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Posts posted by escrit

  1. Went Aqua Class on Silhouette last year. Tried Blu first night but we were both unimpressed. Nice ambience but food not to our liking . I asked for the standard french onion soup from the MDR menu but the waiter indicated this could not be obtained. I declined any other starter and this resulted in a visit from the maitre d'. I subsequently received the soup but was not impressed by the more restricted choice on the Blu menu (compared to MDR) so next night we simply turned up at the MDR as 'select' diners having paid gratuities up front.


    As always MDR was fine and we were accommodated at a table for two without any difficulty. MDR maitre d' seemed to take some pleasure from our decision to elect for his restaurant in preference to BLU and this may have influenced our table allocations. For the next few days we received several notes from the maitre d' at BLU imploring us to return and give them another chance. This was followed up by a complete set of the BLU menus for the next 10 days appearing in our cabin. Eventually we relented and were treated like prodigal 'sons' in an almost embarrassingly attentive manner. This story should end with us being converted to BLU's charms but, alas, we remained stoically unimpressed (we're Scottish so stoicism comes naturally!) and didn't reappear fro the remainder of the cruise. The maitre d' appeared to accept defeat and we didn't hear any more from him.


    We didn't try BLU for breakfast as we enjoy the Aqua Spa cafe (a hiden gem indeed) but I can see no reason whatsoever why Aqua class guests can't mix and match as they prefer.


    Will be back on Eclipse over New Year but will settle for Concierge class and use MDR and the other speciality restaurants as these are streets ahead of BLU (Lawn Club Grill is an experience and a meal). That said .... Each to his /her own so if you enjoy BLU, as many clearly do, then it 's a BLU do for you the noo!

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