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Posts posted by offtoosea

  1. ugh, exactly! we are doing a 4 night, pre-cruise tour and then a 12 night sailing, and I'm going ot have to do laundry. I don't want to spend a small fortune to have RC do it (Brillance) so I'm hoping to find SOMEWHERE mid-cruise to do some laundry :rolleyes:

    I know your stress about laundry but thanks to Rick Steves I have found it a bit easier. Get a large zip lock bag (our Dollar store has storage type about 18 x 24 inches & heavy) put your laundry soap, water & clothes in & zip up. Agitate all for a couple of minutes. Let rest for awhile to let things soak. Agitate some more & drain. Rinse out bag & add clean water to rinse. Wring out clothes and then lay on your bath towel, roll jelly roll fashion and twist to get excess water out. Hang to dry. I have washed pants & shirts this way as well as undies & socks. What I like is being able to do several days personal items for both of us instead of daily washing. We often travel for a month or so & I don't want to lose time in a Laundromat when I can see the sights.

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