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Posts posted by wldwmndrvr

  1. Everyone has been too busy to join in on the posts since Christmas. Well I have to say, i gained over the holiday season but only .6. I can handle that. I am so looking forward to my cruise in 10 days! I have not lost what I wanted to lose before leaving but that will not hold me back from having a GREAT time. Have great weighins this week, everyone.

  2. I think my scale is broken. There's been no change in either direction for quite some time:confused:. Hopefully, Santa will be able to bring me a new one so that I can chart my progress:eek: so until then I'm just not gonna get weighed until after the holidays:(

    I hope he brings you a new one too. I just bought a new one about one month ago and love it. It is sleek stainless steel and low profile. Nice to have one that is accurate, more importantly!

  3. Smart Ones Chicken Santa Fe for lunch today...3 PP!!!! And it's one of my faves! Can't get much better than that! Now for a HoneyCrisp apple for dessert!

    Funny, but yesterday & today I have been complimented on how much weight I've lost. Well, these people have only known me since AFTER the initial weight loss. Must be the clothes. Chico's is what I wear primarily, & I guess I've just found the right combo! For the past 6 months - 1 year, I've been staying between the same 5 lbs. THAT will be changing soon, though. I'm sticking to plan, & getting back to my "wogging" (walking/jogging). My next 1/2 marathon is 5/5/12. Between tracking & training, I plan to actually LOSE this time WHILE training!

    I’m one of those who needs to weigh every morning before my shower. I know that the WW scale is about 2 lbs more than my home scale, so I use my home weight as my base.


    SW (Original) 183

    CW 166.6 (not as evil as it sounds!)

    GW 145


    I will have to try that Chicken Santa Fe, sounds tasty. I am with you as to weighing at home in the AM. My scale is also 2 lbs less than at the meeting.

  4. We rec'd our new PP info last night at the meeting too. I lost .4lbs this week. I am losing about .5 to 1.0 per week but I am one of those that would like to see more coming off a week 1.5 to 2 would be fine. we cruise in mid jan. I know I will not be to my goal. hoping for at least 10% though. But even when we return I will keep going at it. I have use this cruise to help motivate me and it has done just that. Good luck to you, Sara, and everyone else this week.

  5. Started tracking points...if I bite it, I write it. Finding this helpful. Why or why didn't I keep it off when I lost it all those years ago?

    I so agreed with you about should have kept it off to begin with. But life happens and I have enjoyed mine, so having said that it is a "done thing" and now I will have to deal with it. So with the encouragement from each other, we will succeed. Good luck this week to all!

  6. Well you got to keep up your strength somehow. I am not looking forward to weigh-in tonight. I was not good this weekend (had fettucine). It has been before I started WW in Sept since I have had that dish and my husband makes it so well. Really hard to say NO. I will check tomorrow and give you update on my weigh-in results. Way to go on all the loses and hard work to everyone!

  7. Weigh in was Tuesday night, down another pound. I am with you, Debbie, was telling my sister walking into meeting that I thought I had not had a good week and may have even gained. How surprised I was to see the scale down 1#. 65 days till I sail and want to be down about 12#. I think i can do it. Good luck to everyone for a productive week.

  8. Well I have a 1.6lb lose this week. It is slow coming off but it is coming off. Congrats on all of you that have achieved your goal, lost again this week and to those who either gained or saw no lose at all. It will happen, we just have to keep telling ourselves and each other. I am concerned about gaining weight on the cruise. I have heard stories on both side. I feel like i will be more active that week than normal (I have a desk job) so I think I will be okay. Anyone have their story to share on the subject? Have a great weigh-in, everyone!

  9. I had my weigh -in last night and was only down .2 but it is a loss just the same. Was disappointed but this is a new week. Every little bit counts. I commend all of us, because out of the vices I have had or could have (use to smoke) everyone has to eat to stay alive but smoking or drinking or drugs are not mandatory to live (although for some it might feel like it). So thumbs up to all of us for the effort and successes we are having.

  10. Hello to everyone, was cruising the different threads yesterday and found this great one. I joined ww sept 24. Lost 1.4 the first week was back up .8 the next week and this past week i was down 3.2. I was not happy with slight gain but it is a trial and error thing for me. Also my husband does not need to watch his weight (very active job) and although he is supportive in my efforts, it is hard for him to control the way he cooks. Btw, he loves to cook. But my heart and soul is in this to make myself healthier and happier. I am so happy to be apart of your group. Keep up the great work to all of us.

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