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Posts posted by dialc

  1. i love cornwell (and her book on jack the ripper is excellent!) and patterson, but for a cruise, you need 'lite' reading; go for crusie and evanovich!! love the entire stef plum series (start w/ '1 for the money"); bring several; you will find yourself laughing out loud in the middle of the night!!! just read 'bet me'; flawless!! easy to read, great for deckside, soooo funny!!

    btw...we are trying to figure who can play 'ranger' in the movie version; i'm thinking maybe the rock. any ideas.....? ;)



    who for Moelli? Somebody Italian looking, don't you think?

    Grandma would definitely be the little old lady from "golden girls"

  2. Caribbean Girl, thanks for reminding me of some of my favorite books: A Yellow Raft on Blue Waters and Memories of a Geisha. Did you realize that Memories of a Geisha was written by a man?! Great book!

    I'm now reading a fun book called "Monkey Business" by Sarah Mlynowski. Fun, light reading.

    I have a very good friend who owns a book store. Whenever I need something to read, I just stop by and she fills-up a shopping bag for me. She's the one responsible for getting me hooked on the "Stephanie Plum" books. She knows what I like but also knows what her customers say about books they've read and will inlcude those books. It's great, if I don't like it, I just put it back in the bag and pick another one.

    I've been making a list of recommended books from this posting to get them for our up-coming cruise - May 21th. Unfortunately, I've either read them or I get them and read them before our cruise. But keep giving recommendations. Even if I don't have them for the cruise, I've got more titles and authors to be on the look-out for. Thanks everyone.

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