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Tony UK

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Everything posted by Tony UK

  1. I have seen lots of posts from people on various facebook pages enquiring about access to retreat areas and Luminae for their friends relatives etc. Even if they are willing to pay in my opinion it shouldnt happen if the retreat service for other guests is in any way diminished. We have personally seen this happen in Luminae and also on the retreat sundeck.
  2. There seems to be a growing theme of people booking a suite and then their daughter, sister, husband's family best friends whoever find suites are fully booked.....however they want their whole party dining in luminae, use the sundeck etc. as they want to be together! I always post that they can join their friends in their allocated restaurants.if they really want to be together.....but no, they want suite perks without paying the price. Celebrity need to manage this very carefully and resist these demands otherwise the retreat facilities will be overwhelmed!
  3. Yes on Beyond September the retreat class was full and on sea days in particular, and most afternoons there could be an issue with seating on the pool deck. The crew were very happy to move chairs for you into sun or shade, but there were chair hogs with those clips / pegs out in force. There were little signs to say dont leave for more than 45 minutes but not sure if it was applied. There were the entitled few who made a huge fuss about not being able to find chairs in the spot they wanted!! It felt that retreat wasnt the correct name for the area when it was busy, although crew couldnt be faulted for service and attention. Maybe some have expectations which are way too high!!
  4. No laundry area for guests on board. Not aware of being able to have steamers etc brought to your room...would have thought not. they do have a laundry service on board but it is pricey!
  5. I do agree about having to keep spare rooms for quarantine, although now on Cunard in Europe the line have said you can now stay in your own room I think with your travelling companion so it can be done! It is actually safer for us if staff are on the ship rather than out in the community travelling home each day. The square footage depends on the resort / hotel. Some all inclusives are rammed with guests. There are covid positive people in all situations wandering around. Many with no or very few symptoms. There is no mandatory quarantine unless you are ill, report into medical centres and then test positive. Maybe Celebrity will move to something like Cunard have introduced. People will be more likely to report and be tested if they know they will be well treated and well looked after.
  6. not sure what the requirements are right now for European cruise ports regarding testing. My understanding, and I may be wrong is that this is a celebrity requirement. We can travel in europe with no testing providing we are vaccinated. It is bizarre in my opinion that cruise ships are treated differently from all inclusive resorts on land. Lets hope this testing nonsense ends soon.
  7. Azamara have also dropped pre cruise testing except where local requirements are in place, Australia, south America etc. In Europe not required by them. Hope Celebrity will follow for Europe soon!
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