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Posts posted by megacruiser

  1. Unfortunately there is not a conventional list. You have to scroll through a tablet which is laborious. Here are some photos that may help.

    I have included most wines included in the regular drinks package that are available by the glass. I also later found that the Zillamina Spanish Rose was also included and which I found quite palatable with fish.









  2. Just wondering if anyone on the breakaway recently noticed these changes, were on in November and was already looking for an alternative for dark and stormys since they were over the limit, but it looks like they're back within the limit! Or is it just a European thing how menus got changed only for that ship.... So many questions??!!

    I spoke with the Beverage Manager on the Jade. She advised me that the changes were fleet-wide.

  3. I am waiting to hear if you found anything that would be considered to be a bitter or for that matter anything that has a good rich flavor without being over the top with alcohol content or tongue numbing overly hopped. I brew all my own ales and they are basically (Northern English Browns) under 5% ABV, mild bitterness and fairly dark with solid maltiness, almost like a mix of Bass and Guinness, only better..



    I am a real ale drinker but not keen on keg beer. Hence I tend to avoid beer completely when cruising. Was disappointed even in The District Brewhouse on the Escape. All very gassy and many very hoppy.


    I did notice Newcastle Brown on tap on Jade. A very unimaginative choice in my view. Royal Caribbean used to offer Old Speckled Hen, which I could live with in small quantities if I really wanted beer.

  4. Viva Vino is still available. I had the list laid aside to bring home. Unfortunately my cabin mate binned it thinking it was junk.


    However if you do a search on a famous search engine using this term: "NCL Jade cruise drink prices 2017 - youtube", you will find a video from an "average tourist" with the Viva Vino list at the 40 second mark.


    The current list is similar but I noted the wonderful Marques de Riscal Riserva is now missing, which would have tempted me to buy even though I had the UBP.


    For what it's worth, our group found the North and South Red Blend to be the most palatable red available by the glass. It seemed to be better than I remembered it from earlier cruises. The Matua Sauvignon Blanc thankfully remains.

  5. Just back from the Jade to the Norwegian Fjords. Was surprised to see Glenmorangie Malt Whisky and Tanqueray Ten Gin included once again within the UBP. This change happened in August and is fleet-wide. As a consequence of the change they had insufficient stock to cope with the increased demand. They ran out half way through the cruise and the Beverage Manager was not permitted to substitute an alternative Malt...




    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

  6. I'll try to help, but this is just from memory. I'm thinng back to the Spirit at Easter, so my memory is fairly vague. I only drink Red, so can't help with the whites.


    The wines they had available by the glass included the following from that Cellars list.


    Estancia Pinot Noir

    Bolla Chianti

    Wolf Blass Chiraz

    Blackstone Merlot


    There was a North and South one as well, and another Merlot, but I can't remember what it was. I also can't remember what Cabernet they had. The one on the Cellars list doesn't ring a bell, but it could have been that one.


    In total there were about 8 Reds available by the glass.


    I didn't look at the Viva Vino list, I'm afraid, as I had the UBP. I'm not sure how much help I've been, as I suspect you are more interested in what bottles there are, but at least you've had an answer now. :)


    Many thanks Keith. I'll try again re the VivaVino list just before I join the Jade in August.

  7. Thanks for sorting that out Megacruiser, it will help on our upcoming Azura cruise in 2 weeks to know that TV channels can be changed if we need it.

    Hope the new Channel options suit the majority. Be aware there is no option to choose channels for each cabin. The only way it can be changed is by replacing one channel for the entire ship.

  8. An apology from P&O on Facebook:

    Hi Stephen, for clarification we do not have any plans to drop Sky News from the TV channel list. We are in the process of extending the range of Satellite TV channels available to guests and during the transition period some ships have access to the new channels whilst we are awaiting upgrades to TV distribution networks. This means that for now, on these ships, a choice has to be made which channels are offered and which not. It appears that a guest on board Azura decided to swap Sky News for BBC HD part way through the cruise and was then given incorrect information regarding this, for which we can only apologise. We do hope this helps to clarify 1f642.png


    Well there we are then, it appears on some Ship(s) there is not enough bandwidth at present to accomodate all the Channels available but you are given a "opting in or out" choice of sorts.:confused:


    T'is a pity a Ship board Comms Officer did not "Communicate" this very well leading to this thread being started

    (and giving us a bit of fun on here;):)) but it is good news and I am glad its now sorted and fair crack to P&O for an apology and clarification.:cool:


    Many thanks to Megacruiser for raising this issue, hopefully it will save some passengers from choosing the wrong option without realising there is a limitation of sorts on what is available on some Ship(s) at present.


    Many thanks for posting this. Armed with this information I visited Reception yesterday afternoon. Contact was made with the Communications Officer by phone. I asked to speak with him but my request was denied.


    After some further discussion, the Reception Manager appeared from the back office. He repeated the misinformation from before that Sky News has been removed fleetwide.


    I implored him to check the Facebook response from P&O and to reinstate Sky News as soon as possible. If insufficient bandwidth available then I suggested substituting it in place of BBC World which has provided minimal British news and no General Election coverage.


    Between 6pm and 7pm last night Sky News was reinstated and BBC World removed. A brief message was left on my cabin phone apologising for "any inconvenience".


    I wish to express regret that I passed on information that subsequently proved to be incorrect. It was done in good faith. Not based simply on a reply from Reception but following two requests for an explanation which was obtained from a Communications Officer. Let's hope it was a genuine misunderstanding on his part and not simply an attempt to fob off passengers.

  9. Because two people have posted on here one from Britannia and one from Ventura that they have just been on the ships of came off yesterday and said that both channels are available.


    With regard to the officer giving you the wrong information I can only assume that he/she was using the "I do not know so I will make something up" which tends to happen all over the place


    Obviously with your greater experience of P&O, although 30 years shorter than mine, you presumably have good reason to doubt P&O Officers' integrity. Perhaps you will be proved right. Time will tell...

  10. Well you will be fine on Ventura and Britannia.


    Really? I am surprised you are so willing to dismiss what a P&O officer said was happening. Surely Officers have some personal integrity? Perhaps it is being phased in. Can you please explain why you believe folk will be "fine" on Ventura and Britannia, going forward.

  11. So that's two ships with both. Interesting.


    Looks like we may have had a lot of hot air from certain people moaning and moaning about something that has not happened.


    What a shock??? !!!!!




    BTW the FAQ's on the website says both will be available.


    I can only report the facts as exist on Azura right now. Sky News was replaced by BBC HD three days ago. We have been in Madeira all day and still no Sky News.

    Representations were made to Reception for an explanation. This was elevated to the Communications Department and an Officer provided an explanation that Sky News would no longer be shown fleetwide on P&O. It had been replaced with BBC HD with immediate effect.

    Surely P&O Officers have more integrity than to fob off a passenger enquiry with an intentional lie?

    And for the record Dai, are you accusing me of intentionally misleading this forum? Yes or no would be fine, thanks.

  12. Currently aboard Azura. We had Sky News for the first two days, then it was lost. I assumed it was the usual Satellite Signal issue and it would return.


    It was curious that we continued to receive Sky Sports News throughout. And at the time Sky News disappeared, it was replaced on the same channel by "BBC HD".


    BBC HD appears to be a new service geared towards cruise ships, as their strap line mentions terms like "on board" and "in your cabin".


    The content includes BBC Drama like Eastenders and low budget day time drama; David Attenborough Wildlife programmes; Comedy from both ITV and Channel 4 with the likes of Keith Lemon and Alan Carr's chat show. All well and good I suppose for those who want such content - if only they published schedules. However what seems to be absent on this new channel is any British news.


    BBC World is still available but it has hardly any domestic news content. Nothing whatsoever, for example, on the current general election campaign.


    It has been confirmed by the Communications Officer on board that this change is fleetwide; and with immediate effect. As a bit of a news junkie, the availability of Sky News was something I really appreciated with P&O; and gave them a competitive advantage over some of the US cruise lines.


    Anyone else sorry to lose British TV News on their future P&O cruises?

  13. In reply to my own question, based on today's experience on Azura, the answer appears to be that they are not adhering to advised boarding times.


    I arrived at Ocean Terminal at 1240. My allocated check in time was 15.00. Was given a red card with letter L. Letter G had already been called. Letter L was called at 1305. Was aboard by 1335. Sitting in the buffet now having lunch.


    The process proved to be much smoother than anticipated.

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