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Everything posted by Mcobean

  1. https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/20/pollywogs-to-shellbacks/
  2. Hawaii https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/17/hawaii/ Cheers Daryl
  3. Hello, I am using the Sony RX10 MIV. Great camera for my use. I have seen a few on the ship. That picture was through the glass in explorers as they had the deck closed at that time. cheers Daryl
  4. Site is back up now, needed a kick. Cheers Daryl
  5. Halfway to Hawaii https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/13/halfway-to-hawaii/ Cheers Daryl
  6. Good Morning everyone https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/09/orca/ https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/09/friends-lunch-and-a-christening/ Cheers Daryl
  7. Cabo, Beautiful and sad at the same time https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/06/cabo-whales-and-rocks/ Cheers Daryl
  8. For DV class it is 2 per stateroom at a time. But you can swap around to different devices cheers daryl
  9. Hello all, a few pics from around the ship. https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/04/the-viking-neptune/ Also I have uploaded the daily newsletters and added a new link to this post to the top right of the site. I will do my best to upload on a regular basis. https://www.viking23.com/2023/01/04/the-daily/
  10. A mostly lazy day with a couple of exciting things. https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/31/boobies-tea-and-sunset/ Tomorrow is Costa Rica cheers Daryl
  11. an amazing day https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/30/the-panama-canal/
  12. Two very different cities https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/29/colon-and-panama-city/ Cheers Daryl
  13. many many birds https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/27/columbias-national-aviary/
  14. The tray is on the table in the corner, pretty much buried there. Cheers Daryl
  15. https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/25/merry-christmas-from-the-neptune/
  16. Our guide Patrick was excellent and he pointed out that the rain was actually a good thing as it washed away the dust and we could see shards of pottery and bits of obsidian. A really good first expedition yes that was the scarlet lady. I can only imagine how different that would be. cheers daryl
  17. Happy Christmas Eve everyone https://www.viking23.com/2022/12/24/rainy-christmas-eve-in-cozumel/ Cheers Daryl
  18. The latest from port side forward on the Neptune. https://www.viking23.com Cheers Daryl
  19. Hello all, I did not see this started yet so here it is! We are in Fort Lauderdale and ready to rock and roll I will post updates as I can to https://www.viking23.com and note that here when I update. I hope to see a lot of updates! See many of you tomorrow. Best wishes and health to those that could not make it Cheers Daryl https://www.viking23.com
  20. Bourbon in a pinch, but only when there is no whisky
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