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Posts posted by dperrigo

  1. We will be going on Freedom of the Seas in less than a month now. I just checked the kids club ages and they are broken down 6-8 and 9-11. We are traveling with my sister's family... Our son is 8 and her twins are 10. The whole point of this cruise is for the family to be together! Will they let my 8 year old son be with his 10 year old cousins????

  2. We'll be in Belize with our 6 year old son and our 15 year old son. Unfortunately most of the "fun" excursions - you must be at least 8 (tubing) and/or 10 or 12 for the ziplining! What can we do that will be fun for a 6 year old - and also our 15 year old?? The zoo looks a little boring... maybe they'll like some of the ruins since it is kind of like an Indiana Jones movie;) or, should we just do the beach. My husband and I have been there before without the kids and we just did the island/beach because we heard terrible things about the mainland and didn't want to drive an hour just to get to an excursion. Help?? Suggestions???

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