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Posts posted by hannah_cruise

  1. Thank you Host Walt for editing the title.


    And thank you everyone, I am feeling better and have been cleared to rejoin the land of the living! (And am also now caught up on innumerable episodes of Downton Abbey, Friends, and The Big Bang Theory) ;)


    Arno that is good news. Seems it was just bad luck in this case. I spoke to the room steward and he said he hasn't heard of any large out reaks either and if there were he would be tasked with additional cleaning of surfaces in the hallways, around doors, etc.


    Re: food poisoning, we did not eat in the dining room but at the buffet so that makes it very hard to say, no one else suffered ill effects however we did not eat the same thing. I have had food poisoning before however and don't think that was it. The nurse believes it's viral and I tend to agree.


    Hopefully no one else will come down with it and everyone can continue to enjoy their cruise!


    Also we did receive compensation for the shore excursion with the form from the medical centre.

  2. Have been down to the medical centre and it is not Noro due to the lack of presence of a high fever but another type of gastro virus, likely acquired by touching something contaminated on board. Already on the mend so should be out of confinement in another 24hrs. Dh is still ok. The nurse said he does not need to be quarantined unless he shows symptoms. So all should end well. First time being sick on a ship and hopefully the last!


    I would change the original title of the post but can't find a way to do so? If the mods want to delete the thread go ahead.

  3. Sorryfor the alarm, perhaps I should have phrased the title with a question mark, as I was mainly posing a question. Yes, it's possible it's a bug picked up elsewhere but as we're on a cruise ship and have been on board for several days already the likeliest cause is noro (unless it is food poisoining in which case that's not a good reflection on the food, but I don't think so). I was unaware they don't charge for gastro-related issues because I've heard horror stories about medical fees, but yes that appears to be the case. And to answer my other original question they have confirmed they will not refund shore excursions without a medical note, as another poster mentioned. Yes we are taking precautions, as much as humanly possible and as I mentioned I was doing so even before I got sick. Today seems a bit better so hopefully it will pass soon.

  4. It's voluntary confinement, I haven't seen the doctor as I don't think there's much they can do, and don't want to be charged crazy fees for essentially being told to wait it out. My husband went down to the shore excursion desk this morning (the excursion was at noon) and explained the situation and they said there's absolutely nothing they can do.

  5. Hello everyone! We are currently on board the Reflection, docked in St. Thomas and unfortunately I have come down with either norovirus or food poisoning, although I'm guessing noro is more likely. Wondering if anyone has heard other reports of noro going around on this ship? No announcements have been made on board but I understand they do so only in the case of a really major outbreak. I was especially vigilent about hand washing and sanitizing hands before and after touching buffet utensils, but to no avail.


    We had pre-booked a shore excursion for today prior to boarding and my partner has gone without me since I obviously can't go but the excursion desk said there are absutely no refunds regardless of illness... Is this always the case? Sad to waste that money!


    Otherwise she's a lovely ship with a very nice crew, so being ill is really unfortunate!

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