)

    I get a little hot on here sometimes because this site can be very anti-teen and a good part of it is people throwing every teen ever born under the bus because some punk kid tossed a trash can overboard thus we are all evil. Some of us, work, are on our own and are good people. (and its not because my brain developed, its because i was raised right.) Its sad how far we have come yet some people still hate a person because of age. :(


    (not saying you do, just kind of ranting here)


    K I'm done. :D

  3. So what you are saying is you never told a lie or never withheld the full truth? Ever? :rolleyes:


    *I'm* not going to call you a liar, but there is one big piece that everyone is completely missing in this thread and the argument between the "pooh-pooh the curfew" people and the "curfew is in place, so follow it" people...the basic fact that the teenage brain is far from mature. The part of your brain that is responsible for good decision making, fully understanding consequences and the ability to process all those impulses is there but in an immature form.


    Blah. Here we go with teens are physically stupid. Here is the deal, Teach your kids right from wrong and be done with it but "their brains can't handle it" is kinda lame. ;)

    I can think of many "old folks" who are way less mature than me(a 20 year old to stupid to drink person :mad:). I may be an exception to the rule I guess but the group of people I hang around have their life in order.....


    and to answer your question, yes I have told a lie, everyone lies, its not just a teen thing.....And that was my point. Not trusting a teen just because they are a teen is the same as not trusting someone due to race or sex. Totally wrong. ;)


    Anyways, I just want to point out my view before i make everyone hate me. Its a rule, it should be fallowed. Period. I hate wearing a seat belt, but its the law. It is fallowed, like it or not. The law is the law is the law and as much as one may disagree with it, you should fallow it or be prepared to face the consequence. ;)

  4. When the curfew (rule) is to be back at 1:00am it should be enforced. According to one of your other posts you mentioned that it was ok for your teen to come back as late as 3am a lot later than 1:30am. As perfect as you and your children are, you are both breaking the rules by allowing your teen to stay out until 3am.


    Personally, I find it shocking that you can go to bed and sleep comfortably knowing your teen is not back yet. Have you not heard of the stories of teens getting pulled into areas by ship employees and being raped???? I'm sure this does not happen often, but it certainly has happened.


    Rules are set for a reason and should be followed. On our last cruise, we punished our 14 year old daughter for being 15 minutes late. She never did it again. She was punished because she knew the rules and didn't follow them. I guess we were bad parents for expecting her to follow the rules.


    Guessing your weren't a boy scout or girl scout?

    Buddy system for anyone is always a good idea, 1am isn't going to protect anyone from rape(or murder etc.). (nor is age, They tell 18+ year old women at my school not walk alone after dark and Athens GA is a pretty safe town.) ;)


    Not sure you can use that for or against the argument, because a 25 year old can be raped a 12AM so maybe we should just all stay inside our locked houses and never come out. :rolleyes:


    Truly sad that this happens to people though. :(

  5. Thank you, you've proven my point quite nicely. YOU decided, as a family, that it was okay to ignore rules set by RCL. I don't think you checked with the other 2-6 thousand guests to get their approval.


    Having raised teens, and after every single one of us adults having been a teen, you and I both know one simple fact; Teens lie. I know, yours are the ONLY exception to this rule. They do talk loud in the hall, they do mess around. They do bother people.


    I do not smoke, but if I choose to be in an environment that allows it, it was my choice. I would, JUST LIKE YOU, not tolerate a smoker lighting up in the dining room. Why should ANYONE tolerate the fact that YOUR family decided to violate the rules and "not to sweat the small stuff".


    Wow. As someone who wasn't a teen that long ago I'm not sure i appreciate being called a liar without you knowing me. :mad: Not saying I am perfect at all but just "Teens Lie" is a bit much......do you lie? Let me guess, your not a teen so no never. :rolleyes:


    I don't know about you, or your kids, but i know when I was on a boat and i was out late I wouldn't be causing trouble (and i mean from talking loud to throwing stuff over the side of the boat).


    but If I was caught in a lie i would have gotten my a** beat. It was never worth it for me. :o;)

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