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Posts posted by mpaff

  1. On 5/16/2020 at 10:54 AM, bbinz said:

    Why is it disgusting? They are a for profit business. You can’t blame them if they wait as long as they can. They are going above by offering 125% FCC if they cancel. You can also cancel at anytime on your own and get 100% FCC or move your sailing to next year with no price changes. 

    Very reasonable to me and we have taken advantage of both offers... a canceled March cruise and upcoming to be canceled June cruise. 


    I just want my money back so I can spend it on another vacation.

    • Like 3
  2. 17 minutes ago, oceanlovinmama said:

      I get it.. but all I was asking was to have some patience for the cruise lines.  I want my clients to get their money in a timely fashion, but I do not want to have to give money back, IF I received my commission, and I do not want to be held accountable for the cost of your cruise, when you were refunded your money.


    I dont care about the cruise line's problems.  I have my own problems in my own company.  There is a reason RC is taking out billion dollar loans so maybe they should use it to pay their customer's refunds.  

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, broberts said:


    You do know that Chris Cuomo lives with his wife and children who also tested positive? 


    Chris Cuomo is a journalist and tv presenter. It is no surprise that he knows Dr. Fauci. To suggest that Dr. Fauci consults with and takes advice from him strikes me as the fevered dreaming of a political operative.


    Cuomo was also outside, out of quarantine, at the Hamptons with no mask and got mad when someone questioned him. Then cam on air two weeks later and called people not wearing masks losers.  Hes a real piece of work.  



  4. 37 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    I don't recall RCI ever said when it plans to resume operations, just up to what point they cancelled - a lot of folks wrongly assume that end of cancellation = resumption of service. In the US, it is very unlikely any sailing will take place before the expiration of the CDC no sail order (7/24). Just because RCI has the sailings listed for sale, it does not mean they will sail then.


    BTW, CC automatically blocks direct links to that unofficial site.



    Ok, how about straight from the RCL website.  Is that proof enough?

    • Like 3
  5. I saw the interview and it was, in my opinion, concerning.  He was clearly back pedaling and misdirecting most questions.  He has no answers for the shareholders, TA or customers.  He does not have a time line to return so clearly June 12th is not a return date.  He stated only cruises to CC in the beginning so that eliminates almost everything but cruises out of FL.  No buffet? Are you serious?  Most people get their breakfast lunch and sometimes dinner from WJ.   

    • Like 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, Tree_skier said:

    Extreme and unreasonable measures invite people to flout the rules or rebel against those measures.  A reasonable approach invites compliance and in the long run provides more safety and security because the masses will buy in with greater enthusiasm.


    That is the reasonable approach but it is ALL political in the U.S. now.  

    • Like 2
  7. On 5/9/2020 at 2:43 PM, Merion_Mom said:


    If you are going to call someone out for their behavior, at least be accurate.


    She is not a governor.  She's a mayor.

    Didnt realize I had a proofreader in here.  MY mistake, Lori is a mayor in a terrible city and will never sit in the governor's seat. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, hazence said:


    Right now more than any other time...we need to trust. We need to trust because lots of people are sacrificing so much. People are losing jobs, losing savings...most importantly...losing loved ones. We are told not to visit family, put off the painful hip replacement, stay home when sick and wear a mask.  People  are too fearful to get diagnostic tests that will surely affect their health in the future. 


    What do Gov Andrew Cuomo and Dr Fauci plead with us, at a minimum, to do...stay home if you are sick and wear a mask to protect others.  To get people to DO this, we have to trust that THEY, the wise and important people, believe this too. That...”we are all in this together.”


    Entire industries, like the Cruise industry, may go under or be seriously impacted by these rules. So we need to TRUST that they are truly necessary as all these sacrifices are made.


    But it seems these rules do not apply to Andrews brother, Fauci’s dear friend, and CNN’s Chris CUOMO and his family. No, just to us, the plebs, the irritants who want to get back to work.  Just  to us, the potential virus-spreaders who so annoy the pro-lockdown media like Chris by ....shopping UNINFECTED without a mask...while INFECTED Chris doesn’t even wear one traveling with his own children in a car.


    The rules don’t apply to the guy hectoring us every day from his mansion basement. The best known COVID sufferer in the world who talks to Fauci daily is not afraid that his unmasked virus in an enclosed car will infect his own kids! 


    Really?  Then why should I be afraid of unmasked healthy people in my unaffected zip code?  


    Chris Cuomo..in this terrible pandemic is not just a hypocrite...he’s a trust killer...and that is truly dangerous! 


    And guess what...he gets away with it. No one asks Andrew Cuomo or Dr Fauci in press conferences about the wandering of their infected brother and friend and how that relates to what they are preaching to the rest of us! 


    CNN never even makes a statement.  Was his show a hoax for ratings? or is he just too important to confront about his hypocrisy?


    So those of you furious at anyone who questions masks or social distancing, you have no friend in Andrews infected brother and Fauci’s infected friend...who obviously thinks their advice is a crock....when he is off air.  

    He is a trust-killer. 


    Dont forget the governor who lectures people to stay home and then goes out to the hair dresser because she is too important and she needs to look good for tv

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