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Posts posted by Trizzy

  1. Wow. I am really surprised by some of the responses. I only have 6 post ...because I simply don't post much. I am planning a cruise with my Girlfriends this summer and I am spending a lot of time reading reviews on this site to help plan. I recalled something that happened on my last trip and decided to post it. Maybe it wasn't clear but I never said that children were smoking and drinking IN the Kid Club. I actually overheard kids outside the club talking about doing it as well as met a young man who says that he was approached by some teenagers to buy them alcohol. Some kids will do this whether they are on ship or hanging with friends in their neighborhood.


    I really enjoyed the vacation and I am glad that my children decided to spend the time with me..Too bad that this post took a wrong turn.. With that said I'll just continue to read reviews and not post. Good day all.

  2. I took my 14 year old son and 12 year old daughter on the Dream last August.. I was pretty certain they would love joining the children's club activities but boy was I wrong!! Lol.


    Fast forward a few days into the cruise I found out that some of the teens where smoking and drinking on the ship. I'm sure it was a handful of them but my kids made it a point to let me know that they made a right decision by not signing up for the Kid's club. They had a great time anyway and it was nice seeing them enjoy each other on the trip. I may plan another for us next year!!

  3. Finally decided on this year's cruise.. The choices where the Glory, Valor and Liberty. Valor has on of the best itineraries visiting more ports than most Carnival ships but it doesn't have 2.0 updates . Glory and Liberty have identical itineraries but sail from different ports.. And both have 2.0. So finally after reading so many positive reviews on the Liberty .. 2014 I will be cruising Carnival Liberty in August!!! The first thing I will do is get is get a burger from Guy's!!!

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