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Posts posted by CruisinMama922

  1. Glad to see that I am not the only one with this problem. My feet are so huge by the end of a cruise I have to plan to wear flip flops or sandles home. This year I came prepared with a water pill prescribed by my doc and it helped a lot. I've also tried limiting what I drink, not salting my food etc, but the water pill is the only thing that did the trick.


    Do you remember what the water pill was? I started having this problem too on my last cruise. I mean, my legs have always absorbed water like a sponge, and no problems on past cruises, but this time it was so bad we stopped into a pharmacy and the pharmacist immediately gave me a prescription for 10 pills after she saw me! I pee like a race horse every 10 min for the 1st hour, but it sure did the trick. Wish I could remember the name! Thanks for your help!

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