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Posts posted by Barbara0010

  1. Hi Exige,


    you are correct in that you will not be able to access the suite benefits if you are not staying in a suite. Suggest you contact RCI or ask your TA to sort it out. It's a myth that it is RCI's policy to have one adult per cabin, YES this is what a TA will advise - we had the same advice from TA, however when I contacted RCI direct there was absolutely no problem with the kids having their own cabin (eldest is 17). The ages for alcohol consumption and unaccompanied passengers are a not exactly relevant - my kids are 13 & 17 in their own cabin which is entirely ok with RCI, they are not unaccompanied, nor will they be consuming alcohol, we are in GS and get suite benefits. Only able to book this as I went direct. Good luck.

  2. Hi Kiyoko, hopefully you won't have a problem, but based on our recent experience (Reflection docked at 4am, we were suite passengers etc) the disembarkation wasn't the problem, it was the wait for the luggage that held us up. We left the ship just after 9 am, but when we got to the luggage carousels it quickly became obvious that the belts were full with the same cases going round and round...not sure what happened exactly as the numbers on the tags were all different, but apparently the corresponding guests were not there to retrieve their luggage (??still on the ship). The net result was that there were several carts full of luggage outside of the arrivals hall which simply couldn't be unloaded onto the belts. We met a couple who had disembarked early and waited over an hour with no sign of their luggage...oh, and they were booked on a shore excursion. I eventually spoke to a member of staff (we were missing one case at this stage) and explained that we had a flight at 13.15 and would we make it?? She personally retrieved the missing case (yes, you've guessed it from the cart outside) and we were on our way. Queued for immigration, but the longest wait was for the luggage which took an hour.

    Good luck!


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