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Posts posted by lochlane

  1. Thx for your reply.....I would like to know if I have to coordinate thru RC event person to set up a trash game....so much fun on last transatlantic....met some wonderful people sitting and socializing during the card game....would be willing to set up game if no one has already.....


    Another call out for anyone who has and would like to play this fun card game.....I will need at least 10-12 people to start...last cruise we had up to 25 or 30 people....it was a great socializing event; we met people from all over the world....very easy game ....need quarters...4 to start and depending on how many people there is the pot of money to win daily....coffee and cookies are served...we can play in the am ......will need people to sign up prior so I can reserve the room ....so please sign on for a fun morning.....thx...as soon as enough people have signed on, I will reserve the room.....thx.....countdown begins ...love translantic cruises.....lochlane

  2. Any bridge players taking this cruise?


    I play bridge...last transatlantic, we played hand and foot and had a scheduled game daily while at sea and had a great time....we also played trash daily in the morning....is anyone setting this up...if not I will do it....so much fun and met many wonderful people from around the states and the world.....

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