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Posts posted by Sadric

  1. On 1/18/2022 at 9:24 PM, Pace67 said:

    We were in the Haven on the Breakaway 2 weeks ago and my daughter and I are vegetarians. We would pre-order our vegetarian meals the day before with the maitre D. He would give suggestions (pasta, stuffed peppers, gnocchi etc...) and there were vegetarian options in the Haven for appetizers, so we only had to get the main entree accomodated. You can also request meals on the Haven menu without the meat. One day for lunch I had the shrimp scampi without the shrimp and it was delicious. We never had a problem and every meal was delicious. I also asked for fruit and vegy snacks from the butler and he never failed to deliver each day. 

     Ok this made me curious. What is shrimp scampi without the shrimp? I picture a bowl of butter and garlic. Not making fun. Genuinely curious.

  2. Hello Everyone... A bit of background....my wife, son, mother in law and I were sailing on Holland America on January 7, 2017 out of Fort Lauderdale. We arrived on a Delta flight at noon on January 6 only for a mad man to open fire on us at a luggage carousel . 5 people died  that day and 6 others injured. We never got our luggage as it was covered in blood and taken by the FBI. That day was my sons 12th birthday. It was horrendous under anyones definition and haunts all of us today. That being said we got on the cruise and it was terrible. Very high seas. No ports due to weather. Wife and Mother in Law very ill the whole time. My son and I just ran meds and ginger ale back and forth. First time back in the Carribean this year...April 3rd Encore in the Haven. I'm fine. My wife and son are a bit apprehensive (he is 17 now! hard to believe). Are the seas generally calm in early April? 


    We love the Haven. Never should have left NCL that one dark time. Looking forward to it in many ways. 


    Thank you and Kind Regards,


    • Like 2
  3. On 4/13/2021 at 1:18 PM, Sthrngary said:

    It was my pleasure.  A couple of things.  I was booked on the NCL Encore for May 2020.  Was cancelled.  I then rebooked for the Encore for May 2021.  Was cancelled. Now I am on the Joy for the week after thanksgiving.  Second, I have a much longer document on the Haven.  If you give my your email address, I will send it to you.  


    I have done these kinds of studies on Luxury vs. Mainstream vs. Premium Cruises.  Also on how to make your cruise a All-Inclusive VIP Luxury Experience.  This stuff is my hobby during covid times.  Happy to help.

    Hello! Long time lurker. On the Encore 4/22..Haven..


    May I get your Haven document? I’m at rdesear@gmail.com. 


    Many thanks and a great topic.



  4. ***Note*** If you read my previous post and dont want to retread the same ground skip down to the new part where I talk about Victoria



    Written Day 5:

    The NCL Joy is a large and pretty ship with copious features that will no doubt delight many people. Prior to departure, I had read many accounts of people’s journeys with the Joy post westernization and found many to be overly critical. Expectations should be managed. Nothing is perfect by any means but to condemn a brand new ship and crew based on one error shows flaws in expectations.

    I write this on the last sea day. Victoria tomorrow followed by a return to Seattle. I write this review to highlight where this ships flaws are and where her strengths are.

    Embarkation was a breeze at 11 am. We arrived and were in our cabin by 11:30. There was no discombobulation as many have reported. It was incredibly efficient and well done. Pier 66 is a bit hard to get to as the Streets of Seattle are not conducive to the volumes of people arriving at one location but inside the building, NCL handled the crowds with precision. The few problems I witnessed were with guests who did not have proper documentation which I lay on their shoulders not NCL.

    The ship itself is an odd layout with multiple decks reserved for just cabins with no public space at all. Basically everything from Deck 9 – 14 is cabin territory with nothing else public except for the oddly placed medical center on Deck 13. There is ample deck space which was never utilized on this Alaska voyage. The cool weather was just too persistent. So why pools, slides, and a few bars were open up there, only the most intrepid of explorers wandered out and a few people who had an apparent total immunity to cold used the pools. I think the Government should take these people to research facilities for close study. Few really used the laser tag and the go karts. One major flaw on this ship is devoting so much deck space to this and mini golf. For the love of God, please put a sports court back on this ship. A basketball court that is free is a much better use of space for most people. The teenagers on this ship were aching for it. I had a 14 year old with me and he reported how disappointed everyone was. He used both the go carts and the laser tag once. A sports court would have been used consistently. The mini golf was never used and is no better than a putting green. Eliminate this!


    Written Day 6

    The atrium stays bizarrely crowded with no seating and consistent mayhem. Between people arguing , Dan Dan the Cruise Director shilling for Bingo, pre cruise consultations, the internet café, a great bar, and Starbucks there is a lot going on. I don’t understand why they don’t use Q or the theater more for the game shows and other things.  The Atrium is packed liked a clown car all the time while the rest of the ship remains largely unused. Basically a mom or someone with a family sets up camp in the morning in the chairs and never leaves. Refuse builds around them as the day progresses until at the end of the evening, they are largely buried under buffet plates and tall mocha frappacino double soy expresso frappe cups. You see small eyes periodically peer out from under the pile furtively glancing around for a glimpse of a free jewelry giveaway.

    Speaking of the buffet, my knowledge here is limited and my few experiences were not the best. The buffet is a jabberwock of a setup. The dream of a mad man in a maze. I don’t understand the layout at all. It takes up a huge amount of Deck 16 while still managing to offer as little seating as possible. It is very confusing and rarely yields too many edible nuggets despite the volume of the offerings. Much is repeated at different areas and lines are crazy long. There is enough seating for maybe a family of 5 while most make the death march down one deck to the Observation lounge for additional seating wistfully looking around for a tray so that they might add a drink to their plates. At one point I very much was thinking about the scene in the Hobbit where the Dwarves invade Bilbo’s house eating everything in sight and sing wildly “Chip the glasses and crack the plates that’s what Bilbo Baggins Hates”!


    The Observation Lounge on Deck 15 is HUGE and used nicely with a Starbucks, a bar, games and drink stations as well as evening light meal offerings from 10:30 PM to midnight. My favorite, the egg salad was very well done and reminiscent of a southern 4th of July Picnic sandwich lovingly made by your favorite grandmother. I liked this area in general and it would be better used as a place once in a while where you could go for a game show (rather than the atrium). Also a note…I never found either Starbucks to be crowded.


    Now on to the entertainment. Footloose which is a movie I loved was not well executed. The primary problem is not the acting and singing which was all admirably well done but the source material itself which is thin and to continue the Hobbit reference felt like too little butter spread over too much bread. Again the cast did a lot with a little here but you just can’t shine dirt. I knew we were all in trouble about 30 minutes in. The first of the kids started to become restless and parents started breaking out games on phones for them. Across the theater little beacons of light started erupting all over the theater as if we all received breaking news at the same time. This was ok at first but after 45 minutes the first cries erupted followed by parents trying desperately too quiet them down. I didn’t know then but wish I did that we had over an hour left. Things really took off during the second diner scene an hour in. Parents started ushering their little crying treasures out of the theater never to return. They were the lucky ones. At 1 hour and 15 the drunks started leaving, either needing to use the restrooms or to get more drinks (they don’t serve them during the show and there is nowhere to get one). They also never returned no doubt finding solace in their drink packages. At 1 hour 30 it was pandemonium. This was what I call “The Exodus”, older folks mostly no longer able to sit for such a duration had to exit. It was just time. I don’t know why. It was like some universal unseen bell went off and en masse our elders left. I never saw many of them again. There is a science fiction book in there somewhere I just know it. Finally, at 1 hour 50 minutes as the last song was sung and the lights went on, the survivors were revealed. It looked like the Fields of Gettysburg in 1863. Those that were left were in some fashion wounded, no longer able to stand and pale as ghosts. We mostly sat stunned and withered waiting on Dan Dan the Cruise Director to release us with his healing powers.


    Now that being said, Elements was awesome and at 50 minutes just the right length. This show rivals any cruise lines best attempts and even compares well with my favorite, Aladdin from DCL. It hit all the right notes and was well executed.


    Ok back from Victoria and currently in the Delta Sky Club. Victoria was quite beautiful and we were there from 11:30 to 10 PM. All went well here. A 30 minute taxi to the Gardens and Back as well as a bit of touring downtown followed by a return to the ship.

    As we returned to the ship, a bit of a shocking moment. The Holland America Eurodam was parked next to us. This ship brings some terrible memories back and my wife, son and I looked at it with terror in our hearts. You see, we had flown to Fort Lauderdale one sunny day back in January 6 2017. As we get our luggage at Carousel #3, a madman open fired on us. His name was Esteban Santiago. Everyone within 5 feet of us died. My son was missing (it was his 12th birthday that day and we lost track of him as we hit the ground… because dropping is what you do when you hear gunshots). The mad man circled us like a shark. As I dropped to the ground, a bullet zipped over my head hitting a 90 year old lady killing her within seconds.  Her and her husband were celebrating their 60th anniversary on that cruise. I kept thinking if I could find my boy I could throw him through the luggage flaps where it was safe behind the scenes but I could not find him. After killing 5 and injuring many others in a semi circle around us, we heard clicking….he ran out of bullets. At this point he gave himself over to authorities leaving pandemonium in his wake. My son had been crawling along the serpentine belt and we found him moments after the shooting stopped, the air filled with smoke and blood. The next 12 hours were total chaos with rumors of other shooters and passengers on our flight under guard. The shooting was about noon that day and finally we were released via bus to the port at 11 PM. Thousands of us descending to a place with no taxis. Ultimately they shut down the port leaving us dazed and confused. We had no luggage as it was confiscated by the FBI (I think) for blood splatter evidence. At 1 AM we walked from the port  not knowing how to get to our hotel. I had a few percentage points of battery left (due to the fact the FBI charged my phone when they duped it as I had video evidence of the shooting) and downloaded the Uber App whereby an Angel answered. As I blabbered into the phone, she said “you are close to a Walgreens, meet me there”. I met her. She was a large blond lady with a huge smile and kind eyes. We were all in a state of shock. We went in Walgreens and bought a few basics and she delivered us to our hotel at 2 AM. As a gift from God, there was oddly a slew of Baptist Ministers in the lobby on conference. They gathered us in their arms and prayed with us. A hellish day ending with prayer by men of God at a Westin at 2 in the morning on January 7, 2017. We decided to go ahead with the cruise not wanting to get back on a plane and bought some clothes at Wal-Mart the next day. The Eurodam had counselors on board and did their best but we were in a state of shock and the weather stayed grueling for the next week. Most never left their cabins and stayed seasick. This was a “vacation” we would never forget. I could go on about how we spent months still shocked and so forth but that was in the past and this Joy sailing was our first cruise since then so to see the Eurodam parked next to us was jarring to say the least.

    You know, Im a bit tuckered out after writing that report on the shooting. Ill write more on the Joy later. We liked our cruise this time …all in.

    Best to all.

  5. Written Day 5:

    The NCL Joy is a large and pretty ship with copious features that will no doubt delight many people. Prior to departure, I had read many accounts of people’s journeys with the Joy post westernization and found many to be overly critical. Expectations should be managed. Nothing is perfect by any means but to condemn a brand new ship and crew based on one error shows flaws in expectations.

    I write this on the last sea day. Victoria tomorrow followed by a return to Seattle. I write this review to highlight where this ships flaws are and where her strengths are.

    Embarkation was a breeze at 11 am. We arrived and were in our cabin by 11:30. There was no discombobulation as many have reported. It was incredibly efficient and well done. Pier 66 is a bit hard to get to as the Streets of Seattle are not conducive to the volumes of people arriving at one location but inside the building, NCL handled the crowds with precision. The few problems I witnessed were with guests who did not have proper documentation which I lay on their shoulders not NCL.

    The ship itself is an odd layout with multiple decks reserved for just cabins with no public space at all. Basically everything from Deck 9 – 14 is cabin territory with nothing else public except for the oddly placed medical center on Deck 13. There is ample deck space which was never utilized on this Alaska voyage. The cool weather was just too persistent. So why pools, slides, and a few bars were open up there, only the most intrepid of explorers wandered out and a few people who had an apparent total immunity to cold used the pools. I think the Government should take these people to research facilities for close study. Few really used the laser tag and the go karts. One major flaw on this ship is devoting so much deck space to this and mini golf. For the love of God, please put a sports court back on this ship. A basketball court that is free is a much better use of space for most people. The teenagers on this ship were aching for it. I had a 14 year old with me and he reported how disappointed everyone was. He used both the go carts and the laser tag once. A sports court would have been used consistently. The mini golf was never used and is no better than a putting green. Eliminate this!


    Written Day 6

    The atrium stays bizarrely crowded with no seating and consistent mayhem. Between people arguing , Dan Dan the Cruise Director shilling for Bingo, pre cruise consultations, the internet café, a great bar, and Starbucks there is a lot going on. I don’t understand why they don’t use Q or the theater more for the game shows and other things.  The Atrium is packed liked a clown car all the time while the rest of the ship remains largely unused. Basically a mom or someone with a family sets up camp in the morning in the chairs and never leaves. Refuse builds around them as the day progresses until at the end of the evening, they are largely buried under buffet plates and tall mocha frappacino double soy expresso frappe cups. You see small eyes periodically peer out from under the pile furtively glancing around for a glimpse of a free jewelry giveaway.

    Speaking of the buffet, my knowledge here is limited and my few experiences were not the best. The buffet is a jabberwock of a setup. The dream of a mad man in a maze. I don’t understand the layout at all. It takes up a huge amount of Deck 16 while still managing to offer as little seating as possible. It is very confusing and rarely yields too many edible nuggets despite the volume of the offerings. Much is repeated at different areas and lines are crazy long. There is enough seating for maybe a family of 5 while most make the death march down one deck to the Observation lounge for additional seating wistfully looking around for a tray so that they might add a drink to their plates. At one point I very much was thinking about the scene in the Hobbit where the Dwarves invade Bilbo’s house eating everything in sight and sing wildly “Chip the glasses and crack the plates that’s what Bilbo Baggins Hates”!


    The Observation Lounge on Deck 15 is HUGE and used nicely with a Starbucks, a bar, games and drink stations as well as evening light meal offerings from 10:30 PM to midnight. My favorite, the egg salad was very well done and reminiscent of a southern 4th of July Picnic sandwich lovingly made by your favorite grandmother. I liked this area in general and it would be better used as a place once in a while where you could go for a game show (rather than the atrium). Also a note…I never found either Starbucks to be crowded.


    Now on to the entertainment. Footloose which is a movie I loved was not well executed. The primary problem is not the acting and singing which was all admirably well done but the source material itself which is thin and to continue the Hobbit reference felt like too little butter spread over too much bread. Again the cast did a lot with a little here but you just can’t shine dirt. I knew we were all in trouble about 30 minutes in. The first of the kids started to become restless and parents started breaking out games on phones for them. Across the theater little beacons of light started erupting all over the theater as if we all received breaking news at the same time. This was ok at first but after 45 minutes the first cries erupted followed by parents trying desperately too quiet them down. I didn’t know then but wish I did that we had over an hour left. Things really took off during the second diner scene an hour in. Parents started ushering their little crying treasures out of the theater never to return. They were the lucky ones. At 1 hour and 15 the drunks started leaving, either needing to use the restrooms or to get more drinks (they don’t serve them during the show and there is nowhere to get one). They also never returned no doubt finding solace in their drink packages. At 1 hour 30 it was pandemonium. This was what I call “The Exodus”, older folks mostly no longer able to sit for such a duration had to exit. It was just time. I don’t know why. It was like some universal unseen bell went off and en masse our elders left. I never saw many of them again. There is a science fiction book in there somewhere I just know it. Finally, at 1 hour 50 minutes as the last song was sung and the lights went on, the survivors were revealed. It looked like the Fields of Gettysburg in 1863. Those that were left were in some fashion wounded, no longer able to stand and pale as ghosts. We mostly sat stunned and withered waiting on Dan Dan the Cruise Director to release us with his healing powers.


    Now that being said, Elements was awesome and at 50 minutes just the right length. This show rivals any cruise lines best attempts and even compares well with my favorite, Aladdin from DCL. It hit all the right notes and was well executed.


    Well off to Victoria. More to come!

  6. 47 minutes ago, adoris said:

    I was on the Joy last week and never had any of the issues that the original poster had.  I enjoyed Footloose and never noticed any of the problems they seemed to see.  Yes, the Atrium is busy but get there a half hour before the show starts and you will find seating, if you have a large group it might be difficult but they do bring in the folding chairs which are comfortable.  I was always able to find seating in the buffet and if not, it is only one floor down to the Observation Lounge, and you don’t need to carry drinks down, they are available.  I don’t know what they meant about ‘Dan Dan schilling for bingo’ I never saw anything like that.

     What can I tell you ? Dan Dan was Schiller Maximus this time. I generally liked the ship and loathed Footloose. To each his own

    • Haha 1
  7. I quite liked the weather actually . As a southerner my pools need to be 90 degrees plus to go into however . We all felt it was very temperate otherwise 

    10 minutes ago, elwood_98034 said:

    We had a similar experience on the Jewel a few years ago. People would arrive in the cafe really early, grab the window tables (one person per table of four), set up their laptops, cameras, coffees, blankets, water bottles, and never leave until dark. The problem was when you tried to find somewhere to sit at meal times, you were SOL, as everyone with an inside cabin had claimed all the tables. I saw this as an excellent opportunity for the cafe management to excel, and encourage the squatters to return after the meal times had ended. That never happened. Hello room service.


    I also find it interesting that you found the weather in Alaska in Spring to be quite unlike that in Hawaii, or somewhere similar. Others have said the same thing. I guess that is why Juneau isn't called North Waikiki or some such. We are from Seattle, and find that walking around in the rain is normal behaviour. Otherwise we would go to Hawaii, and walk around in the sun. We just swim around in the pools in the rain, because you can only get so wet, right? You can't get wetter. The only annoying things are the occasional sleet that makes your hair very cold, and that the crew kicks you out of the pool when the ship starts rolling in rough water. They clearly have never heard of wave pools.

    I quite l

  8. Written Day 5:


    The NCL Joy is a large and pretty ship with copious features that will no doubt delight many people. Prior to departure, I had read many accounts of people’s journeys with the Joy post westernization and found many to be overly critical. Expectations should be managed. Nothing is perfect by any means but to condemn a brand new ship and crew based on one error shows flaws in expectations.

    I write this on the last sea day. Victoria tomorrow followed by a return to Seattle. I write this review to highlight where this ships flaws are and where her strengths are.

    Embarkation was a breeze at 11 am. We arrived and were in our cabin by 11:30. There was no discombobulation as many have reported. It was incredibly efficient and well done. Pier 66 is a bit hard to get to as the Streets of Seattle are not conducive to the volumes of people arriving at one location but inside the building, NCL handled the crowds with precision. The few problems I witnessed were with guests who did not have proper documentation which I lay on their shoulders not NCL.

    The ship itself is an odd layout with multiple decks reserved for just cabins with no public space at all. Basically everything from Deck 9 – 14 is cabin territory with nothing else public except for the oddly placed medical center on Deck 13. There is ample deck space which was never utilized on this Alaska voyage. The cool weather was just too persistent. So why pools, slides, and a few bars were open up there, only the most intrepid of explorers wandered out and a few people who had an apparent total immunity to cold used the pools. I think the Government should take these people to research facilities for close study. Few really used the laser tag and the go karts. One major flaw on this ship is devoting so much deck space to this and mini golf. For the love of God, please put a sports court back on this ship. A basketball court that is free is a much better use of space for most people. The teenagers on this ship were aching for it. I had a 14 year old with me and he reported how disappointed everyone was. He used both the go carts and the laser tag once. A sports court would have been used consistently. The mini golf was never used and is no better than a putting green. Eliminate this!


    Written Day 6

    The atrium stays bizarrely crowded with no seating and consistent mayhem. Between people arguing , Dan Dan the Cruise Director shilling for Bingo, pre cruise consultations, the internet café, a great bar, and Starbucks there is a lot going on. I don’t understand why they don’t use Q or the theater more for the game shows and other things.  The Atrium is packed liked a clown car all the time while the rest of the ship remains largely unused. Basically a mom or someone with a family sets up camp in the morning in the chairs and never leaves. Refuse builds around them as the day progresses until at the end of the evening, they are largely buried under buffet plates and tall mocha frappacino double soy expresso frappe cups. You see small eyes periodically peer out from under the pile furtively glancing around for a glimpse of a free jewelry giveaway.

    Speaking of the buffet, my knowledge here is limited and my few experiences were not the best. The buffet is a jabberwock of a setup. The dream of a mad man in a maze. I don’t understand the layout at all. It takes up a huge amount of Deck 16 while still managing to offer as little seating as possible. It is very confusing and rarely yields too many edible nuggets despite the volume of the offerings. Much is repeated at different areas and lines are crazy long. There is enough seating for maybe a family of 5 while most make the death march down one deck to the Observation lounge for additional seating wistfully looking around for a tray so that they might add a drink to their plates. At one point I very much was thinking about the scene in the Hobbit where the Dwarves invade Bilbo’s house eating everything in sight and sing wildly “Chip the glasses and crack the plates that’s what Bilbo Baggins Hates”!


    The Observation Lounge on Deck 15 is HUGE and used nicely with a Starbucks, a bar, games and drink stations as well as evening light meal offerings from 10:30 PM to midnight. My favorite, the egg salad was very well done and reminiscent of a southern 4th of July Picnic sandwich lovingly made by your favorite grandmother. I liked this area in general and it would be better used as a place once in a while where you could go for a game show (rather than the atrium). Also a note…I never found either Starbucks to be crowded.


    Now on to the entertainment. Footloose which is a movie I loved was not well executed. The primary problem is not the acting and singing which was all admirably well done but the source material itself which is thin and to continue the Hobbit reference felt like too little butter spread over too much bread. Again the cast did a lot with a little here but you just can’t shine dirt. I knew we were all in trouble about 30 minutes in. The first of the kids started to become restless and parents started breaking out games on phones for them. Across the theater little beacons of light started erupting all over the theater as if we all received breaking news at the same time. This was ok at first but after 45 minutes the first cries erupted followed by parents trying desperately too quiet them down. I didn’t know then but wish I did that we had over an hour left. Things really took off during the second diner scene an hour in. Parents started ushering their little crying treasures out of the theater never to return. They were the lucky ones. At 1 hour and 15 the drunks started leaving, either needing to use the restrooms or to get more drinks (they don’t serve them during the show and there is nowhere to get one). They also never returned no doubt finding solace in their drink packages. At 1 hour 30 it was pandemonium. This was what I call “The Exodus”, older folks mostly no longer able to sit for such a duration had to exit. It was just time. I don’t know why. It was like some universal unseen bell went off and en masse our elders left. I never saw many of them again. There is a science fiction book in there somewhere I just know it. Finally, at 1 hour 50 minutes as the last song was sung and the lights went on, the survivors were revealed. It looked like the Fields of Gettysburg in 1863. Those that were left were in some fashion wounded, no longer able to stand and pale as ghosts. We mostly sat stunned and withered waiting on Dan Dan the Cruise Director to release us with his healing powers.


    Now that being said, Elements was awesome and at 50 minutes just the right length. This show rivals any cruise lines best attempts and even compares well with my favorite, Aladdin from DCL. It hit all the right notes and was well executed.


    Well off to Victoria. More to come!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  9. I am with the OP on this one. My family and I are in the Haven on the May 25th sailing and I've been seeing terrible reviews on this ship particularly concerning embarkation and debarkation. I am also wondering why there are only 2 shows? My wife and I are avid show watchers after dinner. What is happening in the main theater on non show nights??

  10. I am posting this because i just relogged into this computer and saw my old fun posts. We showed up for this sailing at the Ft. Lauderdale airport on January 6 2017. We were getting our luggage from carousel #3 when we heard a loud bang. We turned and saw a mad man coming at us with a gun. We hit the ground. Everyone within 5 feet of us died from a gunshot wound to the head. It was the beginning of a new life for us. We are survivors of a mass shooting. It was my son's 12th birthday. I am not sure why I am posting this. We went on the cruise. No luggage (held for blood splatter), in shock and not knowing what else to do. The sailing was pretty much horror filled all the way around. The weather was brutal and we missed multiple stops. My wife, mother-in-law and son stayed in bed seasick all week and in shock. I ran among the rooms with medicine. It was the worst week of our lives. We had just survived the massive wildfire in Gatlinburg a month earlier. We thought nothing would be worse than that. We were terribly wrong. Our lives changed that day. I watched a woman die in her husbands arms as they were going to go on their 60th anniversary cruise. I think she took my bullet. Sure of it in fact. Surer than anything I have ever been sure of in my life. She fell behind me. Esteban Santiago goes up for trial in 2018. He ruined many lives that day not all of which perished by a bullet. My advice to all of you...pay attention to your surroundings. Luggage carousels are "soft" targets. Anyone can come from anywhere, Hug your family now. Tell them you love them. It can all change in an instant by a madman with a gun in an airport on a winter's day.

  11. Hello everyone. As a refresher, My wife and I, my mother in law and son had booked one SA suite and one SB Suite for an early December Eurodam sailing then horror struck my hometown of Gatlinburg TN. Half the cities homes burnt down and 50 commercial buildings. It was very bad. I am the General Manager of the largest employer in the city and could not go as I had to find homes for 33 staff members and get the city back in order. Luckily I had the platinum coverage and HA was pretty good about rebooking us although ultimately it cost quite a bit more as we are now going Jan 7 (this week). My wife and I were rebooked in a SA (7070) which was almost as good as our other room but my MIL and Son were put in a SB Guarantee. The cabin has been assigned to a SC grade cabin (6175). This doesn't seem right. Do guarantee cabins go down??



  12. Remember I am a long time cruiser but first time with HAL

    To recap

    wife and I 43

    Son age 11

    Mother in law Age 200

    Got 2 Neptune Suites


    Eurodam December 10


    Questions from my wife


    1. Are the pools crowded? Is there the usual millions of reserved towels that no one ever claims?


    2. Some lines offer seating at the shows for Suite passengers. Does HAL?


    3. We were a bit surprised that the main seating was filled up so we went into open seating as we are not late eaters. We would eat at 5 every day if we could. Will they try to change us to main dining on board if requested? My problem with NCL Freestyle is that the service tends to suffer without a consistent wait staff.


    4. What does the Neptune Lounge have in it? Food and Drink? At all times of day or just some time?


    5. We were in the Haven on the NCL Pearl a few months ago and really liked having a restaurant for our use for breakfast. Is there a similiar offering from HAL?


    6. Any other hot HAL Eurodam tips?





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