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Posts posted by Jordster

  1. I think I am going to take my chances...


    I spoke with Celebrity via my travel agent, and they said that if you inform them that you have an early flight, they can help you be one of the first people off the ship. Walking off early will probably put me ahead of most of the crowd (it is Saturday, Dec 27, during Xmas break). It's also just my wife and I, and we know how to push our way through an airport in the event that we're a bit late.


    The airport is evidently only 10 minutes away... I think there is a very good chance I can get to the airport by as early as 8:30, and make it there before 9:30 given anything other than a catastrophic delay.

  2. Celebrity recommends taking flights 11:30am or later on departure day. The only practical flight for us is at 10:50am. We always walk off the ship with our own luggage.


    Just looking for opinions on whether I'd be cutting it too close. The cruise terminal is only about 15 minutes (I think) by cab to the airport. On my last cruise (an RCCL ship out of Orlando) I was off the ship, shuttled to the car rental and in my rental car by 8:40am. Getting to the airport for a 10:50am flight (so, ideally, before 9:30) doesn't seem like such a stretch.


    What do you think?? Thanks!

  3. Well, I think I might have been wrong after reading everyone's comments.


    There was a credit, but it was listed as some sort of tax. I figured I had overpaid or double paid some sort of tax, and never thought about it again until now... When I get home, I'm going to check my invoice.


    Thanks for the feedback everyone!


    I tried to edit the OP, but evidently this site doesn't allow that.

  4. A long time ago, I was on a cruise and we missed a port due to weather. Everyone received a $50 credit, which was the amount that the cruise line had paid for port fees.


    I was on the Freedom of the Seas on 8/24 and our first port (Coco Bay, Bahamas) was stormed out. There was no refund ... And of course RCCL's contract says they now keep the difference.


    Feels to me like they changed their policy to profit off of the misfortune of their customers. Very disappointing.

  5. Oh sorry- I misread the OP's post. I thought they were bringing grandma AND a sitter. Sorry for all the unsolicited advice on sitters!


    I think the only thing I would change in your plan is to have connecting rooms. I did have connecting cabins when there were four of us and it worked out just fine. My son slept in the other room but did spend most of his waking hours in our cabin. This way the adults can hang out in the other cabin and on some ships you can take out the divider on the balcony and make one big balcony.


    That's tempting, actually. It's only about a $700 difference ... I might just book two balconies side by side :) I'll see what the wife thinks!


    I'm very lucky that my wife's mother is basically an unpaid part-time sitter. She drives my dear son to daycare every single day! When he was a colicky infant, she used to come every morning and watch him so we could sleep from 7-11am. I'm so happy that I'm able to take her on this trip to thank her for all she does for us!

  6. Well, since you asked for advice, my advice is forget about any cruise until the kid is older, or offer the grandparents a chance for some bonding! Basically you will just be watching your kid on a cruise ship, instead of the more familiar surroundings of your home. We have two boys, now 14 and 16, and never thought about such trip when they were little. Wait a few years until the kid can enjoy the cruise. In my opinion, that would be when the kid is 12-13 years old and can be trusted not to go with strangers, peter pan over a railing, etc. My wife and I both agreed to put "our wants" on hold until we raise our kids...and we have never regretted that. Plenty of time for cruises when they are grown up.


    Well, I did ask for advice, although this is not the advice I had in mind.


    To be honest, watching my kid have experiences is worth every dollar to me. I took him to the new aquarium in Toronto (where I live) when he was 15 months old even though it cost me over $100. While you could say that he wouldn't understand or appreciate it, I watched him experience absolute amazement as he tried to make sense of all the colorful fish.


    I plan on doing lots of traveling with my child, and his future siblings, while they are young. I'm fortunate that my wife and I have excellent careers and there is no tangible benefit to putting our "wants" on hold. My wife and I are still human beings with wants and desires, and we work hard.


    In fact, I would say that taking your young children on adventures (in this case, a cruise and a trip to Florida) is good for family bonding. And I'm even paying for a whole extra cabin so that I can have a babysitter and so that we can enjoy some couple time!


    As stated rci provides pack and plays (if you want one request it in advance and ask your stateroom attendednt). They normally don't show up until the turndown the first night (so be prepared). Depending on the kid size we did a travel cot and that works real well for us.


    I could go on. Have a great time I'm sure you will.


    According to RCI's website, the pack and plays are only good up to 24" in height and 30 lbs in weight. My son is a big 18 month old, and is already 32" and 32 lbs! (97th percentile!) Suffice to say, I don't think he'll fit :(



  8. I already posted this on the RCL board, but it was suggested to me that I try posting it here as well:


    Hello fellow cruisers,


    My wife and I are thinking of booking our 6th cruise, #2 with RCL. However, this will be our first time travelling anywhere with our toddler, who will be about 21 months at the time of travel. The idea scares me! But we haven't left the city in over 2 years and I think it's time!


    We are thinking of going on the Freedom on 8/24. We are bringing my wife's mother along as a babysitter, and going to get 2 non-adjoining rooms (one balcony for us, and an inside cabin for the babysitter and the baby).


    I would love to hear your "generic" toddler travel advice, and as well I have some questions:


    1. Has anyone ever brought a bed-rail with as an alternative to dragging a whole portable crib/pack and play? I was thinking of buying this:




    I just want to make sure it will fit on the bed (or maybe the couch).


    2. How is the daycare? My son will need help "transitioning" as he isn't so fast to warm up to strangers. Are they willing and able to accomodate children who have some trouble adjusting? I've seen some overall positive reviews about the service, just wondering...


    3. Has anyone ever tried to use a baby monitor on board? The one I have is known for it's strong signal strength (Motorolla MBP36). I know it won't work very far, but our rooms are about 15-20 rooms apart. It has a range of about 600' when unobstructed but I don't know how much interference/metal will get in the way. It would be nice if it worked so he can sleep in one room while the adults hang out in the other.


    4. How do you get your little one from the airplane to the cruise? I'm thinking of renting a car.. That would mean a lot of mom and baby waiting while dad (me) goes and rents a car, and later while I return the car. I just don't see any other safe way to travel around Florida. I guess the alternative is a taxi, but I'm guessing they aren't so happy to wait while you install and remove car seats!


    Thanks for reading!

  9. Hello fellow cruisers,


    My wife and I are thinking of booking our 6th cruise, #2 with RCL. However, this will be our first time travelling anywhere with our toddler, who will be about 21 months at the time of travel. The idea scares me! But we haven't left the city in over 2 years and I think it's time!


    We are thinking of going on the Freedom on 8/24. We are bringing my wife's mother along as a babysitter, and going to get 2 non-adjoining rooms (one balcony for us, and an inside cabin for the babysitter and the baby).


    I would love to hear your "generic" toddler travel advice, and as well I have some questions:


    1. Has anyone ever brought a bed-rail with as an alternative to dragging a whole portable crib/pack and play? I was thinking of buying this:




    I just want to make sure it will fit on the bed (or maybe the couch).


    2. How is the daycare? My son will need help "transitioning" as he isn't so fast to warm up to strangers. Are they willing and able to accomodate children who have some trouble adjusting? I've seen some overall positive reviews about the service, just wondering...


    3. Has anyone ever tried to use a baby monitor on board? The one I have is known for it's strong signal strength (Motorolla MBP36). I know it won't work very far, but our rooms are about 15-20 rooms apart. It has a range of about 600' when unobstructed but I don't know how much interference/metal will get in the way. It would be nice if it worked so he can sleep in one room while the adults hang out in the other.


    4. How do you get your little one from the airplane to the cruise? I'm thinking of renting a car.. That would mean a lot of mom and baby waiting while dad (me) goes and rents a car, and later while I return the car. I just don't see any other safe way to travel around Florida. I guess the alternative is a taxi, but I'm guessing they aren't so happy to wait while you install and remove car seats!


    Thanks for reading!

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