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exotic lady

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Posts posted by exotic lady

  1. In Barbados we has a private tour to snorkel with turtles. As soon as the turtles saw the boat they swam to us. You can't feed them, they have big mouths, but the boat crew did.

    We also went to two sunken ships 75' apart. The ship had a big tour to the ships but we had 6-8 people on a power boat with triple engines- not a catamaran! Ley me know if you want info on this tour and I'll find my info on finding David, the boat owner & tour leader!


    Hi Bonnie,

    Thanks. I just saw this. Do you remember how much it cost? My group has 5 adults one child but I'm paying for all. So if the price is good I will definitely be interested on the info. Thanks so mcu!

  2. Be sure to also check out the Ports of Call board for specific information about the islands.


    Both St. Maarten / Sint Martin and Antigua are very easy islands to drive around, and you will see a whole lot more. I especially like Marigot on the French side of Sint Martin; go to Gran Case for fresh fish; there are lots of little mom and pop places along the waterfront away from the tourist area. Just be sure that when you are returning the rental car in St. Maarten, to avoid driving through downtown Philipsburg, as the traffic can get pretty jammed late in the afternoon. Therefore, I suggest that once you get the rental car near the pier, to drive the island towards the the west side first, towards the direction of Maho Bay, then make your way north and around the island to the east side from there. We passed by Orient Beach but found Dawn Beach very beautiful.


    In Antigua, we stopped at many different spots, but did not have time to snorkel. Really enjoyed the culture, beauty, and people of this island very much. Since you lived in St. Lucia, you are already familiar with driving on the left side of the road, so this should not be an issue for you.


    Thank you so much for the info! I love fish and will be sure to stop at Granny Case. I found rentals for St. Martin but having a little trouble getting info on Antigua. Do you remember which rental you used and if we're close to pier? Also how much they charged and how fast was to get it? We have the sting ray city tour at 9 and wondering about the time to get the car.


    Thanks again!

  3. In Barbados we walked to a beach I'd have to check later on the name we actually walked to it maybe 2 miles from the port and snorkeled on our own it was actually the same spot that all of the tours take you to. We did see turtles but i do need to caution you to be aware that boats and jet skis are going in and out and I'm not sure how closely they are watching for snorkelers. i have seen people were stuff to make them more visible maybe a blow up beach ball attached to you would be a good idea. In Mexico a couple years ago we were snorkeling in a place the locals said was ok but failed to tell us if you go too far out you are in the the boat traffic lane and my hubby about got run over by a boat- a horrifying experience! So be careful and aware.

    Also my hubby and I (in April) did the ships 4 wheel trucks and Harrison's cave and thought the cave was boring'


    Awesome response. These are the kind of things we NEED to know. Thanks for taking the time to help me!

  4. I was fortunate enough to sail in the Royal Suite on the Adventure this past February. The suite does not have 2 bathrooms, it has 1 bathroom with 2 entrances, one off the foyer and one off the bedroom. Having said that, you can fit at least 12 people in the shower!!! :D I have lots of pictures, feel free to look up my profile on here for my email address (not sure if I am allowed to post it here!)

    Hi Robyn,

    I've been looking for any of your posts so that I can ask you this questions. I've read a lot of posts here for the past month and a lot were from you! So I'm cc my post from royal caribbean forum hoping you can help me since you have cruised in the adventure for over 14 times I believe if I read correctly.


    Here it goes:

    Hi there. I just joined cruise critic (although I'm not sure why I got "exotic lady" as username yet-tried to change it but no luck) and I'm looking for information on the southern caribbean ports, etc. we're cruising on the Adventure of the seas out of San Juan. I have 6 in my group, my husband and I and our 7 year old, my sis and hubby and my mom. I live in Missouri but originally I'm an island girl from PUerto Rico, my husband and mom are from St Lucia. Anyways, I've been reading a lot of posts and forums looking for specific answers and had no luck. So I decided to join so that I can ask questions. I will start here and maybe you guys can point me in the right direction.

    I got SJU, St Lucia and St. Croix down since we lived there before. But have questions about the others. Since we're islanders we plan on doing everything on our own. We love to snorkel and sight see.


    1. Plan to rent a jeep in Barbados and St Marteen. Do you guys know how easy will it be to see the turtles at particular beaches? I read that they will have 6 ships at port that day!! Yikes! We plan on driving to Rockley beach first, try to snorkel by the reef and try our luck since a lot of people don't know about this spot. If we don't see turtles, then head out to Carlise beach or Paynes to pay a local for a boat ride to the turtles. Have any of you done this before? Considering how busy port will be? This is all info I've read on cruise critic. Then, if we still have time drive to wildlife reserve to see the green monkeys. Is it worth it? Maybe swap it for Harrison caves. Undecided there.


    2. St. Marteen, another jeep day to drive to French and Dutch sides. Particularly Mariggot Bay, for crepes at Serapphine and Maho beach to see planes. Still debating on Orient beach (nude beach) because the 7 year old.


    3. I particularly have a lot of questions about Antigua,

    1. Have anyone been to this port? Is it easy to drive around? Thinking about renting jeep like at other islands but not sure.

    2. I read that half moon beach is best to snorkel but hard to get to and it's a hefty fare if we take a taxi. Has anyone been to half moon bay? Is it hard to get to? How much is taxi fare?

    3. We independently booked sting ray city at 9 am, but now stuck with transportation issue. Read antigua taxis have fixed fares. It will cost us $30 each way for all according to website. Any insights on this? We dock at 8am and afraid won't have enough time to get rental.

    4. Considering all we want to do, Is it easier to rent a taxi for the day to take us there and other points of interests we want to go (taxi would wait for us) or just take individual taxis from point to point.


    This may be way too much info, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    Thanks in advance!!!

  5. Hi Robyn,

    I've been looking for any of your posts so that I can ask you this questions. I've read a lot of posts here for the past month and a lot were from you! So I'm cc my post from royal caribbean forum hoping you can help me since you have cruised in the adventure for over 14 times I believe if I read correctly.


    Here it goes:

    Hi there. I just joined cruise critic (although I'm not sure why I got "exotic lady" as username yet-tried to change it but no luck) and I'm looking for information on the southern caribbean ports, etc. we're cruising on the Adventure of the seas out of San Juan. I have 6 in my group, my husband and I and our 7 year old, my sis and hubby and my mom. I live in Missouri but originally I'm an island girl from PUerto Rico, my husband and mom are from St Lucia. Anyways, I've been reading a lot of posts and forums looking for specific answers and had no luck. So I decided to join so that I can ask questions. I will start here and maybe you guys can point me in the right direction.

    I got SJU, St Lucia and St. Croix down since we lived there before. But have questions about the others. Since we're islanders we plan on doing everything on our own. We love to snorkel and sight see.


    1. Plan to rent a jeep in Barbados and St Marteen. Do you guys know how easy will it be to see the turtles at particular beaches? I read that they will have 6 ships at port that day!! Yikes! We plan on driving to Rockley beach first, try to snorkel by the reef and try our luck since a lot of people don't know about this spot. If we don't see turtles, then head out to Carlise beach or Paynes to pay a local for a boat ride to the turtles. Have any of you done this before? Considering how busy port will be? This is all info I've read on cruise critic. Then, if we still have time drive to wildlife reserve to see the green monkeys. Is it worth it? Maybe swap it for Harrison caves. Undecided there.


    2. St. Marteen, another jeep day to drive to French and Dutch sides. Particularly Mariggot Bay, for crepes at Serapphine and Maho beach to see planes. Still debating on Orient beach (nude beach) because the 7 year old.


    3. I particularly have a lot of questions about Antigua,

    1. Have anyone been to this port? Is it easy to drive around? Thinking about renting jeep like at other islands but not sure.

    2. I read that half moon beach is best to snorkel but hard to get to and it's a hefty fare if we take a taxi. Has anyone been to half moon bay? Is it hard to get to? How much is taxi fare?

    3. We independently booked sting ray city at 9 am, but now stuck with transportation issue. Read antigua taxis have fixed fares. It will cost us $30 each way for all according to website. Any insights on this? We dock at 8am and afraid won't have enough time to get rental.

    4. Considering all we want to do, Is it easier to rent a taxi for the day to take us there and other points of interests we want to go (taxi would wait for us) or just take individual taxis from point to point.


    This may be way too much info, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    Thanks in advance!!!

  6. Hi there. I just joined cruise critic (although I'm not sure why I got "exotic lady" as username yet-tried to change it but no luck) and I'm looking for information on the southern caribbean ports, etc. we're cruising on the Adventure of the seas out of San Juan on Dec 14/14. I have 6 in my group, my husband and I and our 7 year old, my sis and hubby and my mom. I live in Missouri but originally I'm an island girl from PUerto Rico, my husband and mom are from St Lucia. Anyways, I've been reading a lot of posts and forums looking for specific answers and had no luck. So I decided to join so that I can ask questions. I will start here and maybe you guys can point me in the right direction.

    I got SJU, St Lucia and St. Croix down since we lived there before. But have questions about the others. Since we're islanders we plan on doing everything on our own. We love to snorkel and sight see.


    1. Plan to rent a jeep in Barbados and St Marteen. Do you guys know how easy will it be to see the turtles at particular beaches? I read that they will have 6 ships at port that day!! Yikes! We plan on driving to Rockley beach first, try to snorkel by the reef and try our luck since a lot of people don't know about this spot. If we don't see turtles, then head out to Carlise beach or Paynes to pay a local for a boat ride to the turtles. Have any of you done this before? Considering how busy port will be? This is all info I've read on cruise critic. Then, if we still have time drive to wildlife reserve to see the green monkeys. Is it worth it? Maybe swap it for Harrison caves. Undecided there.


    2. St. Marteen, another jeep day to drive to French and Dutch sides. Particularly Mariggot Bay, for crepes at Serapphine and Maho beach to see planes. Still debating on Orient beach (nude beach) because the 7 year old.


    3. I particularly have a lot of questions about Antigua,

    1. Have anyone been to this port? Is it easy to drive around? Thinking about renting jeep like at other islands but not sure.

    2. I read that half moon beach is best to snorkel but hard to get to and it's a hefty fare if we take a taxi. Has anyone been to half moon bay? Is it hard to get to? How much is taxi fare?

    3. We independently booked sting ray city at 9 am, but now stuck with transportation issue. Read antigua taxis have fixed fares. It will cost us $30 each way for all according to website. Any insights on this? We dock at 8am and afraid won't have enough time to get rental.

    4. Considering all we want to do, Is it easier to rent a taxi for the day to take us there and other points of interests we want to go (taxi would wait for us) or just take individual taxis from point to point.


    This may be way too much info, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    Thanks in advance!!!

  7. Hi there. I just joined cruise critic (although I'm not sure why I got "exotic lady" as username yet-tried to change it but no luck) and I'm looking for information on the southern caribbean ports, etc. we're cruising on the Adventure of the seas out of San Juan. I have 6 in my group, my husband and I and our 7 year old, my sis and hubby and my mom. I live in Missouri but originally I'm an island girl from PUerto Rico, my husband and mom are from St Lucia. Anyways, I've been reading a lot of posts and forums looking for specific answers and had no luck. So I decided to join so that I can ask questions. I will start here and maybe you guys can point me in the right direction.

    I got SJU, St Lucia and St. Croix down since we lived there before. But have questions about the others. Since we're islanders we plan on doing everything on our own. We love to snorkel and sight see.


    1. Plan to rent a jeep in Barbados and St Marteen. Do you guys know how easy will it be to see the turtles at particular beaches? I read that they will have 6 ships at port that day!! Yikes! We plan on driving to Rockley beach first, try to snorkel by the reef and try our luck since a lot of people don't know about this spot. If we don't see turtles, then head out to Carlise beach or Paynes to pay a local for a boat ride to the turtles. Have any of you done this before? Considering how busy port will be? This is all info I've read on cruise critic. Then, if we still have time drive to wildlife reserve to see the green monkeys. Is it worth it? Maybe swap it for Harrison caves. Undecided there.


    2. St. Marteen, another jeep day to drive to French and Dutch sides. Particularly Mariggot Bay, for crepes at Serapphine and Maho beach to see planes. Still debating on Orient beach (nude beach) because the 7 year old.


    3. I particularly have a lot of questions about Antigua,

    1. Have anyone been to this port? Is it easy to drive around? Thinking about renting jeep like at other islands but not sure.

    2. I read that half moon beach is best to snorkel but hard to get to and it's a hefty fare if we take a taxi. Has anyone been to half moon bay? Is it hard to get to? How much is taxi fare?

    3. We independently booked sting ray city at 9 am, but now stuck with transportation issue. Read antigua taxis have fixed fares. It will cost us $30 each way for all according to website. Any insights on this? We dock at 8am and afraid won't have enough time to get rental.

    4. Considering all we want to do, Is it easier to rent a taxi for the day to take us there and other points of interests we want to go (taxi would wait for us) or just take individual taxis from point to point.


    This may be way too much info, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    Thanks in advance!!!

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