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Posts posted by lovebunnyok

  1. That's awesome Love, I wish you so much luck. I know what a rough road this can be. You'll have to add me on fb, just send a message to my yahoo and i'll give you my name. <hugs> you're gonna do great!!


    Yes! I am a FB addict. You can find me under my email address. It's my username here @yahoo.com. If you send me a message when adding me letting me know you are from here, I will add you. :)

  2. Hey everyone! :)

    I went to the WLS seminar today. It was informative and I already have my first appt with the surgeon on Oct 7th. My hubby was worried of the financial costs, but with the insurance it looks like it will be minimal. :) So, I figure if all goes well with the pre op testing, I will be getting it at the beginning of the year! Wish me luck! ;)
  3. [quote name='sweetsublissa']So excited for you Lov!! Did I see you were going on the bloggers cruise as well??

    WLS surgery is a big decision and I don't think people realize how hard it is to qualify for it. I know it took be almost a year and I'm scared to freakin death. But I do want to be healthier, mainly b/c i'm greedy and want a long life, so I'm gonna do it.[/quote]

    The bloggers cruise? I have no idea! LOL Hubby and I are going on the Carnival Elation Dec 17th out of NOLA.

    I understand your fears, but like you, I need to do it. I tried to qualify once before in 2004, but they denied me. Why, I have no idea. It's not like I was a supermodel or anything. I was probably 20lbs less than I am now. But hopefully, now that I have actually been declared disabled due to weight, they will agree that I actually need it! LOL

    Oh, I got my seminar moved up! I will be going tomorrow morning. :)

    Has your doctor required to do a pre op diet? I was just curious since the surgery is right after your cruise.
  4. [quote name='firerunner']Hopefully my reply doesnt get removed for i might upset some people.

    first off I am overweight, 50 more pounds to go towards my goal AND I am disabled. Wheelchair bound alot of the time depending on the illness.

    So here goes..someone posted something like "i can lose weight but they cant stop being them."

    and you know I think as overweight people we need to ALSO understand those that are not. As in that comment even peed me off.

    Why you ask??? I am disabled and even when I take off the last 50 pounds I WILL STILL BE DISABLED. there is no cure for me, there is no OA, there is not gastric surgery or lap band.

    If I could be cured by losing the weight I would be pounding down the gym rooms door every day, to exercise, I would be getting surgery if need be, I would be monitoring every bite of food i put into my mouths..so that i wasn't disabled.

    so that i could walk

    so that i could sit at the beach with my kids

    so that i could live longer

    I don't have that choice

    and I think THAT is why abled bodies do not understand were the obese people and their belief, come from, hell I am over weight and I don't understand how an overweight person can be classified as disabled. In alot of cases there is a CURE! and i think comments like the above, about being able to lose weight, just feeds into the ignorance of those that don't even try to understand it. All they see is that this obese person just stated that they can lose weight..so why don't they?

    Now that being said, before you go getting all mad, I'm not saying you're wrong, or you should not be classifed as disabled or you should not have a room.

    im saying to try to understand the view of others, and watch what we say. We do not need to rub it in their faces that we can just lose weight or get lap band to become mobile.

    And finally, although I am not morbidly obese (any more I have lost 42 pounds to date), but i am and always will be disabled due to this disease. And this thread has opened my eyes alot to the trials and hassels an over weight person goes through. It is a good thread.

    But I do think not only do others need to show tolerance and understanding..so do we.[/quote]

    While I understand your viewpoint, I have to respectfully disagree. I too am disabled beyond being morbidly obese. I am losing my eyesight, and at age 34, have cataracts in both eyes and no doctor will perform the surgery because of family history and risks because my eyes are too fragile.

    I don't have tolerance for those who berate me for my weight, and attack those who are fluffy because they don't like how we look. Society these days have made it even worse. Fat people are constantly mocked and made fun of just because of size. Whether it's because of genetics, metabolic issues, or psychological issues doesn't matter. We are all lumped into one group, and demonized for it.

    I am trying to get WLS, but for me it is a last resort. With my endocrinology issues, there is no guarantee that it will work. In fact, there is no guarantee it will work for any obese person, but because we are desperate to fit into society's image and to be healthier people, we are willing to physically alter our digestive system. [B]People have died from this surgery[/B], and some lose so much weight they can't stay at a healthy weight. Not only that, but this surgery purposely makes it to where we cannot get the proper nutrients from the food we eat, making us susceptible to a number of health issues and disorders.

    So, no, I will never have tolerance or understanding for those who think we are just fat slobs and that we choose to be fat. I did not choose this, and I don't see how any rational human being can choose to be mocked and harassed, and made a laughing stock because our bodies are larger than others.

    On a happy note, 91 days till I cruise for the first time!! :) I am super excited! I even am fulfilling a dream by swimming with dolphins!! :)
  5. [quote name='Marian Paroo'][COLOR=DarkOrchid]What does your avatar stand for? Never saw one like that before.[/COLOR][/quote]

    On April 27, 2011, Tuscaloosa, Alabama was hit by an F4 tornado that was over a mile long in width. My husband and I were in our apartment and had no idea (mainly because weather technology here sucks) that it was heading right for us. We got into the bathroom in time, but not enough time to save our pets. Our bathroom was the only room left standing in a 2 story apartment building. We lost everything that day, but were lucky to have renters insurance that helped us to replace the material possessions and give us our first cruise in December. My avatar is a hounds-tooth ribbon that symbolizes the unity this town has had since that day, and the strength we have to rebuild. :)
  6. [quote name='sweetsublissa']Yes thank you very much Mods. I do, my doc called Monday and my WLS is schedule for Oct 20th. 4 days after I get back from my cruise[/quote]

    That is awesome!! I am just starting that journey myself. I have to go to one of those seminars in October. I have wanted to do it for a long time, but the tornado here in Tuscaloosa was the final straw that kicked my butt. My husband and I had to climb out of the rubble that was our apartment (me without any shoes), and I told myself if I could survive a tornado, then I could survive a silly surgery!

    So I totally understand your excitement and wish you lots of luck! :)
  7. Although I feel that you have an inherent bias against fat people that motivates your question, I will answer it from a legal perspective without arguing about whether these policies are right from a moral perspective.


    Today, there are several factors which the Social Security Administration uses to determine whether a person is disabled. These factors are the same no matter what disease is involved, whether it be obesity, or say multiple sclerosis or Addison's disease. If any medical condition impairs the basic life activities of the claimant to the point that the Administration determines the person is unable to work, they will be found disabled. (There is a detailed five step process, if you really want to understand it, see this legal citation: 20 C.F.R. 416.920.) With regards to obesity, the administrators who make this decision often look at the cause of the person's medical condition of obesity; glandular conditions such as hypothyroidism and polycystic ovarian syndrome that contribute to obesity are taken into account. In addition, other conditions that often accompany obesity, such as diabetes, kidney issues, and back pain are also taken into account in determining disability.


    In conclusion, if you think this is not a proper procedure for determining disability, then I guess you should try to work toward changing the criteria. I personally believe this is a fair system, usually administered by conscientious judges and doctors who are honestly trying to determine whether a medical condition renders a person unable to work. Obesity, by definition, is a medical condition that can have this result.

  8. I was just trying to point out a way that the bigger passengers and the disabled passengers might both find cabins that work and have a fun trip. I am not asking anyone to prove anything to me! I wish everyone a great cruise.


    But you are insinuating that a bigger person by definition is not disabled. There are plenty of people who have been labeled "disabled" by the government due to issues with weight. While I understand that is a controversial issue with many people, it's no less true. Our bodies suffer through unimaginable stress and abuse because of our weight. It's not just an issue to "lose weight". Some of us have little to no metabolism and a lifetime of dieting has made us unable to lose weight. You may not think we "need" the HC cabins because of our size, but that is not your decision. I have disclosed my personal issues with the cruise line, and they agree that I need an HC cabin.

  9. To clarify....if someone who is not disabled but has a special need, such as more space around a toilet or shower, the best option, if possible, would be to call the cruiseline and search for a room configuration that would work. It isn't the best use of a HC cabin if a passenger just needs one feature when there are other passengers which might need them all, roll-in showers, wide doors, grab bars, etc. I understand by Miss Kitty's post that some ships don't have any regular cabins that work for her, then so be it, she must use the HC. The frustration is when people book the cabins because they want a larger cabin not because they need the features.


    I believe your posts are regarding my post of booking a HC cabin. I do not feel the need or desire to prove to you or anyone else that I need such a cabin. You can keep reiterating your views over and over, but you just make yourself look like someone on their soap box.

  10. Hello MissRabbit :)


    As a fellow bunny person and a fellow fluffy person, I want to say that you seem like an awesome person. :) I have read the threads on BBW and you are always upbeat and knowledgeable.


    I have a question, though. I saw on a previous thread that someone was barred from doing the dolphin excursion because of their size. I am wondering about that. I have booked that excursion, and have even called the cruise company, and they say there are no weight limits. Is it different cruises have different rules? I am cornfuzzed!


    Thank you


    Bunny :D

  11. Thanks to everyone on here! I didn't even really think about booking a handicapped accessible room! Since this is my first cruise and being big and fluffy as well as having very low vision, it was easy! I didn't have to pay a thing!


    Bunny :)

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