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Posts posted by Wecruise8

  1. Sea Princess 3/00 (western caribbean), loved it so much I cried when I got off. Seriously toyed with getting a job onboard but someone had to raise the kids :rolleyes: DH went on a short cruise out of San Diego. In 22 days we will take our first cruise together on the Ruby Princess and can't wait. I think it's the only way to travel and will do my best to convince DH that we should cruise once a year until we retire when we should do it more :D

  2. flvol77 ~ thanks so much. What a great job you have done! This is an incredible thread and will be put to good use by so many! From what I've read you can really get a bum deal if you get a beam or vent aft cabin. We have the corner B748 aft on the Emerald Princess for our 12/20. It would have been so easy to make a huge cabin mistake. I could have used your aft pictures back in April when I booked the 12/20.


    Denise...those were awesome pictures of your cruises! You are a fantastic photographer!


    We're going on the Ruby on 1/30/11, same cabin. I'd love to hear what you thought of it. I can't wait to have coffee on the balcony in the mornings :)

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