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Posts posted by creativegirl

  1. 30 minutes ago, corpkid said:

    Anyone know how to get Singapore Air to cancel your $5k business class tickets?  I could use some advice before I call.


    And having never been to SE Asia, I'm sad.  BUT - we just regrouped and planned a family trip to the Swiss Alps this August.


    Lemon ---> Lemonade - it's what you make of it.

    We had one way Singapore Air Hong Kong -Singapore and they refunded no questions...they are a good airline. I would call. At least to use for a future date...

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

    I checked again today and was told CC01. I will check again in the morning. Nautica will also be there overnight on March 3.

    In any case, the March 4 cruise is going (from/to Singapore) with or without the handful of couples (on the various virus related CC threads) who, though it means tossing thousands of dollars down the drain, honestly think/fear/whatever that they will directly be exposed to the virus. As 'I've posted earlier: way too much viewing of zombie apocalypse movies and/or gullibility when it comes to the biased/selective data analysis being peddled by a particular couple of CC naysayers.

    There are 6 million people in Singapore who do not have Coronavirus and all sorts of increasingly restrictive policies designed to keep it that way.

    Folks here on CC need to maintain a sense of perspective before deciding what to do.

    I'm really glad you are getting off.....

  3. 8 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

     Chinese herbs?   Viruses are not bacterial.  Placebo effect?    

    Then there is the time honored method..avoid the possibility of contact with the disease  .  Your choice could be the best deterrent.

    Uggh. Please don't put words in my mouth.  I didn't say they were anti- bacterial...specifically, there are many herbs are anti-viral as well....


  4. This from an acquaintance in Singapore:


    Hello, Right now, we are pretty much functioning at normal...just extra precautions like minimising movement between healthcare institutions and minimal large scale gatherings (so large university classes are cancelled and the schools have staggered dismissal times and rest times), Some places have temperature screening, so there is that, but for the most part, things are pretty normal! There are some people wearing masks, but we have had some concentrated blasts of info telling people that unless they are ill, they shouldn't wear them. So again, most people are just going around their daily lives as per normal. Hope this helps!
  5. 3 minutes ago, eldaradoe said:

    don't  believe the news out of China......good luck with the herbs, If i see someone walking towards me with white gloves I'll know which way to go...lol

    Please do stay away from me. At least 6 feet....lol.  For what its worth, I've contacted all the news organizations with the headline "How one cruise company is profiting over passenger safety" to see if we can get them to bow to public pressure.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, stageberglaw said:

    Oceania apparently refuses to give a full refund for our trip starting on March 4.  We will not risk going to Asia with the risk of serious virus, and demand a full refund.  Anyone else taking the same position?

    We have also asked. I am in a tough position now having to self-quarantine 2 weeks post cruise away from my family due to my husbands work....Here is the email trail. Pathetic! Passing the buck.



    My husband works for an international finance company and he sent me this announcement today from his HR department that he would have to be quarantined for 2 weeks if he comes in contact with someone who has been to Singapore. This would create a horrible situation at my house for his job. In light of this information, is it possible to rebook my mother and I for next year's cruise? Or cancel???  Please see attached and call me or email me and let me know what can be done.


    Good Evening,

    I hope all is well. We are currently 19 days away from the sailing. My management will not be able to get involved because this account is under a travel agency. Please call your travel agent, to see the options you would have. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

    Warm Regards,

    Stephanie Gonzalez | Elite Personal Consultant


    Stephanie -

    This is an incredible turnaround. Did you not tell me " Oh, yes, we can transfer the reservation to your travel agent. That is fine with us. We do it all the time and, rest assured, we are here for you with whatever you need - even if you transfer the reservation...." 


    ot sure what is going on over in your corporate office but they are looking at short term profits and sacrificing long term customer relationships...


    No response since then.....really terrible.....

  7. 23 minutes ago, DeanoNorthPerth said:

    I have. And I still don’t see any proof herbs can beat this virus.


    Chinese Herbs don't "beat" the virus. They support immune response. The rest is up to the body to fight it off. Sometimes the body can't do it...Google immune modulator Chinese herbs.



  8. For what it’s worth, my mom and I are going Mar. 4 unless they offer full refunds.  My husband sent me an interesting article from a guy who survived sars, Mers, etc, and he said he wore gloves to remind himself not to touch his face. So if you see two ladies wearing white gloves, that’s us. I’m also stocking up on antiviral herbs and some Chinese herbs for immunity plus bringing electrolytes for dehydration , wipes, etc. but honestly, I always travel like that anyway. Our last cruise (Silver Seas), we both caught a cold and I got a mild gastrointestinal illness plus sea sickness and we missed one port. We ate at the lunch buffet a lot so I think that’s probably a mistake without washing your hands aftercyou get your food...This will probably be my last cruise because the lack of control is vexing. (Forgot, we are booked on National Geographic’s Iceland to Greenland in the fall)..   Lastly, this is my first cruise with Oceania and I’m a bit surprised people are so nasty to each other knowing full well that you are talking to potential future/past travel companions. Life is too short to be so disrespectful. Be safe cruisers.  

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