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Posts posted by katanna

  1. I booked my honeymoon cruise (for December) a month ago and paid my deposit. I would like to now see a receipt or an itemized list of what the charges were/are (what was the original cost, what were taxes, fees, etc.) as well as when all of the payments are due, but all I can find on my account is a "pay in full (or enter a custom amount)" area. Meaning I can't find an itemized list of what the charges were, what I have already paid, etc.


    Anyone know where to find something like that on RCI's website? Thanks!

  2. I am shopping for a Royal Caribbean cruise this coming Christmas. I noticed that some of the itineraries are duplicated, some listing "Holiday" in their title and some not. That is to say, the exact same cruise with the same sailing date, destinations, ship, price, everything is the same, except that one lists "Holiday" and the other doesn't. (See attached.)


    Is there any difference between selecting these two itineraries?



    Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 8.58.28 PM.png

  3. My girlfriend and I are looking to take a cruise for our honeymoon! (Eyeing Liberty of the Seas on January 19th, 2019.) I have been on a handful of cruises over the last few years, however this will be my girlfriend's first cruise.


    How do we get the most out of our honeymoon? Is there a place we can sign up to get free goodies (bottle of wine or other amenities)? What "packages" are worth it to make things a bit more romantic? We don't have an extravagant budget, but we don't mind spending a few extra dollars on this special time. What would your recommendations be for a honeymooning couple on a cruise ship?


    As an example, my sister (an avid cruiser) recommends that we pay the extra to choose a specific room so that we can be guaranteed to get a quiet room away from parties and pools. What are your tips?

  4. Howdy all,


    I am headed out on the Carnival Liberty tomorrow and I was wondering if it still has the card/game room.


    On one website (Cruise Mapper) it lists a Persian Card Room on Deck 3, and it mentions that it is used "also for group private dining." On Carnival's own website their deck diagram simply lists that room as Dining Room Annex.


    So does anyone know if this room is still used for board games and card games? Or is it now only used as a dining room? Is there another room on the ship that serves this purpose? Thanks!



  5. Howdy all!


    I have gone on a few cruises with family but this fall/winter I am looking to cruise with some friends. Specifically it is a husband and wife and their three year old child.


    So all together it would be three adults and one 3 year old. Would we all be allowed in one room? Is there a different room type that we would need? We don't have to have the cheapest rooms on the cruise but we are budget minded so the cheeper the better.


    Thoughts as to how this would all play out? Thanks!


    PS: If it helps we are looking to go out of Galveston, so if we stick to RCI it would be either Liberty of the Seas or Vision of the Seas.

  6. Howdy all!


    See my updated signature for our latest family outing. I am so excited!


    Late last week we booked tickets for a cruise in May. Thing is, now that everyone is booked I am wondering if it is too late to get a good deal. I see commercials promising "$200 spending cash" etc. etc. etc., but that is all done at booking, and because my sister booked us as a family I don't know what all went on in the booking process.


    So are there any good deals to be had now that we have already booked? Any on-board cash, or free excursions, or even a sample bottle of cologne???


    What are your thoughts on getting great freebies on a cruise ship?



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