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Posts posted by woodboat

  1. ... and here we are, it's 10 years since you sailed to the other side... miss you muchly Dad!


    (photo from 2011, half-way through his two year full-time cruising on the MSC Poesia... he was ahead of his time... and I was sooo much younger lol)




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  2. Hi to you all who have made such fine comments and make the effort to keep my father's memory alive. It is four years today that his adventure on this plane(t) came to an end... and there continue to be changes in my own life as well... all good and I am grateful for this/these. Life is an adventure, likely not for the faint of heart, and my dad remains an inspiration to me in how to move forward through some adversities, but more to recognize the Joy de Vivre that he expressed most of his life, but especially in the latter years. Perhaps I just recognize them as latter years as I age... reaching now 65 as of May coming up... hard to believe I could have another 30 + to go lol ... oh my!





    Dad's website = http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm


    All the Best to you All ~ Steve




  3. Hi Ya'all ... amazing is it not? ... how the years cruise by.


    Three years today since Dad's passing, and it brings me Peace and Joy to see that he continues to bring inspiration and motivation to readers here as he cruises the heavens.


    Not sure how long Dad's website will remain active, however if you wish to know more about him, you will find it here: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm


    All the Best to You. ~ Steve Landsberg





  4. Pat, my condolences and my thoughts are with you. I happened on here first time since my father's passing April 30th, and am saddened by your news.


    Perhaps it is a matter of perspective, but I suspect we would benefit in realizing the honour it is to 'be there' for/during the passing of any of our loved ones.


    I wish you Peace. Warm Regards ~ Steve Landsberg

  5. Hello to you all once again.


    The Time arrived and Dad / Egon has passed. His transition to the 'afterlife' was just after 2 a.m. this morning, Tuesday April 30th.


    My father lived a long and rich life full of wanderlust, adventure and intrigue, caring, generosity and love. He was gifted with intelligence and talent, sharing all his attributes willingly and freely to everyone who traversed his path. A good listener, he spoke his mind and expressed a distaste for incompetence. Egon was a student of Man, or perhaps more precisely the 'Mensch' in Mankind.


    Within the hundreds of contacts of Family, Friends, and Acquaintances in my fathers email groups, many of You were touched by his travels in later years, while some of you have graced his life for 60 years and more. All of you were special to him and there is no doubt that he thanks you for being 'there' for him, even and perhaps especially during the last weeks of rapid decline in his well being. Some of 'his-story' is found on his website at the link below, a site rather incomplete but with sufficient representation of his last sixty years or so.


    Dad's wishes were simple, the lowest cost cremation possible, no memorial service, no fuss, and scatter his ashes, together with those of his third wife, Heidy (2006), over the Lake at Osoyoos in British Columbia where they enjoyed living for over 30 years.


    I will miss you Dad, may your music and our memories console us. Love ~ Steve


  6. ... I am sitting on my scooter in front of McDonalds in the middle of the city (Barcelona) -they open only at 10 and it's only 9.30, but their free WiFi is working and I came a long way to get it! So now I do my thing and have many emails to deal with, plus Facebook where people write on my wall and I really can't be bothered with all that as well.


    Yes, I abandoned the elastic bandage altogether - I just don't think it is of any healing value and really a bloody nuisance. I now go to the medical centern only every second day for wound cleaning and dressin; it's very difficult to say whether this is actually healing or not since the progress is so slow and it's really inside, where you cannot see it, where the healing must occur first. But I've been told time and again that this takes a long time. Meantime there are no pains to speak of, except if I accidentally bump the spot. Oh well. ...

  7. Hi Cruisers... I too was in the dark as to whether he actually got off the boat in Alicante (and stayed there), but had this email from him today. Cheers ~ Steve


    Hi Steve, I am in Genoa, where there are no more internet cafes because the police has cracked down on them because of misusek so <i understand, <i am writing this on someone elses computer whom I got to klnow in a narrow alley in town. But he had tried to connect my laptop to his modem for the longest time, but it didn't work. He is actually from Pakistan, a nice and very helpful guy. Will try to write again from Malaga in two days. Love - Dad



  8. Hi Pat and other cruisers, just a short update to alleviate concerns which we all have had ... that he might not be able to continue... those fears are no longer with us. Here are some excerpts from various emails between us and I expect that healing will continue and Dad will make the journey overseas without complications.


    " No, I am not concerned about going overseas. The surgeon thinks that in time and with the renewed 20-day antibiotic course, the ulcer will heal. Meantime, the little wound still leaks a bit of blood-tinged but watery liquid. I use a large bandaid-type cover and socks which I then have to wash out because it leaked through. Pain is minimal except for sudden "stabs", but the area around the little wound (a quarter-inch hole) is quite sensitive. So much for that. "


    "Sure am glad for two things: the scooter and the printer - without those two things I would be in worse shape than I am at the moment. The leg still acting up, painful at times and the wound still oozing. I have it covered with a large adhesive patch and wear socks which always get stained, but it easily washes out with cold water in the sink.

    And now I am in the garden and have WiFi - this is great, even though I have to work on my lap, have my leg propped up on the seat of the scooter, but it's a beautiful sunny day, not too hot, and life is good."


    "My back is a continuing problem and I wish that I would have taken several back corset like items I had rather than storing them; I may buy one on Sunday in FL.




    The back has been bothering for sometime before I left O. and has been getting worse since my accident. As for my energy level - it's so-so. I go to bed pretty early because I need to lie down. But otherwise, as you can see from the photo attached, taken at the Dining room table Feb 25, I'm OK. Only trouble is, I'm still waiting to be able to use my stash of ******! "


    As you can see he retains his humour (and hope) as well ~ Steve


  9. Hi Cruisers, to post photos here I think they need to be 'hosted' somewhere... I put only a few on Dad's website due to space constraints on his server (almost out of room there), however those that I post there can be easily displayed here by using the images URL (rightclick on the image on his website then select properties, highlight, copy, then click the image icon above and paste the URL = done)... ~ Steve


    ps... I will post one of dad on his scooter in Cozumel when I have added it to his site ...


    btw, his website is http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm




    ok, here is the Master on his TravelScoot ... ~ S



  10. Thanks to so many of you who took time to email/contact Dad on occasion of his 94th Celebration. When I talked with him today he expressed his enjoyment of all the direct contacts & messages and also the onboard events on POESIA today.


    All the Best to You and Yours ~ Steve Landsberg

  11. Yes, the hospital visit was something of a quickie (btw cost only US$ 5.50!), but the female doctor made a pretty good impression and seemed to know what was necessary. It really depends now on the hope that nothing else, like nerve damage through the fall, occurred; if it didn't, the prescription should work but it takes a long time. As for the leg, I have some doubts at this stage of affairs and may have to go back. But I'll give it all a good try until after New Years first. At my age, everything that needs healing takes maybe forever, if at all.


    As noted, Dad will move to the Flamingo tomorrow... ~ S( http://www.hotelflamingo.com/about/index.html )

  12. I do not have any concrete update on Dad's physical condition and hospital visit beyond what he has written in the latest report. He still has lots of pain of that i am sure. Am hoping the medication will alleviate this and speed healing but we can all appreciate that at an advanced age healing is slower than for us Spring Chickens lol... Dad did get some good news:




    I am very sorry for all of the confusion. Your email came in over the holiday weekend when my reservation center was closed. I get a copy as well on all inquires and I went ahead and answered myself because I knew you were on the island and needed a place very soon and did not want you to wait. Also, I have the authority to give out special rates on extended stays and I wanted to give that to you.Normally I send a copy to Gywneth at my reservation center when I do this, but I forgot. Gywneth does not have the authority to give out discounted rates on extended stays and I guess she was concerned about the second floor issue.I did read her email and I guess she was just doing her job., but it may have sounded a little brusque and I do apologize for that.


    I emailed Xantal and told her to go ahead and give you the best rate since you were looking at an extended stay and we had the space. Giving you that rate was not any issue and I encouraged Xantal to give you a room that was best for you. You explained your circumstances and we are quite happy to help out. I am very much looking forward to meeting you when I arrive on the 30th.


    Please accept my apologies. We are all looking forward to welcoming you at the Flamingo.

    Also, congratulations on spending your son's inheritance!


    Best Regards

    Tom Fryer



    Thank you very much, Tom. I like you.


    ¡Hasta pronto!



  13. Received this from my dad this aftn... We should know more tomorrow or the next day. ~ S


    Glad that you had a nice Dinner with T's parents. I had a piece of chicken breast, some french fries and a cerveza at lunchtime, took the rest home and had it in my room in the evening (it has a fridge) together with a drink out of an actual glass which I had been able to get from the manager; after I had sat uncomfortably and painfully on the steps of the restaurant accross the road, answering many touching emails from previous passengers and other friends in Canada, the US and Europe who all are on my mailing lists. It was a labor of love returned, believe me.


    Now I sit in this purely Mexican restaurant since I had some soft toast, butter and Jam, O'juice and coffee this morning and now, 2.30h, had the "sopa del dia" they call "Mondongo"-I had no idea what it was but as you know live dangerously; well it turns out that it's made with the skin of pigs, terribly fatty, the skin just like pieces of fat, but the liquid, made with tomato and spices was good and filled the need, Now I have a lemonade. Live and learn to the bitter end! But I'll stop shortly because my back aches. Tomorrow I'll visit the hospital and the bank. Keep sending good vibes

    Much love - Dad

  14. Well Folks, sorry to report that this will not be the merriest of Christmases for Dad and I :( ... he is in Cozumel (in a small Motel) and will be there for a month. He is in considerable pain, partly from the foot (which has not yet been x-rayed) but mostly from muscle spasms in his back (from his flip on the scooter). So, since the ship was chartered for a week, and with the turn of events, he felt it prudent to 'abandon' ship and get things looked after.

    He does not have wi-fi at the motel, but there is free inet at the restaurant across the street, so this will work quite well for contact. Those of you who are inclined, please do send him get well wishes and other encouragement at 44egon44@gmail.com . Thanks.

    All the Best to You and Yours ~ Steve


    At the Atrium Piano 1210b.jpg

  15. Pat, I was posting his report and got interrupted, and now note that you have done so... thanks. Because I am not a regular on this site (and not a cruiser lol) perhaps you will post reports as the group here wishes. I will continue to update Dad's website with his reports.


    Re his foot, his injury is significant, but appears nothing is broken. ~ Steve



  16. Hi Pat, I had not made the connection with your handle until just now... also noted today that you had already posted dad's webpage address (guess I am catching up to him lol)... While I will endeavour to maintain his pages up-to-date, it is more time consuming than copying his reports here, so you wish to continue that. In any event, nice to see so many of you on this board 'care' . Happy Holidays to All ~ S


    Here is Dad at his finest (on the ship a couple of days ago) ... Ya think he's havin fun yet? :D



  17. Hi All, this is Steve, Egon's son... just here to inform those who may be interested that my Dad has a website (for many years already) which I continue to maintain and update.


    I have not installed most photos due to time constraints, but may do so over the holidays... or later. It is becoming obvious I will need to modify the 'reports' page to accommodate all the `reports` and move them into multiple pages, especially if/when photos are added.


    Here is the link:




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