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Posts posted by callyourmother

  1. We are currently on the Sapphire Princess on our way to Antarctica. We left San Pedro on Friday, December 2 and will disembark January 4, 2023 in Buenos Aires.  Read the news about the rogue wave incident on the Viking Polaris last night, it's a bit unnerving!  


    We've been on a (what was once called "tiger cruise") Naval ship when our son was deployed and on his way back to Camp Pendleton.  We met in Hawaii and experienced being a Marine with him for almost a week, a once in a lifetime experience. The ship didn't have stabilizers, our last night was horrendous.  It rocked & rolled all night long, so much so I went from hitting the wall of my bunk to holding onto a rail on the other side so I didn't fall out. Heard a TV crash to the floor, it was bad.  We don't mind the rocking & rolling but this night was a scary sleepless night.  


    Hoping for the best!  Our thoughts and prayers are with the passengers and families of the Viking Polaris.


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