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Posts posted by tdnosnhoj11

  1. Miles ran/walked/biked/elipticized: 302.85

    Miles left: 32.21

    Days left: 45


    As much as I hate the bike (well, the bike we have at the house, the one at my campus gym is fine), I fly right through these miles on it! Though after this weekend, my foot hurts, but ONLY when resting (?!?!). If it's not one thing, it's another, right? I pulled out my Triggerpoint Footballer this morning and rolled it. It hurt so good :') This is nothing new, though. I also deal with plantar faciitis. I'm ready to go back to my 20's, when my only issue was my knee lol!


    I'm in the Panhandle of Florida, in the Redneck Rivera ;) I wouldn't live anywhere else, even as hot as it is. I love it here! My husband is about to start school for welding and he keeps telling me of all these "great" places we could move that have opportunities for him. One was Key West, and... as much as I'd love to say I live in Key West (or the Keys, period), I have a feeling the reality is not what he is picturing.


    You're doing great, dcwalker, as always! That cruise is just around the corner, woo hoo!!

  2. Miles ran/walked/biked/elipticized: 255.23

    Miles left: 79.83

    Days left: 53



    Yes! Your energy plus mine, the possibilities are endless! lol



    Looks like I will make my boat without any problems. I've now been instructed no running for three weeks, but I can bike, row, or get on the elliptical. I'm in PT now so they're working out the kinks in my back (yep, this evolved from a "hernia" to back pain lol), glutes, and hamstrings and then making me sweat and stretch and want to just go home. I don't see a lot of difference yet but I'm only two sessions in. Maybe they'll get me figured out!



    At this point, I'm not the least bit upset I can't run. Though it's my favorite form of exercise, it's about 345345 degrees here in Florida, with 100% humidity. I don't understand how people can run in this. A couple of weeks ago I went for my Saturday morning run, which turned into a walk when my chest was heavy and my head was hurting, all from the heat and humidity. And that was at 6:00 am. :eek: I won't start truly gearing up for this half marathon until we return from the cruise in early October.

  3. I've literally only read post #1 in this thread and I've decided two things:


    1- I need you to narrate my life.

    2- I wish your pictures would work (okay so I jumped ahead because I've had this on my "followed but not read" list for a while) because I need to put a face with the personality.


    I have a feeling that 18 pages of this review won't be difficult to read, even without pictures working!

  4. Only two days left till your cruise- I'm jealous!! As "not" ready as I am for mine, I'm SO ready for it! Thankfully I have a job where the hours pass by quickly so it's made the countdown bearable. ;p


    dcwalker- I need your energy :')


    Well- I've gone to three doctors now. No one has acted like this is a big deal so I'm just going to keep trucking along. This doctor is having me start PT next week for an IT Band strain, which is on the outside of my thigh and explains the lower back/hip pain I occasionally get. She recommended I pull back from running a little but the ultimate goal is to get me running again, as well as to work on core (which I realized during my half marathon) and glute strengthening.



    Miles ran: 218.25

    Miles left: 116.81

    Days left: 66

  5. I don't think anyone is seeing them anymore - any comments about the photos are from last year, check the dates on the posts. Photobucket just changed their policy in the past month and is now charging almost $400 for what used to be free. Those, like me, who aren't going to pay are having to find another place to host photos. Lucky for me I had most of mine in 2 places already, just in case one shut down or something. Well, 'something' happened. $40 I could see, $400? no way.




    Yep- I realized this was from July 2016 and not 2017 after I posted... whoops!

  6. I actually know that exact feeling, dcwalker! I'll try to check in a little more often. I'm still going, but just not logging it here as often. I'm sorry to hear about your knee. I had knee pain for quite a while, thanks to being a couch potato throughout my adolescence. My knee just wasn't strong and all of a sudden I wanted to start using it, so it rebelled. It's gotten stronger and very rarely bothers me now.



    I got on the scale and pulled out the measuring tape today, I'm not happy. So you ought to see a spike in mileage in the next 74 days ;p



    Miles ran: 190.69

    Miles left: 144.37

    Days left: 74

  7. I'm excited for another one of your reviews, and congratulations!!


    But.... am I the only person who isn't able to see photos from Photo Bucket anymore? :confused: Is there a secret so that I can see them again? I was under the assumption that no one could see them after a certain date (in June, I think?) unless the owner paid a heavy price for third party hosting, but it looks like others can see the pictures.

  8. Before today's workout I realized I didn't congratulate you on retirement, dcwalker! I have... quite a few... years left until I'll get there. I've envied my mom's free time for the past five years. She and my dad (who is semi-retired) take almost month-long road trips in their camper with their dogs about three times a year. One day!


    While I'm here, I also realized I missed one of my runs when I was calculating yesterday. Woo hoo!


    Miles ran: 159.53

    Miles left: 175.53

    Days left: 93

  9. Here I am! It looks like you're still trucking along really well! I've babied myself a lot this month, being unsure of what, exactly, is going on. One doctor thought it was a small hernia and referred me to a surgeon. The surgeon thinks it's not a hernia but that I have done something to my labrum, which makes sense as I've had mild on-and-off hip pain for several months. It typically hits when I'm on uneven ground (waling trails, specifically) or standing for very long. He's supposed to refer me to a Sports Medicine Specialist but it's been a week tomorrow and I haven't heard anything.


    Since it's nothing to be too worried about, I'm now back in the game. Well, truly I've been active at least one day every week, if not two to three days every week. I just haven't been AS active.


    Miles ran: 146.73

    Miles left: 188.33

    Days left: 94



    I'm still at around a 2 mile/day average, that's still do-able.



    I've nixed the half marathon in November. The fees were going up and I wasn't sure what all this hip thing would entail. I didn't want to start training and then be told I had to have surgery and couldn't run for a number of weeks. So I just signed up for the 5K portion of it this year. I do, however, have my eye on a half marathon in January. It'll be interesting training for that while on a cruise lol.

  10. Miles ran: 105.6

    Miles left: 229.46

    Days left: 121 (the worst thing about this is keeping an eye on the days left... the cruise won't just be creeping up on me like I would like for it to lol)



    I haven't been as active since the last check in. I managed to pull something (I think... it doesn't hurt but it's swollen and there's a knot of muscle next to my hipbone) so I've been sort of babying it since noticing it Sunday afternoon. With it not hurting, I can't just sit around. I will go see a doctor next Friday if nothing changes, though. I know what I'll hear, "ice, rest, and (maybe) here are a few muscle relaxers." :( But at least muscle relaxers might get rid of this thing quicker than naproxen ;p.

  11. I'm right there with you on that, the motivation isn't as strong with doing weights as it is with cardio. For me, I think it has to do with results. I see results with two weeks of cardio that I don't see with two weeks of weights. Especially right now, with trying to lose a bit of weight.



    Miles ran: 81.97

    Miles left: 253.09

    Days left: 130



    I'm finally bringing down that daily average!!

  12. Wow! You get some serious mileage throughout your weeks! I've counted my elliptical miles but will begin counting bike miles as well, considering there are days where I need to take a break from the heat and get a workout inside. Alright, here goes:


    Miles ran: 54.24

    Miles left: 280.82

    Days left: 137



    I'm wondering, if I include bike miles, if I could actually make the total distance from here to the ship. I'm not going to hold myself to that just yet though. After all- I'm still at a 14+ ,mile week, it might be a stretch to expect a 28+ mile week when I'm pretty much limited to my lunch breaks and Saturday mornings (I need Sunday to rest lol) for my workouts. Plus, I'd like to get back in to weights and that would take a portion of my lunch breaks. I NEED to get back in to weights, although I run, I'm out of shape (5' 2" 143 pound female... which is considered overweight :loudcry: :rolleyes: :confused:) and need to tone up several areas. I found my stomach to be really weak during the half marathon and I need to get it in to some sort of shape (not round) before my next one in November. I guess I could get in a 30 minute Beach Body workout after work each day, but that takes time out of binge watching The Office... so........

  13. dcwalker, I actually know someone who did that same walk! The Avon 39, right? That's a tremendous accomplishment and for a great cause. I followed her 39 mile journey through Facebook posts and may very well consider doing it myself one year.


    This has been a HOT week! A lot of these are not miles I ran, there was a fair amount of walking (in fact, three of the 16 miles since my last check in were walked... I gave myself a running break lol) but I'm working on getting my body acclimated to running in this Florida heat. It's funny- I hate cold weather with a passion but right now I'm wishing for a little bit of cooler weather.


    Miles ran: 33.66

    Miles left: 301.4

    Days left: 144

  14. I'm happy to be back! And I won't go anywhere. I'll probably check in once a week, maybe longer depending on how busy work is. In my last job, downtime was a very familiar thing. Not-so-much now, which I actually love. The weeks fly by!


    So last week was a rest week because I was hellbent on running this whole 10K and didn't want to risk injury. I did it!! I do, however, take my time at water stops so I stopped two times for about a minute at a time. I'm still extremely proud to have made my goal of running every bit of it, though!


    Following the 10K I worked a festival and just recovered from the weekend today. Thankfully with so many days left, it won't be hard to make up for the distance I've lost.


    I ran on the treadmill for the first time in a long time today, it was so weird! But I'm trying to get myself conditioned to run faster. I'm usually hanging steady at an 11:40 minute mile when I run outside and today I knocked almost a minute off with my legs having no choice but to go with a revolving belt lol.


    Miles ran: 20.77

    Miles left: 318.23

    Days left: 151

  15. I'm back! There are 678 miles from home to the Port of Miami and I have 163 days. That averages to over 4 miles a day. Because I know myself, I know that this is not something that will happen so I need to devise a different plan. Last time, I ran from home to the port and back (because the port is so close to home), maybe this time I'll cut myself some slack and do half the distance to a port that is much farther away?


    So, since the cruise that I last ran for, I've been on only one cruise. I know... life is tough. I've also started to actually consider myself a runner. I've been running for years but never any "real" distance. While training for a Half Marathon, I was able to run a full 9 miles without stopping to walk. I haven't done that since October, but I did it, and I'm darn proud. In November I completed my first Half Marathon and in January a 15K. I have a 10K coming up in a week and I'm determined that I will be able to run this whole thing.


    If there's one thing I've learned in the past year that I've become more serious about running, just because you can do it, it doesn't mean it's easy. And it doesn't mean that fewer miles are easy. I still struggle with 5Ks. Maybe it's a brain thing, maybe it's living in the worst humidity known to man. I don't know. But running is a hard, but very rewarding, sport. And I love it.


    In any case, I do not and will not run over 4 miles every day for the next 163 days. Partly because... no.... and partly because I'm fairly certain I would end up with injuries because my body isn't accustomed to that. So cutting the distance in half is the plan :)


    Miles ran: 0

    Miles left: 339

    Days left: 163

  16. I like it in certain areas, but not others. I would like the dining rooms, atrium, and hallways to be clean and classic and the casino, lounges, and other places of that nature to be loud and fun. I also like the Farcus design in the lido buffet area. I'm not there for a fancy meal, just to grab a bite and go.


    One thing I hate, though, are the neon flashing signs. Those are awful.

  17. But I may be impartial because I have 2256 booked, which is directly across from yours! ;-)


    My husband and I were in 2256 in April :) Great room, and hopefully Putu will still be assigned to it as your room steward. We didn't notice any AC issues like most people are mentioning, and it was quiet right below Shore Excursions. Our first day at sea was very, VERY choppy so it was loud with hearing the waves break on the bow. But after we realized it was waves and not someone being knocked around next door, it wasn't bad at all lol.


    Anyway- MY personal view on Cove Balcony vs. Regular. On these ships, where deck 5 wraps around and can be seen from the higher balconies, I would definitely book a Cove again.


    -Like I mentioned, it was mostly quiet. All that could be heard from this location were waves (even when not choppy). I liked how well I could hear the waves, my husband didn't.

    -I didn't see any sea life that I've never seen from a higher balcony (flying fish and dolphins) so that wasn't any different for me.

    -I didn't really get the comfy-cozy feeling of being right on the water. Yes, we were close, but I didn't feel that much closer than had we been on the 6th or 9th floor (just my perception, I guess).

    -I had mixed feelings on the enclosed balcony. Yes, it felt more secluded, but I definitely knew when my neighbors were out, just like every other balcony we've had. And there was a decent sized gap between the exterior and divider wall. We could see the backs of the chairs (and when people were sitting in them) on the balcony next door. So the seclusion was there, but not really.... if that makes sense.

    -The off-spray only happened when it was choppy and wasn't too bad.

    -The lifeboats overhead kept the rain off on that second day though, big plus to be able to sit and watch the rain without getting rained on!

    -Although I liked the "shelf" on the railing, I wasn't able to see the water while sitting back. This might be an issue of height. Usually on regular balconies, my eye level is the same as the wood railing, but I can still see water while sitting.


    All-in-all, I would book one again, but only IF I couldn't look directly down to the water from a higher balcony. I don't feel comfortable looking down and having other people look up at me :o. But, I didn't feel the awesomeness that others feel for the Cove Balcony. It was nice, there was truly nothing WRONG with it, but I wasn't in awe.

  18. OMG, I think that was the toughest run I've ever done. The heat, humidity, and hills here are so brutal! I'm glad my parents are moving and that this will be the last time I ever run in Alabama!


    OMG, I think that was the toughest run I've ever done. The heat, humidity, and hills here are so brutal! I'm glad my parents are moving and that this will be the last time I ever run in Alabama!




    LOL! Believe me, I feel your pain with the humidity! I actually MUCH prefer it over dry, cold weather (running or not!) though so no complaints here. Well, other than that my hair frizziness most days of the year lol.




    Thankfully, a lot of what I was dealing with last week has cleared up. Either that or I'm just ignoring it because I'm more interested in this cruise I've been mostly stressed about leaving my dogs here (I'm sure as a dog owner, you know how it can be ), but the last straw was had with my MIL and my best friend (who has been Plan B all along) will be taking care of them.




    I've been very.... very lazy. It's been nasty down here so there have been no outdoor runs. And I've been trying to flex my hours so I can leave work early today so I've not been doing my usual lunch work out. Oh well.... it's cruise time!!


    Miles ran/walked: 548.04 (it'll be nice to drive this rather than walking/running it!)

    Miles remaining: -155.63

    Days remaining: 1 1/2!!


    I did from here to NOLA, back, and almost back to NOLA again!

  19. Hey, 5th out of 12 is pretty good lol! There was one time I came in second place (hubby was first)... but it was a 5k walk and we ran it :p I think there were a few more runners, so I guess that was an achievement???


    My screen name is a play on my real name, some of it backwards, some of it initials. I actually HATE typing it in. This is the only website where I use it so my fingers trip up every time.


    How about your screen name?


    And YES!!!! I'm excited. I NEED to get away! lol It's really been one thing after another in my real life. I would venture to say I'm at possibly the most difficult spot I've been in... ever! It will get better though, it always has :o I'm just happy I was selfish and sat aside all the necessary money to spend on this cruise at one point and haven't touched it. I fully plan on a care free seven days. Just that whole coming back thing... yuck.


    I just keep reminding myself: exactly two weeks from RIGHT NOW I will be on our second day at sea, most likley sipping on a yummy beverage and getting my tan on while listening to Bob Marley. Ahhhhh!


    Miles ran/walked: 514.42

    Miles remaining: -122.01

    Days remaining: 12

  20. That's not a bad 5K time at all. Way to go! Was it just a run on your own or a race?


    It was actually a prediction run. Whoever finishes closest to their predicted time is the winner. But there are around 14,000 people that show up so it's a little difficult to know for sure. It's a FUN run though!


    I'd love to do a trail run one of these days. Or even an obstacle run. It seems like paid runs are getting so darn expensive now though, and there's not much more offered. I guess because the bigger runs can charge $60-$100/ person and get away with it. But that's because they have to spend more (like color runs and obstacle runs).


    I really.... like really, really... need a new pair of shoes myself! My pinky toes have made holes in my current ones. But they're still so comfy, so I'm hesitant to have to break in a new pair.


    A couple of girl friends have me back to doing 5k's on Monday nights with a run club and possibly Wednesday nights too. One of them runs at the exact pace as I do, so it works well.


    I've actually seen weight loss with the added weights, so that's a great thing! I originally wanted to lose 10-ish pounds so that when I gain it all back on the ship I wouldn't feel so bad (LOL!) but now I've decided to take my shoes and workout clothes with me. I figure I'll run the lanai while the sun rises, take some nice pictures of that, and then go to the gym for weights for about 30 minutes before breakfast. I'm hoping to only gain 2-5 pounds (I usually gain 7-10!) this trip.


    I'm also really excited to take my FitBit along to see just how much walking the ship we do. I feel like I don't actually rest on vacation so it might be interesting :)


    Miles ran/walked: 483.97

    Miles remaining: -91.56

    Days remaining: 19 (seriously.... get me on that ship NOW!!!!)

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