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Posts posted by madmax2010

  1. After reading all your issues surrounding the policy of boarding, I'm a little surprised that someone hasn't offered of a rather obvious solution ... why don't you board the boat later and avoid the issue altogether? Then of course you wouldn't have something to whine about like the other 67 posts here but on the other hand, you will find a stress free start to your vacation ... just a thought ... Captain Max

  2. I have read this blog with some interest but I was hoping there is a site that is focused on single cruisers. I love to cruise but don't want to go alone. Definitely heterosexual and looking for someone to cruise with once or twice a year. I would be happy to share a cabin to keep costs down and have a cruising pal ... nothing more .. male or female. I am male, 56 love to explore and do my own thing. Is there a site or blog out there that connects people with interests like mine?

  3. I was hoping someone could shed from light. Could someone tell me what was the captain doing once the ship left the dock? I assume he was on the bridge when they left at 7:00 ish ... the next we hear is that he was having dinner with officers and the young lady. When did the course change occur ( went to manual mode ) and where was the captain? When did the captain leave dinner and go to the bridge .. before 9:42? How did the captain order dinner at 10:30 including dessert for the young lady if he was panicking on the bridge? When did the young lady join him on the bridge?


    Your help is much appreciated as I cannot seem to find a good timeline for the captain that coreates to the ship time log ...


    1 final question - was the boat and all its engines out of power at 9:45 and if so, did the captain do anything or did the boat just float to its final destination with the current?

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