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Posts posted by AudioFilly


    Slightly off topic, but what do others feel about leaving trays in the walkways? Seems they could be a hazard. I've heard it is best to leave the tray in the room and it will be bussed for me.


    They want you to leave them in the hall. Someone comes around with carts and collects them. Leaving it in your room creates more work for your steward.

  2. Glad you bumped the post. I missed it the first time around.


    I'll share our family vacation motto with you. Even though it actually came into fruition on a land based vacation, we have found it is good for cruises as well.


    Our first day at an AI in Cozumel, couldn't wait to get out to the beach and start snorkeling. I was having problems with my mask leaking, so I bobbled my way back to the shallow area to try and fix it. I say bobbled because it is hard to be graceful trying to walk in fins.


    I was standing there concentrating so hard on the mask that I stopped paying attention to the current. Suddenly it seemed to swirl me around and knocked me off my feet. I ended up coming down really hard on my knee on the coral reef beneath me. Let me tell you, the coral burned like fire.


    I finally managed to get my husband's attention. He helped me hobble up to our room. We got into the shower to scrub out the wound. He was still standing there washing out our swimsuits and I went to step out of the tub. As I am stepping out, I have a flash of realization that the entire floor is Mexican ceramic tile and there is no bath mat or towel down there. But it doesn't matter, because I have had this realization too late. I've already begun to shift my weight and there is no stopping the forward momentum.


    Sure enough as my foot makes contact it is like stepping onto wet ice. I just see myself falling straight towards the toilet. And the edge seems to be lined up perfectly with my ribs. I decided mid-fall that there was nothing I could do to stop and would probably only do more damage by trying. So I just relaxed into it, closed my eyes, and waited for the pain to come.


    When I opened my eyes I found myself on the floor twisted like a pretzel. I was wedged between the toilet and the tub. One leg was turned funny in front of me and the other leg was still hooked over the edge of the tub. All I could see was my husband's horrified face.


    After a few rounds of my saying, "Don't touch me!" and his assuring me I was going to need help, we finally managed to get me out of the bathroom and onto the bed. I took a quick inventory of all my bones, relieved to find that miraculously nothing felt broken. He was now leaning over me dabbing my original injury with Neosporin when he looked up and with perfect deadpan delivery said, "It ain't vacation until somebody bleeds!"


    Now anytime we are on vacation and have any kind of mishap come up, one of us will look at the other and utter our new family vacation motto. Then we just laugh ourselves silly. Anyone overhearing us probably thinks we are complete lunatics, but we don't care. We're on vacation! :D

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