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Posts posted by ExcitedBride2Be

  1. OMG! CONGRATULATIONS! Reviews like yours make me even more excited about my wedding and reassures me that everything is going to end well :-) Would it be possible for you to send me the Powerpoint file also? My email address .s kiechellew@yahoo.com Again, congratulations on a beautiful wedding. Wishing you marital bliss to last a lifetime


    Thanks. I absolutely loved our cake. I sent the file--let me know if you need help, there's a couple of layers and a lot of image grouping.
  2. Hello. Someone from Cruise Critic was kind enough to send me their template and I kinda modified it to my own needs. It is created in Publisher so you have to have the program to use the template I created.


    If anyone would like the template please let me know what your email address is and I'll send a template out to everyone this weekend. Thanks.

    Good day! Is this template still available for sharing? If so, may you email a copy to kiechellew@yahoo.com please? Thank you!

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